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08-05-2002, 10:36 PM
I will not be the most eloquent, so I may as well try to be first. A very special and heartfelt thank you not only to all the instructors (big name, 0630 class:eek: , and focus:confused: ), but especially to the students of Boulder Aikikai for an exceptional experience.

I even enjoyed the Police Tactics class evileyes , which may make some who know me choke on their lattes, either from the thought of me in a class like that, or worry that I'm vicious enough without it:)

More thanks to all who were kind enough to share rooms, tables, and mat space with me (even those who felt I'm much heavier in person :rolleyes: ...I had a great time!

Paula Lydon
08-11-2002, 10:07 PM
Hi Colleen,

From all of us, glad you came to camp and I personally wish we could have met. Next summer? It's worth the effort for people to come from all over and share time, energy and concepts with each other. Any ideas for future camps let us know! :)