View Full Version : Dan Harden at Popkin - Brogna November 2,3

Please visit our sponsor:

Howard Popkin
09-13-2013, 06:23 PM

Get registered now. Same deal as always. Contact Dan Directly, even if you are his best friend. We need to make sure people are pre-registered.

Thanks !


Howard Popkin
09-13-2013, 06:32 PM
Registration process:
Register by email with dojoseminars@gmail.com and please cc popkinbrogna@yahoo.com
Cost: $180.00 (U.S. dollars) for the weekend
Payments to: PayPal homeoffice@charter.net
Please note for which seminar you are paying (date and location)
Registration and Payments are required in advance unless you have spoken to Dan directly, please email me also !

