View Full Version : Entering the world of Aikido
James Park
07-10-2002, 05:44 AM
I have recently begun my study of Aikido.I have litterally only trained for a matter of a few hours. I was wondering if anyone who reads could please give their input on their beginnings in aikido training. Are there any pitfalls I should avoid, or some for that matter that I should experience? Is there anything someone who practies aikido for the first time should be weary of? Any info that any one has is appreciated.
Greg Jennings
07-10-2002, 06:43 AM
Originally posted by James Park
I was wondering if anyone who reads could please give their input on their beginnings in aikido training. Are there any pitfalls I should avoid, or some for that matter that I should experience? Is there anything someone who practies aikido for the first time should be weary of?
Hi James. Welcome to aikido and to AikiWeb.
My advice to you is to take it easy and have fun. IMHO, the number one problem people have with aikido is frustration. They put too much pressure on themselves too early and end up just bailing out.
Best Regards,
07-10-2002, 07:15 AM
yes, have fun ;) and RELAX
I STILL can't believe I could spend a whole year training without doing the latter - be relaxed from the very beginning on and training will be much, much easier. I think so, at least :D
07-10-2002, 07:38 AM
I can always feel when i'm not relaxed my shoulders haunch up, so i shake out and breathe this helps
i'd follow what these guys say just have fun!
thats all there is to it, like the other week i was practicing with a guest sensei and i got to throw him around, (Very kewl) of course he threw me damn near across the hall but there we go ;)
Lyle Bogin
07-10-2002, 10:05 AM
Keep your mouth closed...your won't clack you teeth, your jaw will be protected, your bad breath from dehydration will not offend, you will learn to control your breathing.
If don't close your mouth it makes you voulnerable to attack or just simple mistakes.
It's a martial arts rule I try to live by, IMO.
07-19-2002, 04:05 AM
Find good training mates.
They usually don't talk a lot about aikido.
They usually just concentrate on training.
And politely ask for being thrown after class.
It's also good to buy something to drink for him. :)
mike lee
07-20-2002, 10:35 AM
Watch out for rips in the mat -- they can really mess up your big toe. :eek:
07-20-2002, 11:22 AM
I would be weary of reading too much when you first start practicing. Just practice. Go to class as much as possible and pay close attention to the teacher. Aikido is learned through the body, not intellectually.
Have fun, practice joyfully. Respect your seniors, they have a lot to offer. Respect your juniors, they teach you too.
Best wishes for a long and happy aikido practice.
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