View Full Version : Sam FS Chin - Seattle, WA - June 2 & 3 2012

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04-18-2012, 05:58 PM
We are pleased to announce Master Sam FS Chin's first visit to the Seattle area!


Long time practitioners of many types of martial arts are amazed to see how the study of the internal principles through the lens of I Liq Chuan deepens their understanding of their respective arts.

Here is what you will learn this weekend:

1.Taiji & Chan (Zen) approaches to learning.
2.Understand, both mentally & physically, five qualities essential to
the internal arts:

Absorb & Project
Open & Close
Condense & Expand
Concave & Convex
3-D Action
3.To express the above qualities with a partner through
Spinning Hands & Sticky Hands.
4.Strategies of action in dealing with an opponent.
5.Engaging the point of contact. What? How?

Jeremy Hulley
04-18-2012, 10:54 PM
Looking forward to it,,

04-19-2012, 05:04 AM
very cool. i'll be present as well, so i'll get to meet some folks face to face.

04-19-2012, 04:25 PM
Awesome, I'm in!

04-19-2012, 06:17 PM
Awesome, I'm in!

since this is our first visit to the area, we don't have a well established network yet, so any help spreading the word would be much appreciated!

05-03-2012, 11:45 AM
since this is our first visit to the area, we don't have a well established network yet, so any help spreading the word would be much appreciated!

I've tried to spread the word a bit. I have a few other folks I can tell though.

Just to clarify (it's hard to read on the website) is this noon- 6PM both days?

05-03-2012, 01:11 PM
Yes, noon to six on both days.

Normally we start earlier and take a break for lunch, but we had to schedule around some thing's intitially.

05-30-2012, 12:27 AM
bump. coming up this weekend!

05-30-2012, 09:27 AM
Sifu Sam Chin just finished a seminar here in Hawaii. Of course, what he taught was I Liq chuan but the principles can also be applied to Aikido which we were (from what I know) never taught in learning Aikido. Most of us were beginners in I Liq chuan. Sifu emphasize the understanding of the principles of I Lig Chuan verses techniques Never mind the ki, never mind the techniques but if we do not understand the principles of what and why we are doing what we are doing, then all the techniques in the world will not make you a better martial artist. Bottom line, I Lig chuan does fills the gap that has been missing in Aikido. (my opinion only, of course). HIghly recommended for Aikidokas who wants to understand and learn Aikido verses just be satisfied with Ai-Do.

05-30-2012, 11:06 AM
Sifu Sam Chin just finished a seminar here in Hawaii. Of course, what he taught was I Liq chuan but the principles can also be applied to Aikido which we were (from what I know) never taught in learning Aikido. Most of us were beginners in I Liq chuan. Sifu emphasize the understanding of the principles of I Lig Chuan verses techniques Never mind the ki, never mind the techniques but if we do not understand the principles of what and why we are doing what we are doing, then all the techniques in the world will not make you a better martial artist. Bottom line, I Lig chuan does fills the gap that has been missing in Aikido. (my opinion only, of course). HIghly recommended for Aikidokas who wants to understand and learn Aikido verses just be satisfied with Ai-Do.

Wow, on behalf my Sifu, thanks for the kind words Henry!

05-30-2012, 03:58 PM
I don't post much here, I'm with Shorinji Kempo in Seattle and myself and a couple others from SK will be attending.

I've attended Dan Harden and Howard Popkin seminars here to explore the concepts they teach in relation to SK Juho technique (which are derived out of Hakko Ryu for the most part). Those seminars were really valuable and training with guys from other MA styles was great!

I'm looking forward to getting a glimpse into I Liq Chuan fundamentals and hopefully we get a good showing of MA styles in Seattle.

see you this weekend.


05-31-2012, 10:00 PM
I don't post much here, I'm with Shorinji Kempo in Seattle and myself and a couple others from SK will be attending.

I've attended Dan Harden and Howard Popkin seminars here to explore the concepts they teach in relation to SK Juho technique (which are derived out of Hakko Ryu for the most part). Those seminars were really valuable and training with guys from other MA styles was great!

I'm looking forward to getting a glimpse into I Liq Chuan fundamentals and hopefully we get a good showing of MA styles in Seattle.

see you this weekend.


Looking forward to meeting!

06-01-2012, 10:59 AM
Wow, on behalf my Sifu, thanks for the kind words Henry!

He is my Sifu too.

06-01-2012, 11:17 AM
Lol. I guess so! I don't really know the Hawaii group that well yet, so Im not sure who just comes to the workshops to pick up a few things and who is more actively pursuing ILC itself.

06-07-2012, 07:48 PM
we had a great first time in Seattle! You can check out some of the photos we took on our Facebook page here - https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150873436442012.409075.313229977011&type=1