View Full Version : Interview with Michel Erb, 5th Dan Aikikai

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Guillaume Erard
06-06-2012, 06:40 PM
http://www.guillaumeerard.com/images/stories/aikido/interviews/interview-michel-erb/michel-erb.jpgMichel Erb is an exemplary practitioner. He belongs to a generation of Aikidokas that were instrumental in getting our art through the 21st century. He constantly travels the roads of France, Switzerland and Germany through the numerous seminars that he teaches and he is invariably present whenever his Master, Christian Tissier Shihan travels through Europe. Michel accepted to share with us his vision of Aikido and of the techniques that he forged in the crucible of the teaching of Christian Tissier.

(Original blog post may be found here (http://www.guillaumeerard.com/aikido/interviews/51-interview-with-michel-erb-5th-dan-aikikai).)