View Full Version : Internal/Aiki training with Dan Harden in London, April13-15

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02-13-2012, 04:49 PM
The seminar will be a continuation of the development and applications of internal power and aiki, as spelled out and written by Morihei Ueshiba for practical application in his Aikido.

We are currently looking at locations.
Information on location, time, registration and payment will be posted as they come available.

This will be my third visit to the UK. Previous attendees are going to be given priority for this Seminar as I hope to continue moving forward with the groups we have trained with in the past. In reality there may be few if any spaces left, sorry. I am listing this as a courtesy. I am trying to make a few available per seminar when I can. Any spaces left will be on a first come/ first served basis and I will write you in, in order of response.
Cost will be the equivalent of $175 U.S. dollars at whatever exchange rate is at the time.
Email me at dojoseminars@gmail.com.
If you need to reach me use the dojoseminar email and not my Aikiweb P.M. address.

P.S. I have 26 Seminars I am doing this year-most are private and already booked. I will continue to strive to make spots available when I can. I don't like doing large format seminars -say over thirty people- as they simply don't work for this type of internal/aiki training. I need hands on time with people so you actually learn something and feel the difference.

Tyson Walters
02-14-2012, 03:04 AM
Out of curiosity Dan... any plans to come to New Zealand in the future?

02-14-2012, 01:09 PM
Out of curiosity Dan... any plans to come to New Zealand in the future?
Hello Mr Walters
I don't usually book these things. People ask me to come to their dojos. I don't know anyone in New Zealand- though I would love to visit. All you need do is find people who might be interested. Typically you ask around and or put it up on some forums, that you are trying to get me there. Although I am a nobody, I am pretty booked for 2012 and the demand is getting higher. I would think more toward fall if people were interested.

Patrick Hutchinson
02-14-2012, 01:34 PM
Maybe the guys in NZ could get Dan a walk-on part in the Hobbit movie while he's visiting?
Suggestions? (ducks for cover...)

Thomas Campbell
02-15-2012, 11:14 AM
Maybe the guys in NZ could get Dan a walk-on part in the Hobbit movie while he's visiting?
Suggestions? (ducks for cover...)

The furry feet would do it . . . . (doesn't duck for cover . . . . too slow-moving and amiable).

02-15-2012, 11:58 AM
The furry feet would do it . . . . (doesn't duck for cover . . . . too slow-moving and amiable).
SLOW MOVING??????????
I'M SLOW....Lets see, I'll introduce you to knife teacher who could not cut me while I beat the crap out of him...with aikido aiki (the likes of which I have never seen a Japanese shihan capable of)....oh wait, you already know each other. ;) :D :D :D
Furry feet?...wait I have to take my boots offf to look....
Amiable? Well of course!!:cool:

02-15-2012, 02:31 PM
This is filling up very fast and will probably close out by Friday. We are going to have another mix of returning ICMA people and Aikido people. I will try to leave a few spots open for newbies.
Write me soon at dojoseminars@gmail.com if you want in

Howard Popkin
02-15-2012, 02:53 PM

I wouldn't taunt Patrick.....as you know Patrick's budo is violent, but not nearly as violent as his verbal assaults.

The bruises will heal, but the emotional scars last a lifetime...especially with the accent :D

Have a great weekend...and I suck for missing it.



Thomas Campbell
02-15-2012, 06:52 PM
SLOW MOVING??????????
I'M SLOW....Lets see, I'll introduce you to knife teacher who could not cut me while I beat the crap out of him...with aikido aiki (the likes of which I have never seen a Japanese shihan capable of)....oh wait, you already know each other. ;) :D :D :D
Furry feet?...wait I have to take my boots offf to look....
Amiable? Well of course!!:cool:


The "slow-moving" and "amiable" were adjectives I was describing myself with--although I will attest to your general amiability (at least if certain topics of conversation can be avoided).

Yes, I can surmise the knife teacher of whom you speak. I am too slow-moving to have been able to catch up with him regarding accounting for a certain business arrangement--and I'm probably too amiable to worry about it.

Patrick Hutchinson
02-15-2012, 06:59 PM
Howard Popkin (Mr. Brooklyn himself) is suggesting I have an accent?
:p :p :p :p :D :D :D :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Sorry you can't make it buddy.

Jeremy Hulley
02-15-2012, 07:25 PM
Howard wins!!!!!!
Let's have an accent fight..
Hope you are well.

