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03-02-2012, 11:10 PM
Hi to all,

And welcome to the third instalment of my recent threads, on my vies on the competitive mind.
This has once again moved into something, I did not expect at all. However her we are.


When we have learned the Basics of Waza, true Martial technique and application, and can see, that the student, has gained profficiency, we move onto the next stage. Please indulge me here, as after this (shodan), at any given time this, what I intend to point to, because that's all words really and truly do is point, they do not tell the whole story, this can be possible, but it does require training. I will repeat here again, IIT REQUIRES DEEP TRAINING IN BASIC EFFECTIVE MARTIAL TECHNIQUE.
Please remember this point because it's going to be very important later on.

Now here is the part of the trickery of the competing mind, in any true martial art, it does not matter what form it takes. It just so happens to be for me Aikido. For others it is Karate, for some it Kung fu, for some it BJJ and so on and so forth.

It is not mine is better than yours, so yours don't work effectively enough, It is certainly in the how nt the what.

After the Basics are taught, this is also important how they are taught, yes indeed.
The student begins to move, and develop his own movement based on what he has been vigorously taught, but with true compassionate kindness. Not the self seeing compassion of I want them to show them I'm a nce kind loving person, YOU ARE A NICE KIND LOVING PERSON, because you have been taught the basics correctly and honestly and truthfully.

At this point we can move up a stage, I say can because again this too is very important at this stage.
YOU CAN CHOOSE HERE AT THIS POINT TO CHOOSE!!!!!!! TO MOVE FROM THE GRIP OF FORM INTO THE FORMLESS. It is your choice to stay at stage two, it's very important you choose to move on.
Deffinately with the intent you had to learn the basics. And neither is based on competition.

We begin with very simple things, try a few out for yourselves, I allays urge my potential readers and critics alike to try these very simple but not always easy techniques to use (a bit like ikkyo you might say), start with go right now make a cup of tea, coffe , glass of water and whatever It maybe and bring it back the computer. do that now, this is important too.

All done :)
Ok now, look at your bevereridge, just look at it, do not label it, do not judge it (hot, cold, nice, good, bad, sweet, sour if you got a beer. :)

Why? You may ask, why must I do all these things? you don't. IT simply "is what it's".
you already "know" what it is, Don't you? If you learned the Basics you surely do.

You apply this feeling to everything you see, it is!
Your house how big it is, your car your how good or bad it is, your spouse her name and what she looks, job and how good or bad it is job, your life style.

Then you choose move up a stage, you put no lables to, your ilness, your disabilities, your handicap, it just all is

AHHHHHHHH I hear you cry but they are are all real problems that need to be sorted an and how do we do all that when we think of nothing, there is war famine diseaseand what they did to us in the past and our fore fathers in the past and they have never paid for it, this and that and the rest.

YES THERE IS AND ITS ALL HAPPENING RIGHT NOW! RIGHT NOW, UNDER OUR VERY NOSES ITS ALL HAPENING NOW. I do not deny things happened in the past they existed, and we're truly terrible then. BUT THEY ARE NOT IN THE PRESENT MOMENT? gone gone forever gone, ends one famous Buddhist text , or something very similar it may be exact but clse enough. I love using this to get my point across, if I'm talking these matters with people from that persuasion.

FULLY without LABLES, if you have learnt all the basics thoroughly, there is indeed only ne use of the mind that indeed fully integrates my current understanding. It is action, it is action, in whatever form it takes, WHATEVER FORM IT TAKES, rembering that from earlier,, thats good, because you can kearn from the past in the present moment, but then drop it, bcause you already knew it, you were just remembering, action in whatever form it takes.

Now think about basic ordinary day actions, you sit in a chair, you can either choose to sit in.a slouch or a upright straight position, but you choose that act in the full knowledge if the basics have been learned correctly, wil indeed give you a bad back, and it will happen now.
So immediately sit up. :) and you "know" it's the right thing to do. Because you learnt. The basics.
sounds so much like Aikido technique it's just weirded isn't it?

