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02-21-2012, 03:36 PM
Hi all,

Been a lurker for a long while and have had an account somewhere but couldn't find it so decided to start another! In Toronto now but originally from UK, trained in Hampshire under Francis Burgess and Jason Salter, a big hello if they are out there..

Looking to help start a club here in Toronto along with other Tomiki instructors, so any help on dojo space in Central Toronto would be much appreciated!


02-21-2012, 03:47 PM
Hi Alan,

Welcome to AikiWeb.

-- Jun

02-22-2012, 12:39 AM
Hi all,

Been a lurker for a long while and have had an account somewhere but couldn't find it so decided to start another! In Toronto now but originally from UK, trained in Hampshire under Francis Burgess and Jason Salter, a big hello if they are out there..

Looking to help start a club here in Toronto along with other Tomiki instructors, so any help on dojo space in Central Toronto would be much appreciated!


Try contacting Larry Camejo who already has a Tomiki club in Toronto. He is a member here so a PM should work.

02-22-2012, 04:10 PM
Hi Peter,

I am in contact with Larry as he is wanting to set up a club also. I think he does not have a proper training facility at present either. I am helping Sandjar Djalov with finding a club, as he could not continue the last club as it got too expensive to maintain. Thanks for replying though!