View Full Version : Hello everybody!
My name is Stefano. I read some old numbers of your magazine that my sensei took in dojo some years ago and when i saw aikiweb i said to myself "I must signup!". Compliments for your works! Now i 'll read around the site to catch suggestion, information...
Oh I practice aikido of course in Genoa (Italy). Feel free to visit our group on FB Aikido Leo Genova.
Stephen Nichol
04-06-2014, 05:11 PM
Hi Stefano,
Welcome to Aikiweb.
There is lots to read here, enjoy the use of the search feature and I suggest that it can very interesting to start at the oldest posts and read your way to the current ones and see how topics evolve and change directions. Good times.
Also, I believe the magazine you may be referring to is Aikido Journal which is also online now and has lots of good things to read about which do get discussed on this web forum here.
Kind regards,
Hi Stefano,
Welcome to AikiWeb.
-- Jun
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