View Full Version : Dan Harden - Bedford Hills, NY: Sept. 8-9th

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08-14-2012, 12:33 PM
Dan Harden will be returning to Aikido Arts of Shin-Budo Kai for his continuing seminar series.

Friday Night 6:30-9pm. will be for returning attendees. Q & A and review
Sat. 10-6
Sun 10-6

This seminar is for previous attendees so that we can develop some consistency in progression amongst the regular attendees. if you have not trained with Dan Harden before, contact him directly before paying to make sure there is room, so that you can become an integral part in this continuing training experience.

The seminar will be $180 for the weekend.

Please register directly with Dan Harden and dojoseminars@gmail.com
Payments are to PayPal homeoffice@charter.net
Registration and Payments are required in advance unless you have spoken to me directly.
Frankly, I can't wait to see you guys again. :)

Marc Abrams
09-09-2012, 06:44 PM
I would personally like to thank Dan for one of the best seminar weekends to date. Dan has been refining and improving the way in which he teaches his seminars on a continuous basis. His dedication to always improving what he does and how he transmits the hows and whys is inspiring to the attendees. All of us walked away with specific areas and drills with which we can focus on continuing to improve. Dan will back in Bedford Hills, NY for another seminar from 12/7- 12/9.


Marc Abrams

Brad Gould
09-10-2012, 08:27 AM
Great seminar, Dan!

09-10-2012, 08:56 AM
Great Seminar, thanks Dan, got a lot cleared up and plenty to work on. See you in December