Janet Rosen
02-15-2012, 07:53 PM
Howard Popkin (Mr. Brooklyn himself) is suggesting I have an accent?
:D :D :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Sorry you can't make it buddy.

Excuse me? People from Brooklyn have an accent? Oh, man, some people are cruisin' for a bruisin' ...:D

Howard Popkin
02-15-2012, 08:36 PM
accent ?

like kawfee ? wata ?

Even Okamoto accused me of speaking japanese with an NY accent :)

Janet Rosen
02-15-2012, 09:16 PM
accent ?

like kawfee ? wata ?

Even Okamoto accused me of speaking japanese with an NY accent :)

"We are doing waza now"

New Yorker: "Waza waza?"

"No, budo waza?"

New Yorker: "Waza budo? Gedoudaheah, Budo's a martial art...":D

Howard Popkin
02-16-2012, 01:40 PM
you gotta be kiddddinnng me

02-16-2012, 01:50 PM
I am sorry but in the accent department Joe's wife beats out both him and Howard. "Oh youa so stwonnga!" and there she is so delicate and sweet!!
Heaviest N.Y. accent I eva hoyd!:D

Howard Popkin
02-16-2012, 02:19 PM
too funny :):D :D ;) :o

02-16-2012, 05:31 PM
Sorry to say, Patrick outweighs Howard in both the accent and the swearing department.

Impartial observer, here. I calls 'em as I sees 'em.

02-16-2012, 05:42 PM
Yo, none of these guys drive Accents! - they do Japanese budo and drive Hondas :crazy:


02-17-2012, 12:40 PM
You guys should have seen Dans face when trying to understand a Geordie the first time he came to the UK, may as well have been Swahili, priceless.
Dan, this may help in future visits

Joe Brogna
02-19-2012, 11:34 PM
I am sorry but in the accent department Joe's wife beats out both him and Howard. "Oh youa so stwonnga!" and there she is so delicate and sweet!!
Heaviest N.Y. accent I eva hoyd!:D

Mr Harden,

my little petite wife says...are u kiddin me? You sound like a sheep with that Baaaaaston AAAAccent. Go paaaak your caaaa in the Haaavaaad yaaad.

Joe.:crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

02-19-2012, 11:55 PM
Hmmph. Everyone knows they don't allow caaaahs in the yaahhhd any moah.



Howard Popkin
02-20-2012, 08:33 AM
How you doin eh ? :)

02-20-2012, 10:41 AM
How you doin.... eh ? :)
Oh...so now I get the Boston AND the Canadian thrown at me? :blush:
You should hear me practicing presentations so the accent goes away. By the time I'm done- I'm in a sweat and the blood pressure is rising!! Then the Q and A..........
Had a friend who watched a presentation on local cable remark "That didn't even sound like you!! It was like someone else in your body!
Thank you Dale Carnagie!!! :D :D :D

Walter Martindale
02-20-2012, 11:41 AM
Howygaoin' aye (kiwi) or is it 'sgoin, bro?

02-27-2012, 04:23 AM
We are back at the original place we had the first seminar at:
Highate Newtown Community Center
25 Bertram Lane
Highate N19 5DQ

The hours are a bit daft. We have to start at 11:30 on Sat So I suggest we go to 7 then have dinner and drinks.
Sun. 10- 6 or 7
I am open for Friday again at a park.
Fee is equivalent to $175 in U.S. dollars-whatever that value is at the time of exchange.
Payments must be made via paypal homeoffice@charter.net
Email is dojoseminars@gmail.com

It looks like we are full and it is first come first served to previous attendees. Any openings left will be closed by the end of this week.
Hope to see ya there and I can't wait to see the progress. 2 or 3 of my people might be coming with me.

Chris Knight
02-28-2012, 06:34 AM
Hi Dan, did you get my PM?



02-28-2012, 08:22 AM
Hi Dan, did you get my PM?


No.....try again here or at dojoseminars@gmail.com

Alec Corper
02-28-2012, 10:16 AM
Dan, did you get my message? I can make Saturday and Sunday if there's still room I told Alex as well a few days ago .
Alec (Holland)

02-28-2012, 10:24 AM
YDan, did you get my message? I can make Saturday and Sunday if there's still room I told Alex as well a few days ago .
Alec (Holland)

Wherever I go, no matter how full the room.....
There will always be room for you!
Stop asking! :D

Alec Corper
02-28-2012, 10:32 AM
Woww, i feel good all over ;-) see ya, Alec

Lee Salzman
02-28-2012, 10:56 AM
So long as we're playing ask Dan... Dan, did you get my email? :)

Pauliina Lievonen
02-28-2012, 11:36 AM
Yeah, I had a question, too - Dan, what's your shoe size? or better yet, the length of your feet from heel to longest toe?


