View Full Version : A friend in need

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Janet Rosen
11-21-2013, 10:27 PM
Some of you here on Aikiweb may recall my friend, Jo Adell, user name qatana. She hasn't been training in a while (hip problems) so hasn't been active here.
She has been keeping busy with a variety of projects, notably the Filaments Project, in which she collects used guitar/bass strings from musicians (including quite famous ones), turns them into recycled jewelry, and sells them with profits going to charity (mostly to Sweet Relief Musician Fund).
Well, like most artisans, she has been scraping by and has no savings. She needs to move, which in California means coming up with "first month's rent, last month's rent and a deposit."
I am spearheading an effort to come up with $3000.00 for her within the next few weeks so she can have a new, modest, secure live/work space by the end of the year.
Here are links:
There is a Facebook Group with ongoing updates and information: https://www.facebook.com/groups/manifesting4jo/
Here is background info on the good work she has been doing:
If you wish to donate directly, it can be done via a PayPal account in which funds are being kept until she is ready to pay a new landlord. The account is jo.adell@yahoo.com
I thank you for your time and consideration. Best to all. Now back to our usual arguments and jokes!

Cady Goldfield
11-22-2013, 10:11 AM
You truly are a "friend in need...a friend indeed," Janet.
My snail-mail is creeping across the continent to you on the Left Coast. :)

Janet Rosen
11-22-2013, 02:40 PM
Thank you, Cady!!!