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08-26-2000, 11:56 PM
okay the subject says the question but for the people who are like what??

My real name is Dallas ( first anyhow) it means Wisdom

I would use the rest of my name but my parents dont want me to use to much inco on teh net :) anyhow it the whole ( first middle and last ) ends up meaning wisdom from God Son of Nobel Wolf

what does ur name mean??

08-27-2000, 06:48 AM
Nick means "he who is victorious" in I think Greek... and Porter is someone who carries your bags ;).

So I'm "The victorious bag carrier ;)."



[Edited by Nick on August 27, 2000 at 11:39am]

08-27-2000, 08:39 AM
If I remember correctly, Robert means "Shining Fame" - but could be wrong. Does anyone know how that would translate in japanese? The cheesey dictionary I have didn't have a word for shining. The closest I found was sun.

08-29-2000, 09:10 AM
I think "Adrian" was derived from an Italian city, not sure though. My mom just wanted a name that started with the letter "A", same with my other siblings.


08-30-2000, 05:07 AM

Peter is from the hebrew meaning 'Rock' and Swann I am not too sure about but I guess it was used for someone who kept or looked after swans!!

How many of you live up to your names?

My wife thinks I do!! I am reliable and sometimes immovable!!


08-30-2000, 07:35 AM
what could the name Victor mean ;)

08-30-2000, 08:09 AM
VICious TORturous ?

08-30-2000, 08:21 AM
My name (from Simon) means "God has listened" and my surname in English means grains.

Victor: your name means winner (---> victory)



08-30-2000, 09:00 AM
My first name is Lewis a germanic word meaning "famous fighter" or renouned in battle

08-30-2000, 09:20 AM
Andrew means "manly." It's a greek name.

08-31-2000, 05:13 AM
JJF wrote:
VICious TORturous ?

08-31-2000, 07:08 AM
well uhmmm.... sorry! ;) The image just appeared before my eyes - MAN I wish I could draw....

09-04-2000, 07:42 AM
Petrus, Petra, Peter - indeed contain a rock/ stone, but it ain't Hebrew. Latin or Greek I suppose.

Dana (may mean 'from Danmark'; it's a calf in Turkish, I found out. !)

ze'ev erlich
09-09-2000, 03:23 PM

im Ze'ev

it means 'wolf' (hebrew)

Erlich (my family name) is Honest (german)

nice topic

David Harrandell
10-03-2000, 09:15 AM
David means 'Friend' in Hebrew I think. I've been told I live up to my name. As for my surname, I haven't got the slightest idea other than it may have a Spanish background

10-03-2000, 09:55 AM
rch wrote:
If I remember correctly, Robert means "Shining Fame" - but could be wrong. Does anyone know how that would translate in japanese? The cheesey dictionary I have didn't have a word for shining. The closest I found was sun.

Robert = Robato (in Romaji), which means Bright (Kagayaki)



10-03-2000, 12:08 PM
My name, Barbara means "mysterious stranger to the land" in one book I found the meaning "beautiful stranger" I only saw that translation in one place.

10-03-2000, 04:33 PM
Nick in Japanese would be 'shouri', or "victor".


10-03-2000, 05:49 PM
My name means (and so do all other Christophers in case they don´t know it):

Translation: Carrier of the burden of Christ. In other words, I carry the burden of knowing the truth and the responsability of spreading it. (from a christian stand point of course)

I have no idea except that it was my great uncle´s name. (a policeman who died in a fire)

Translation: Son of Will. Very common in the ancient British Isles. (as was Jakobson, Mitchelson, Jackson, yadda yadda yadda.)
At your service,

PS- Fun Topic!

10-04-2000, 12:16 PM
Well, my first name (philip) means 'Lover of Horses', my middle name is andrew which means 'Manly', and my last name means 'Son of Lassy' (i get alot of laughs at that one) so I guess my full name means

Manly Son of Lassy who loves horses

I have a Strange meaning to my name...

01-17-2005, 10:16 AM
My first name, Eric, is derived from Old Norse Eirikr, which means "ever ruler".

My middle name, Tyler, is from an occupational surname meaning "tiler of roofs" in Old English.

I don't think my last name, Simmons, is known to mean anything in particular.