Ernesto Lemke
02-28-2012, 02:17 PM
I assume all will be clear in April? :D

Aparently we need to get onto Aikiweb to get Dan to respond to our like gazillion emails...:disgust:

Marc Abrams
02-28-2012, 02:31 PM
Woww, i feel good all over ;-) see ya, Alec


Don't worry, that good feeling will disappear about 1 second after Dan's first love tap ;) !


Marc Abrams

Thomas Campbell
02-28-2012, 04:45 PM
Yeah, I had a question, too - Dan, what's your shoe size? or better yet, the length of your feet from heel to longest toe?



For those ballet slippers, Dan would be around European shoe size 41-42.

02-28-2012, 05:22 PM
Woww, i feel good all over ;-) see ya, Alec

Don't get a swelled head - we are all welcome where we know where he will be - the question is do we know where he will be all the time :D


Alec Corper
02-29-2012, 02:13 AM
Hey Marc,
You are laughing inside aren't you? You know he is going to pick on this poor old guy falling downhill towards his sixtieth and I'll be crying, "why me?" and enjoying every minute. Stay well man, and keep up the good fight. Err, can I say that or is it not PC?
Greg, we have never met, ho do you know about my head? What has Dan said about me? It's not true, no, no no!

Pauliina Lievonen
02-29-2012, 03:44 AM

For those ballet slippers, Dan would be around European shoe size 41-42.Are you sure? Because my feet are size 42...

Wasn't actually thinking about ballet slippers, but maybe I did promise to bring a pair, can't remember? :confused:


02-29-2012, 07:13 AM
Are you sure? Because my feet are size 42...

Wasn't actually thinking about ballet slippers, but maybe I did promise to bring a pair, can't remember? :confused:


I hope your not hinting at giving Dan a pair of wooden clogs to use on us during the seminar.
If so I vote for Dan to test how strong they are on the dutch guy ;) (sorry Alec)

Alec Corper
02-29-2012, 07:16 AM
:D Last I heard Alex, was that Dan wanted to test a few new strikes on anyone under 59evileyes

Marc Abrams
02-29-2012, 09:04 AM
Hey Marc,
You are laughing inside aren't you? You know he is going to pick on this poor old guy falling downhill towards his sixtieth and I'll be crying, "why me?" and enjoying every minute. Stay well man, and keep up the good fight. Err, can I say that or is it not PC?
Greg, we have never met, ho do you know about my head? What has Dan said about me? It's not true, no, no no!


Who me? Laugh? I am too serious for that....:D PC? Are you referring to a personal computer or my re-found love of the soft side, as best expressed by:


Well, back to my cave.......;)


Marc Abrams

02-29-2012, 09:29 AM

Who me? Laugh? I am too serious for that....:D PC? Are you referring to a personal computer or my re-found love of the soft side, as best expressed by:


Well, back to my cave.......;)


Marc Abrams

I never liked that commercial when it first came and I still don't like it today - regardless of what its says, it just is not the "real thing" :)


Marc Abrams
02-29-2012, 09:40 AM
I never liked that commercial when it first came and I still don't like it today - regardless of what its says, it just is not the "real thing" :)



That is because you don't deeply understand the art of peace and harmony :eek: ...


Marc Abrams

Janet Rosen
02-29-2012, 09:40 AM

For those ballet slippers, Dan would be around European shoe size 41-42.

I want to see Dan en point! oh...right...no videos....DANG! :)

02-29-2012, 09:57 AM

That is because you don't deeply understand the art of peace and harmony :eek: ...


Marc Abrams

Yes, that is true - maybe I need to go overseas somewhere and become a uchi-deshi with the Sword Master in order to become enlightened ;)


02-29-2012, 10:44 AM
I want to see Dan en point! oh...right...no videos....DANG! :)

I am sure Dan will make an exception for this very special occasion :cool:

Chris Knight
04-12-2012, 02:35 AM
Good morning

Due to limited availability of internet tomorrow, (13th)

I was just wondering if anything had been decided about any training in a park tomorrow night -
just so I've got an idea about travelling plans etc


04-12-2012, 06:17 AM
Good morning

Due to limited availability of internet tomorrow, (13th)

I was just wondering if anything had been decided about any training in a park tomorrow night -
just so I've got an idea about travelling plans etc

Hi Chris
Friday night Green park. 6:00
I will have Alex post my world phone number here and on RSF when I get my England sim card.