Now this action is not based and thinking about or thought as such, it's that same knowing, you know that a cup of coffe is still a cp of coffee wether you call it one or not, yu still ok now what it is.

Indeed the this next part requires on other choice to move into, you choose to derive action from not thinking about your action but knowing what is, because it is the right thing for you!
because you have learnt the basics from your teacher, not matter what form that even may take (mother,father, sensei, co-worker) a flower or a tree, routed in stillness, shows us the true way.
This is the great lesson of life, STILNESS, everything no matter what returns to stillness eventually, this is what happens when you sleep.

This is totally what is ment by surrendering, surrendering to this moment, so life that be maintained, harmony is stored, you are alive. You are here now.

action derived from the stilness that you already know what the right move is.

Sur in life you have questions, where am I going to find a job, ask the question once, then become completely and utterly silent, have a feeling of looking for what your next thought is going to be. Go on sit there and tell me what you next thought is going to be, concentrate hard, ask the burning question, then drop it, let an answer come thoughts it's No effort no thought then, something will naturally come into your head with time. But not too much.

BUT BUT what has all this got to do with the harmony of form I hear you cry once again my paitient readers, When you truly do not lable judge, point argue, all of those things your actions, come from stillness, and guess what, THERE IS NO COMPETITION IN STILNESS, it just is, in that moment , it is what, is.

Then are you not truly, free from form, it is what is, but you can still act out of the STILNESS, and it will be the correct choice for you. NO matter what form that takes, in no matter what life situation form it takes, I'm your loved ones form.

Here from this stand point you can choose to love, peace and harmony, to these three there are no true opposites, they are too powerfully aligned with this moment, to have any true opposites, all opposites come later, or they have already gone, gone forever gone.

Because you have learned the basics, you:


:triangle: :circle: :square:

Always and truly in Budo,

Andy B

P.S comments, experiences welcome and thank you for reading once again, I am p very late after nearly being up nearly 24 hrs again, good night, people, peace be with you all.

graham christian
03-03-2012, 12:15 PM
Good morning to you.

I like the technique of getting people to look, so I like your pointing out of the subject of labels. Something I discussed with my son when he was a bit frustrated as a thirteen year old. It did the trick.

Now and again in Aikido I bring that up as something to recognise as from day one they get used to be saying,'no, now you do it.

In other words I equate labels with image and tell students they are not a label, not an identity and thus every time they use force or revert to some mechanism I tell them 'that's not you, that's some identity'

Thus I explain and get them to look at people in life and find which ones are being themselves and which ones are being an identity. For instance, I say, find the bus driver who is being himself being a bus driver rather than the one being a bus driver, an identity, like a robot. He's being the label.

Actually I would go further and say you can be yourself being something or you can become the identity, the label. To be or to become, that is the question.

'I am a shihan', he said with chest out, perfect attire, the best made quality Gi, the top of the range bokken, the certificates on the wall, the samurai stance, the air of supremacy. 'Oh pleased to meet you, I'm me.'

In Aikido thus I teach you are you, spirit who can observe and perceive and learn and do anything. Coonection is more than center to center, oh much more. It's you to the other, reching beyond the image to your fellow being. He who attacks has become and is thus not being their true self so it is of no consequence for it is not the false self I am dealing with, it is not the image or label I am actually reaching with Ki, it is the being.

I remember one student years ago listening to another who was relating how this fella in his local was very brash and even scary, most people were afraid of him and he wondered why he felt weak when he was around, not confident in his Aikido as this fella was very aggressive and seemed to be looking for a chance to prove something. The other student was smiling and told him it's all image, he's being led by the image. He went on to say how the poor fella has probably spent years developing that image so he must be a poor insecure being who needs a bit of confidence.

I remained silent and could only smile.


03-03-2012, 05:58 PM
Yes, Yes , Yes and more yes's, Graham, and you can be happy with whatever form it takes, your, job, your lifestyle, choice of marital art, all those"things". Forms. because at the centre you, you re-main essentially yourself, not Aikidoa, not a business man, not a road sweeper, not anything changes your essential nature, only thought is constantly covering it up. YOU ARE your essential nature
And you are it in the present moment, right here right now. And in this I can act.

