View Full Version : Quiet tire tanren training?

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jamie yugawa
10-03-2012, 11:02 PM
I have a funny question. I have a tire set up for tanren training, and noticed it being quite loud when I strike it. Does anyone have any tips to quiet it down? Hilo is a small town and my back yard is not small but it does sound like a gunshot when I hit the tire! Right now it is standing with some rocks to deaden the sound and keep it upright so that helps and I have a small towel on top. Any suggestions?

10-04-2012, 02:08 AM
I have a funny question. I have a tire set up for tanren training, and noticed it being quite loud when I strike it. Does anyone have any tips to quiet it down? Hilo is a small town and my back yard is not small but it does sound like a gunshot when I hit the tire! Right now it is standing with some rocks to deaden the sound and keep it upright so that helps and I have a small towel on top. Any suggestions?
Dear Jamie,
First let me say I know your dojo.I only saw it when I was on Hilo [a cruise trip].Wish I had been there longer.Jamie, personally I would suggest very little tanren training.Tanren training hitting a tyre gives you lower back problems.The body stiffens up.Little and often do this training but not for any length of time.This tip might not quieten the practice but if done for short periods only it might be more user friendly. Cheers, Joe.

10-04-2012, 08:10 AM
I have a funny question. I have a tire set up for tanren training, and noticed it being quite loud when I strike it. Does anyone have any tips to quiet it down? Hilo is a small town and my back yard is not small but it does sound like a gunshot when I hit the tire! Right now it is standing with some rocks to deaden the sound and keep it upright so that helps and I have a small towel on top. Any suggestions?

bungie a thicker soft towel to it and hit that. That should at least deaden the thwack.

jamie yugawa
10-04-2012, 12:44 PM
Joe- Hey, next time you are here please come train with us! We just had Inagaki Sensei here at our dojo and this was one of the things he said to do. Those guys in Iwama seem to do alright with a couple hundred cuts on the tanren. I will keep an eye on any back pain though. Thanks!

Jason- That helped a lot! Now if I could only get it softer so I can practice in the dead of night when I feel like it...lol,

10-04-2012, 01:08 PM
Joe- Hey, next time you are here please come train with us! We just had Inagaki Sensei here at our dojo and this was one of the things he said to do. Those guys in Iwama seem to do alright with a couple hundred cuts on the tanren. I will keep an eye on any back pain though. Thanks!

Jason- That helped a lot! Now if I could only get it softer so I can practice in the dead of night when I feel like it...lol,

FWIW, you should be able to get the same benefit using a rubber mallet or even the palm of your hand. I can't imagine a rubber mallet hitting a stump or stone would produce quite as sharp a sound.

Rob Watson
10-04-2012, 02:29 PM
Tanren uchi on a tire ... yup, loud. Trick is to kiai even louder so nobody notices the whacking sound!

Or, just do it the old fashioned (aka correct) way and use a bundle of sticks ... much more quiet. Be sure to only damage the bark in a small patch on only one stick at a time.

David Orange
10-04-2012, 03:04 PM
I have a funny question. I have a tire set up for tanren training, and noticed it being quite loud when I strike it. Does anyone have any tips to quiet it down? Hilo is a small town and my back yard is not small but it does sound like a gunshot when I hit the tire! Right now it is standing with some rocks to deaden the sound and keep it upright so that helps and I have a small towel on top. Any suggestions?

Maybe wrap it with rope, like a makiwara?

10-05-2012, 08:35 AM
Maybe wrap it with rope, like a makiwara?

nope. don't use rope. if you use rope, then only to wrap an aikidoka or two to the tire, which is what i would suggest, i.e. wrap an aikidoka around the tire. you will only hear the scream after the first one or two whacks, after that it will be drop to whimpering level. :)

jamie yugawa
10-06-2012, 01:16 AM
Robert- Yeah I can kiai kinda loud. But, a loud gunshot sound followed by "Heeeeeiiiiya" in town is kinda asking for the Po Po to come knocking. Not to mention the funny neighbors looks. I think no one would rob my house though. lol

Phi- Great Idea! I have know a couple of peep that deserve a good thwacking. So much for the aloha spirit!!!

Krystal Locke
10-06-2012, 07:44 PM
Build a small enclosure for it lined with acoustic foam?

Lyle Laizure
10-10-2012, 04:12 AM
From what I gather you have wrapped a towel around the area you are striking. Can you fill the inner tire space with towels or other material? This may help.

jamie yugawa
10-12-2012, 01:09 PM
Good Ideas. I think the towel and rocks in the tire solved the problem. Thanks!

lars beyer
10-17-2012, 10:33 AM
Good Ideas. I think the towel and rocks in the tire solved the problem. Thanks!