From about.com:
The specific etymology of the SIMMONS surname has been difficult to establish. Several possible origins include: 1) Possibly derived from the Biblical name Simon or Simund, from the Greek form of the Hebrew name Shim'on which meant "hearkening" or "listening." 2) A possible evolution of the name SEAMAN, meaning "navigator or sailor."

01-17-2005, 01:30 PM
Keith is Welsh, it means "wind in a place after a battle" or something similar. Kolb is a variation of "kulp" which means "calf" (baby cow).

01-17-2005, 01:59 PM
Thomas means "twins"

01-17-2005, 04:00 PM
Bronson means "son of brown" and I've been told that Diffin has something to do with "those with black hair".

In the Society for Creative Anachronism many people pick a "period" name to go by. I picked Gregor (which means fierce---which I'm not :D ) and Omolegane which is an early version of names like Mulligan, Milliken, O'Mulligan, etc. It means "little bald, or tonsured one" (which I am :D ). So my name meant "fierce little bald one".


01-21-2005, 09:18 AM
Martin I think means one who fights bravely in battle, my nick name is Marty which means one who in brave, well Duke I guess is somewhat self- explanatory :)

01-21-2005, 09:26 PM
Keith is Welsh, it means "wind in a place after a battle" or something similar. Kolb is a variation of "kulp" which means "calf" (baby cow).
It just occured to me.... I am the cow that farts after a battle.

01-21-2005, 10:08 PM
It just occured to me.... I am the cow that farts after a battle.
Excellant thread... so culturally enriching. I like your name's meaning Keith Kolb.

As for mine...it is in Standardized Chinese Language (Putonghua) pronunciation

Xu = Family name

Wen = Culture

Fung = Mountain peak

Meaning = Strive to be highly cultured.

Thomas Ambrose
01-21-2005, 11:03 PM
Thomas meas "twin" and Ambrose derives from "Immortal"

So I am "Immortal Twin." Sounds really cool, but doesn't make much sense :)

Jill N
01-22-2005, 01:00 PM
Hi all:
mine is kinda boring. Jill means "sweetheart" or "girl" or "Jove's Child" Well, maybe not so boring. I'll have to talk to my mom about that last one.

e ya later

Caitlyn Raggio
01-23-2005, 09:30 PM
"Caitlyn" is derived from the Gaelic word for 'pure', or so I am told. "Raggio" is Italian for 'the ray' as in a ray of sunshine.

I guess I really am a $&%#-ing ray of sunshine...who knew? ;)

K Lynch
01-23-2005, 11:31 PM
As for me, don't quote me on this but..

Far as I remember, Karen was greek for 'pure' (I've heard it translated as 'virginal' but wasn't sure if they were taking the piss..)
Lynch: Uh..my minds gone blank and only the term 'lynch mob' comes to mind.. <g>

So I might kill ya, but I'll be really sure of my motives..

01-24-2005, 09:58 AM
okay the subject says the question but for the people who are like what??

My real name is Dallas ( first anyhow) it means Wisdom

I would use the rest of my name but my parents dont want me to use to much inco on teh net :) anyhow it the whole ( first middle and last ) ends up meaning wisdom from God Son of Nobel Wolf

what does ur name mean??

According to Takase.com, it means Valley Home. Where are you looking up the meaning of your name and in what languages definition?

Just curious really.

01-24-2005, 03:22 PM
Benjamin means "Son of the South" or "Son of my right hand". Biblically, Benjamin is the son of Jacob (the right hand man) and Rachel, and patriarch of the tribe of Benjamin, who were effective combatants. When Rachel gave birth to Benjamin, she knew she would die following the delivery, and named her newborn Ben-oni, "Son of my suffering", before expiring. Jacob had the grace to rechristen the lad Benjamin after her death.

01-30-2005, 01:46 PM
mallory means unfortunate or unlucky.... thats not too good for me!

Kevin Kelly
01-30-2005, 03:30 PM
Handsome child, Descendant of War....hehe

Al-li Edwards
02-21-2005, 08:38 PM
Well...let's see:
Jessica: Meaning uncertainThis name was first used in this form by Shakespeare in his play 'The Merchant of Venice', where it belongs to the daughter of Shylock. Shakespeare probably based it on the biblical name "Iscah" meaning "YAHWEH beholds" in Hebrew, a minor character in Genesis.

Louise: "(Famous) Warrior Maiden," Roughly.

Edwards: Means "rich guard", derived from the Old English elements ead "rich, blessed" and word "guard".