And that thought, all that thought you described is based in some kind of mental (and I do mean its menal madness) mind made sense of competition.

Thank you for you comments Graham, this too has put a smile on my face, we too should get together and train so we can both feel what we are talking about, I've always said its in the feeling of the training


In open friendship and ,

Always In Budo

Andy B

graham christian
03-03-2012, 07:06 PM
Thank you.
I would be only too happy to meet and share. Brighton isn't that far away and maybe I could come down one day with my Son even and have a day out.

I'm getting a few invites recently, one from London, Liverpool Street, only yesterday. Another I look forward to.

Strange how life works, organically.

I have just read a post even saying I have no knowledge of zen ha, ha. As if zen is some subject. So in reply and as a piece of zen of my own to share with you I will leave you with the following.

How can another silence you when you already communicate from silence.


03-03-2012, 07:20 PM
Thank you.
I would be only too happy to meet and share. Brighton isn't that far away and maybe I could come down one day with my Son even and have a day out.

I'm getting a few invites recently, one from London, Liverpool Street, only yesterday. Another I look forward to.

Strange how life works, organically.

I have just read a post even saying I have no knowledge of zen ha, ha. As if zen is some subject. So in reply and as a piece of zen of my own to share with you I will leave you with the following.

How can another silence you when you already communicate from silence.


Well I'm honoured , Graham you are a a real gentlemen :)

I too am rather busy with building work and teaching and working, I can't book any holiday for at least a month and a half but certainly up for meeting up when this mad period of time is oh so very gone.

How to silence when you both communicate from silence.

You both see, the beauty of the Harmony of the formless in the beauty of the form, and you laugh,
A deep laugh from this knowing, then returning to a smile, just a gentle smile, where and when you can just be.

In peace brother,

Andy B

03-09-2012, 07:36 AM
I felt that it was pertinent, to show you all some of my some of my training, Here is a link to you tube, you cannot search for this video, and all comments have been turned off, if you wish to comment, please make them here.

This link will only be availible for a limited time. Please enjoy.


This was shot last night, after a gruelling 2 1/2 hr, training session. The last Kuni Jo demonstrated with the Jo, first time around I slipped slightly on a puddle of water that was on the mat, so we did it again.
this is what i will be demonstrating, at the, Aid For Japan orphans charity event, this sunday ay regents park, par crescentr conference centre, London.

in Budo

Demetrio Cereijo
03-09-2012, 08:14 AM
Not a comment but a question.

You've been practising Iwama style buki waza since?

03-09-2012, 08:37 AM
What is your lineage for the bukiwaza shown?

03-09-2012, 09:09 AM
this is what i will be demonstrating, at the, Aid For Japan orphans charity event, this sunday ay regents park, par crescentr conference centre, London.

in Budo

Good luck with the demo. Hope you raise lots of money.

03-09-2012, 09:10 AM
Good luck with the demo. Hope you raise lots of money.


03-09-2012, 10:15 AM
I have explained in earlier posts, that I was taught by sensei John & Michael Duggan.
Micheal went to Japan, in the late nineties brought these techniques back with him, and taught me accordingly. I do not know however, who Michael was taught by in Japan, he is a very reserved Aikidoka.

Now the student in the blue belt has only had, 3 weeks practice with me, and this was shot after 2 1/2 hrs of practice, the demo on Sunday will be hopefully better, as we will be fresh so to speak.

However, the Body movements demonstrate, how to control the partners sword, thus demonstrating control of the situation, which has the desired result, of controlling your partner, through body movement not force, thus showing it is the way of harmony within form.

Thank you to all, for your good wishes for the demo.

Andy B

03-09-2012, 04:05 PM
Good luck with the demo. Hope you raise lots of money.

Hi Daren,

You may know my first teacher, John Duggan sensei, and sensei michael Neary will. He ran the Hereford branch dojo of the NAF for many years, before moving on to the, Shin Gi Tai Aikido Society, founded by Shihan Jones 8th Dan.
John Duggan Sensei was awarded his Nidan at an NAF seminar, hosted by the late Tamura Sensei, and Michael Neary, in the late eighties.
I was still a member of the NAF, until Sensei Duggan moved organisations, around the year 2000.

