View Full Version : Hello from the North

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01-23-2014, 11:28 AM
Hello Aikiweb

I don't have much to say, I originally joined this forum in order to use your search fuction. :D I've done Aikido only a hand full of times, I'm a bit split on Aikido, part of me really enjoys it, the other part of me is still trying to figure out how it could possibly be functional in a real life situation. But im not getting into that argument, that horse has been beaten to paste!:yuck: so I figured id do a bit of reading, see what books are recommended, actually dedicated some time to the art and who knows, maybe I'll be able to make it work for me :rolleyes: :) . Some of you maybe asking why im taking aikido if im not completely satisfied with it, well as I've stated in the title, im in Northen canada and what's available is very limited. We do however have two good Aikido instructor with good credible pedigrees... I think. On that note, I do find the art enticing, I love watching people preforming the techniques. That's enough rambling from me, im happy to have joined your community, here are a couple links of the dojos in my area for thos of you who are interested.



Both instructors are great guys, Gael is a friend and I will probably stick with his dojo for a while. I will end up trying out Vitolds dojo at some point, I've sat in on his class and it seems much more agresive and less flourished.

01-23-2014, 11:52 AM
Hi Joel,

Welcome to AikiWeb.

-- Jun