And...In case anyone ever asks..."Al-li" (AL-Li) comes from a variation in spelling of the name I always wanted:
Alexandria: From the Greek name Alexandros, which meant "defending men" from Greek alexein "to defend, help" and aner "man" (genitive andros).

02-22-2005, 08:14 PM
Jo: in Scottish "sweetheart"
in Japanese "wooden stick"
in Farsi: "barley"

Rachel- in Germanic/Yiddish "Rose"

Adell- from the Germanic/Anglo-Saxon: "Noble, royal"

I like "Queen of Wands" or "Sweet Queen of Roses"

Qatana- in Japanese :"sword"
in Klingon:"Precious Memory"

Qatana also means soemthing in Arabic or Farsi as it is also the name of a city in Syria but I can't find a definition.

jacob wood
02-22-2005, 11:39 PM
Jacob: held by the heel
Keith: wind in a place after battle
wood:could mean i lived by the woods or that i was insane, something like a village idiot, or it could be derived from "wode" which means the ferocious one

So i either translate into the village idiot held by the heel in a breeze after battle or the ferocious one held by the heel in a breeze after battle

02-23-2005, 02:53 AM
According to my web googling, Bryan, unsuprisingly is a variation of Brian, which in turn is a derivative of Bryn.

Bryn means hill, which by extension means high, noble and strong.


Bryan the tall, strong noble one :D

Stuart Plymesser
03-05-2005, 09:53 AM
"Stuart" means "protector of the hall" from the word "steward."

My last name was made up from our original family name. When my great-great-great grandfather came over from Europe, he changed our original Dutch family name from VanBlymesser (I think) which roughly translated into "lead knife." At least, that's what the family stories say.

04-01-2005, 07:55 AM
TRY THIS ; <www.anagramgenius.com> ,and type in your name, see what it jumbles into!

Anat Amitay
04-05-2005, 02:04 PM
Anat- is a name from the bible (but it was a males name then and now used as a females name) and also is the name of one of the babilonian goddesses which was in charge of fertility.
Amitay (my name before marriage) is translated from the original name "Warzager" which means "teller of truth".
Eliraz- I heard a story and don't know how true it is but that at some long ago time one of the family members (the head of the house) was reported missing in battle and the family changed the name- Eli=god (my god), Raz=secret. As a whole- God holds the secret knowledge of the whereabouts of the head of the family.
Even if this stiry is only a story, I think it's nice :)

Melissa Fischer
04-05-2005, 11:09 PM
Melissa= queen of the honey bees in Greek. I got lucky, this name really suits me.

"Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee."

04-06-2005, 06:05 PM
It just occured to me.... I am the cow that farts after a battle.
I guess I really am a $&%#-ing ray of sunshine...who knew? ;)

Here's another laugh for you...
Elizabeth (hebrew= god's {sacred} promise)
Katherine (greek= pure)
Castor (latin= beaver)

So I'm the the Lord's promised beaver....
Man, did I get teased when my friends found that out!


04-12-2005, 01:02 AM
Randy means Wolf Counselor :) what ever that means :D

Natasha Bradley
04-12-2005, 06:42 AM
Does anyone know what Saïna means? I named my daughter after my husband's great-great-great grandmother, who was Indonesian. I can't find the meaning anywhere and she's bound to ask about it some day.

And my name, Natasha, is from Anastasia, which means rebirth. Bradley is apparently from the Old English for broad meadow in the lee of a hill, so we must have been farmers at one point.

Ulises Garcia
05-11-2005, 01:23 AM
Hello everyone,

Fun thread, in deed.

"Ulises" is the latin form of the greek "Odysseus", which basically means "The Adventurer" or "He Who Ventures Afar". I think I have honored my name quite well, as I have been all over the place :D . "Garcia" isn't very fancy. It basically means "Descendant of Garcia" or "He who hails from Garcia". I guess there used to be a village in Spain (or there is still?) by that name :confused: . At some point I heard that it also meant "Nest of Herons". Put together, I guess mine would be "Adventurous Garcian" or "Adventurous Nest Of Herons". Go figure :)

06-18-2009, 05:11 AM
what dose tara mean?