I spent ten years training under now, Shihan John Duggan 6th Dan, and Michael Duggan 5th Dan, and had some wonderful times at NAF courses. I now train and teach, at the mid sussex martial arts school, way down south near Brighton east Sussex.

Hope all is well in the NAF, and best wishes to all.

In Budo

Andy B

03-09-2012, 04:24 PM
I felt that it was pertinent, to show you all some of my some of my training, Here is a link to you tube, you cannot search for this video, and all comments have been turned off, if you wish to comment, please make them here.

This link will only be availible for a limited time. Please enjoy.


This was shot last night, after a gruelling 2 1/2 hr, training session. The last Kuni Jo demonstrated with the Jo, first time around I slipped slightly on a puddle of water that was on the mat, so we did it again.
this is what i will be demonstrating, at the, Aid For Japan orphans charity event, this sunday ay regents park, par crescentr conference centre, London.

in Budo
Hi ,
Just had a look at your video link.Noted who was demonstrating.Just wondered if your Uke was senior to you[usage of Sempai ]? If so I would have thought he would have been Tori, rather than you good self. Cheers, Joe

Demetrio Cereijo
03-09-2012, 04:25 PM
Good luck with the demo. Hope you raise lots of money.

Seconded, of course.

About my question. I understand you've been practising Iwama style buki waza for about ten years. Am I correct?

03-09-2012, 04:26 PM
Good luck with the demo. Hope you raise lots of money.

Thus speaketh a treasurer!!! How are you doing? Joe

03-09-2012, 05:47 PM
Hi ,
Just had a look at your video link.Noted who was demonstrating.Just wondered if your Uke was senior to you[usage of Sempai ]? If so I would have thought he would have been Tori, rather than you good self. Cheers, Joe

I Understand what you mean, Yes Alex has been with the Tenshinkan longer and his aikido is from here, along with iaido, and Judo. Alex is Nikkyu grade in Aikido.

I am a 3rd Dan in Aikido, Not trained in the dojo, Joined Kyoshi paynes Tenshinkan Dojo, last August. But after spending some time with Sensei, he has asked me to teach, Weapons on sunday`s, and Juniors on Saturday`s, and the odd adult class on thursday. So the students adress me as per Kyoshi paynes request as sensei. Not sempai.

In this way Alex is a Sempai of the Dojo, not to any specific art within it. Hence I am the tori and Alex is Uke. Also, Alex has only been training with me for a little while and did not previously know these forms, until I came to the dojo.

In Budo

Andy B

03-09-2012, 06:06 PM
Seconded, of course.

About my question. I understand you've been practising Iwama style buki waza for about ten years. Am I correct?

Hi Demetrio,
To answer your question directly, No I have not. I have also been praciticing other forms of ken And Jo, from the ki society, I have been learning Nishio`s 31 Jo kata, as well as Saito sensei`s version. however of late (within last two years),I have discovered what my teacher was first teaching, and where it originally came from. So I`m rediscovering what I was once taught.

I Studied with John Duggan for 10 years, From 1994 at age 15 until 2004, when I moved away from the area.
let me tell you it was the hardest choice I have ever had to make. Teacher, friends & dojo or New Job, new partner a new start in life, and now a wonderful dojo to practice in too. :)

Michael Duggan taught me the weapons, he was not always at the dojo, as he was some sort of engineer that worked across the country. His father John, did not really go into weapons, but taught me the eight directions with the ken & We only ever practiced Ken Suburi, no kumi tachi, never, not even once. He taught me mainly in empty handed techniques and tanto dori, and lots and lots of suwari waza. Sensei left the rest up to his son michael.

Whatever the case, this is the form I have settled on, it suites me. I will be making more videos on Jo and Bokken Suburi,
More of kumi tachi, kumi Jo and Ken tai Jo. So watch this space.

In Budo Andy B