I´m looking into the same issues building my own little tanren device. Did the towel and rocks in any way alter the response of the tire ?

jamie yugawa
10-18-2012, 01:55 AM
I´m looking into the same issues building my own little tanren device. Did the towel and rocks in any way alter the response of the tire ?

I used a tire for a Toyota four runner (My truck) so it is about waist height. I see a lot of tanren using motorcycle tires. I am not sure if it changes anything. The rocks on the bottom of the tire helped keep it stable and helped to stop the ringing. The towel folded and bunged to the top of the tire. This helped to quiet the impact and reduce the bounce on the bokken. It doesn't look as nice as the tanren stands but Its just in my back yard so no big deal. It works great and there is less bounce and is a little quieter now.

10-18-2012, 06:08 AM
there is a picture of a wooden frame mounted tire here http://books.google.com/books?id=zathYcL-as0C&pg=PA234&lpg=PA234&dq=car+tire+mounted+on+wooden+frame+for+bokken&source=bl&ots=jeL0WUbbIR&sig=yLCaCH-2fxaBr9s9rx1DzS660Kk&hl=en&sa=X&ei=xvB_UNrWJ4LK9QTQkIGYCw&sqi=2&ved=0CB0Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=car%20tire%20mounted%20on%20wooden%20frame%20for%20bokken&f=false

we got one of those made in our dojo.

jamie yugawa
10-18-2012, 01:13 PM
there is a picture of a wooden frame mounted tire here http://books.google.com/books?id=zathYcL-as0C&pg=PA234&lpg=PA234&dq=car+tire+mounted+on+wooden+frame+for+bokken&source=bl&ots=jeL0WUbbIR&sig=yLCaCH-2fxaBr9s9rx1DzS660Kk&hl=en&sa=X&ei=xvB_UNrWJ4LK9QTQkIGYCw&sqi=2&ved=0CB0Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=car%20tire%20mounted%20on%20wooden%20frame%20for%20bokken&f=false

we got one of those made in our dojo.

So do you push the kid on the tire swing before striking to make it harder to hit? :D

10-18-2012, 03:24 PM
So do you push the kid on the tire swing before striking to make it harder to hit? :D

of course. the screaming is a kind of feedback. :D

lars beyer
10-19-2012, 11:51 AM
I used a tire for a Toyota four runner (My truck) so it is about waist height. I see a lot of tanren using motorcycle tires. I am not sure if it changes anything. The rocks on the bottom of the tire helped keep it stable and helped to stop the ringing. The towel folded and bunged to the top of the tire. This helped to quiet the impact and reduce the bounce on the bokken. It doesn't look as nice as the tanren stands but Its just in my back yard so no big deal. It works great and there is less bounce and is a little quieter now.

Hi Jamie, I have the same issue, don´t want to attract the wrong kind of attention where I live.. :)
I have found a used scooter tire, not the old Vespa style but thicker and heavier one but still small diameter.. was thinking about heating tar and mixing it with small stones and pour it in the buttom
of the wheel and let it settle.. maybe too much trouble.. think I´ll try with something simpler like the
stones and towel.

10-21-2012, 11:50 PM
Does anyone have a really simple set of 'cut and bolt' instructions for building the stand? I'd eventually get it by trial and error but prefer some instructions...will waste less scrap wood that way.
On quieting the 'twack' the noise is mostly generated by the 'echo chamber' of the hollow tire so fill that with foam or rags rather tightly then dampen the point of contact with something soft and fibrous such as a towel. I say rather tightly but not so tight that the tire won't compress...rather ruins the intent. Of course you can't forget to decorate it with some duc tape!

Andrew S
10-22-2012, 02:13 PM
I'm not sure if this would be quiet or not, but here's an uchikomidai sold for kendo practice. Since it uses tyres as the target, I can't imagine it not being suitable for striking with a bokuto.

As for the mount in phitruong's post, I know that some karate dojos use those. It might be possible to get one from a karate supplier.

lars beyer
11-10-2012, 09:46 AM
I'm not sure if this would be quiet or not, but here's an uchikomidai sold for kendo practice. Since it uses tyres as the target, I can't imagine it not being suitable for striking with a bokuto.

As for the mount in phitruong's post, I know that some karate dojos use those. It might be possible to get one from a karate supplier.

Hmm.. the top one looks like a tire from a gocart, interresting. Thanks for posting ! :-)