06-18-2009, 07:56 AM
TARA (1)

Gender: Feminine

Usage: English

Pronounced: TAHR-ə, TER-ə, TAR-ə [key]
Anglicized form of the Irish place name Teamhair, which possibly means "elevated place" in Gaelic. This was the name of the sacred hill near Dublin where the Irish high kings resided. It was popularized as a given name by the novel 'Gone with the Wind' (1936) and the subsequent movie adaptation (1939), in which it is the name of the O'Hara plantation.


Gender: Feminine

Usage: English

Pronounced: SHER-ee, shə-REE [key]
Derived from French chérie meaning "darling". In America, Cherie came into use shortly after the variant Sherry, and has not been as common.

06-18-2009, 09:19 AM
Matthew comes from the Hebrew meaning gift of the Lord...but my mom just thought it sounded musical.

06-20-2009, 01:15 PM
Anne (Ann, Ana, Anna) is derived from the Hebrew "Hannah" which means "favor" or "grace".

Marie (Mary, Maria) is derived from the Hebrew "Mariyam". The meaning is uncertain but can mean "sea of bitterness", "rebelliousness", and "wished for child". My mother took it from the the Mother Mary of Jesus Christ.

Giri: Although my ancestors are Italian, "Giri" has two meanings the first is Sanskrit meaning "mountain, cloud" and the second is Japanese meaning "social oblication or debt." I could not find an Italian meaning for it. It is also not an abbreviation for another Italian name such as Giribaldi. Who knows, maybe I have an ancient ancestor that traveled to Italy from the far east on the ancient trade routes across Asia?

07-15-2009, 10:11 PM
Maggie- comes fro Margarette, means "Pearl"

Schill- is Germanic, means "One by the Water"

07-16-2009, 02:28 PM
Christine: Follower of Christ, Latin. Annointed, Greek
Knowling: One who lived at the top of the hill

So... I'm the follower of Christ who lived at the top of the hill. I likes it.

Connor Haberland
07-16-2009, 08:14 PM
Connor-Irish from Conchobar- which means wolf lover or master of wolves

Im not entirely sure about Haberland, though.

Pat Togher
07-23-2009, 03:52 PM
Patrick is of Latin origin, and its meaning is "patrician, noble".
Togher, from the Irish Gaelic, meaning either "Beloved friend" or derived from a place name (An Tochar) meaning a causeway. A causeway is an elevated roadway, usually across a broad body of water or wetland. I find this pretty ironic, since I'm a wetland ecologist and road construction projects provides a major part of my workload.


07-23-2009, 05:49 PM
Ashley is derived from ash trees or ash meadow. Not very interesting. HAHA.
Carter is one who transports goods.

Couldn't find the meaning of my maiden name.

So I am a person who transports ash trees apparently.

07-23-2009, 10:22 PM
My name is Don, it means head of an organized crime family.

07-23-2009, 11:10 PM
David means; Beloved or friend.

Paul means; Little

Skaggs means; one with rough, shaggy hair or beard;
one who came from Skaggs on the island of Gotland, Sweden.

I even have a coat of arms. http://ep.yimg.com/ip/I/4crests_2061_2633685835


07-23-2009, 11:13 PM
My name is Don, it means head of an organized crime family.

Meaning of Magee; the descendant of Aodh (fire).

Rob Watson
08-17-2009, 01:39 PM
The lesser shining ruler of the army of diciples of St. Colomb.

08-17-2009, 02:17 PM
rob liberti ==>
steal freedom

...explains my tendancy to go for pinning as opposed to throwing... :)

K. Abrams
08-17-2009, 05:32 PM
In Hebrew, "K'rey-Na" means "Rays of light of God," meaning the beams of sunlight that shine down from between the clouds, like the kind you see after a storm. It's supposed to mean the person is a divine gift of light. :) Unfortunately, because "keren" also means horns, as in goat-type animal horns, it can also be misinterpreted from Hebrew as "Horns of God." Please don't. :D

Abrams comes from the archaic-Hebrew name Abraham, which means Father of Many Nations/Peoples (Av = father, ra = contraction of har-bay = many, am = people).

Rob Watson
08-19-2009, 02:25 PM
The lesser shining ruler of the army of diciples of St. Colomb.

Actually, that should be ...

The lesser descendants of shining ruler of the army of diciples of St. Colomba.

Rob Watson
08-19-2009, 02:48 PM
Thanks to whomever mentioned anagrams. My name has an anagram "abstract mellow moron" which about sums it up ...