04-12-2012, 10:00 AM
Hi Dan
Check your home office email when u get a sec.

04-12-2012, 12:11 PM
I did and replied a resounding yes to starting early on Sat morning 10am is fine.
And staying with you!!!!
Thank you very much.
See you Friday

Alec Corper
04-12-2012, 01:55 PM
So does this mean we are starting at 10.00?
Alex, how about some info ;-)

04-12-2012, 02:49 PM
I wanted to post the plan tomorrow after speaking to Dan as nothing below is confirmed.
So provisionally...., afternoon training in Green Park (bring raincoat as forecast says rain and there is little to no shelter).
I found out earlier that we have access to the hall from 9:30 onwards instead of 11:30. Dan is well up for starting earlier as am I but as it's short notice I don't know if everyone can make it for the earlier start time.

Alec: I hadn't forgotten you, check your pm

04-13-2012, 08:52 AM
Dan will be in Green Park at around 5, c u then.

04-17-2012, 05:01 AM
What a great weekend. As usual Dan is FULL of helpful training advice, metaphors, visualizations etc... on how to help yourself improve and grow. You definitely get value for money information wise and hands on time, theres no labouring on a principle and eaking it out for all its worth as some "names" are known to do. Maybe the informal jovial vibe allows for this, I know Dan works very hard for everyone to get something out of the seminars. As I found out on a private session, the scary thing is that once you do the work and can at least on a basic level manifest the principle he will add something which adds another layer/depth or makes you think about the principle in another way. Although I regret not being able to work with Dan more than a couple of times a year the flip side is the harder I work the more I can move forward when I do see him.
So a big thank you for your continued help, cant wait to see if Im ready for some new "stuff" next time we meet.

Chris Knight
04-17-2012, 05:54 AM
I totally agree Alex, although being a newbie, Dan made me totally at ease and his knowledge is definately encyclopedic... it was great meeting everyone but I def have my work cut out for me to even to start and catch up, something which I really hope to do. My leg still hurts, my stomach is still concave, but I'm still smiling.

Now I just need to be able to move the kua without the hip dance :D

pinot chardonnay anyone?

04-17-2012, 12:36 PM
Chris, in previous seminars Dan showed that spiralling with your ass against the wall is a great way to monitor whether your moving from the hip or the waist, I can't remember if he mentioned it over the weekend. It may help initially as it's so obvious if one of your cheeks comes off the wall.

Rob Watson
04-17-2012, 12:46 PM
Chris, in previous seminars Dan showed that spiralling with your ass against the wall is a great way to monitor whether your moving from the hip or the waist, I can't remember if he mentioned it over the weekend. It may help initially as it's so obvious if one of your cheeks comes off the wall.

Is that while spiraling or just while winding?

04-17-2012, 01:15 PM
Spiralling, you will need to sit into the stance and lean the upper body slightly forward (just enough to let your shoulders end up at 45degrees to the hip/wall. Amongst other things this is an aid to help you isolate the turn of the upper body left & right without moving the hips. Once you can do it, repeat the same feel away from the wall.

Rob Watson
04-17-2012, 02:24 PM
Spiralling, you will need to sit into the stance and lean the upper body slightly forward (just enough to let your shoulders end up at 45degrees to the hip/wall. Amongst other things this is an aid to help you isolate the turn of the upper body left & right without moving the hips. Once you can do it, repeat the same feel away from the wall.

Huh, actually, I'm not clear on the spiral bit but the butt on the wall thing I can do two different ways - one clearly wrong and the other is less wrong (might even be partly right). Simply tilting the hips left and right one is able to keep the knees over the toes and the butt against the wall but the lower back gets all wierd. Actually turning at the waist/lower back while being mindful of keeping the spine mostly straight is closer to what I think is right.

I'd caution that the butt check is only good for the hips rotating horizontally (forward and back). Checks are great but just because one passes the check does not mean things are going right! Check fail is fail - check pass maybe fail, too. So many ways to fail.