View Full Version : "That magic moment..."

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Paula Lydon
06-26-2002, 10:02 PM
Am I the only oddball out here who's addicted to that instant when your sense of self vanishes while at the same moment you're a part of everything, all is right with the world and all of Creation is exactly as it should be? Time slows to a crawl and infinity is right where you're standing? And lesser versions of all that...?
I've felt this a number of times during training (not the only reason I train, of course) and a few times outside of it and freely admit I'm hooked. You know, three years of sweat and athletic tape for one moment of ecstacy. :p
It's okey, you can call me weird...:freaky:

06-26-2002, 11:25 PM
Ok, you're weird...but in good company :p

I think I know what you're talking about. You can struggle and struggle with this art and then every once in a great while it all just clicks. No force, no effort, no clash. Just one big swirling mass of energy with you at the center. Those few experiences will keep me going for a long time.


Bruce Baker
06-27-2002, 05:46 AM
Yeah, it is quite a moment to have everything click, and time slow down .... but if you always seek to repeat that feeling, it is like a drug that lets your mind think you are repeating the feeling, but you will be rudely awakened when your partner throws you or slams you to the mat.

Uncommonly, people do not get this rush without being sick or on drugs, but the side effects of being entranced to return are just as addicting as any drug.

Beware of being caught up in this moment, as opposed to standing outside the moment and using it to move on.

Enjoy the fact that this moment has happened to you, but don't get attached to it ... it will hinder your training, confidence, and objectivity for raising the bar for excellence.

Enough of this.

You will find out for yourself the difference of experiencing a momemt like this, and dwelling on it, or trying to repeat it.

Always remember to step outside of yourself when moments like this occur so that you have an option when it is just the opposite of going your way ... and everything goes to hell in a handbasket.

Being in the right place at the right time, or the wrong place at the wrong time are not that far apart.

Just another of my pet pieves for observation and changing your timing to fit the situation, sometimes found in Aikido, but not always observed in life situations.

L. Camejo
06-27-2002, 08:34 AM
Hi all,

Paula: I know the feeling you're talking about. Felt it, loved it, lived in it for a while. Nothing like it, drugs cannot reproduce it, cuz its not entirely physical or perception based.

In aikido we tend to understand the nature of aggression by acting from our higher self, by analysing and seeing things from the perspective of the agression or agressor (in my aikido anyway). By understanding the aggression and not allowing the ego to interfere, we are able to master and redirect its energy to a more harmonious end.

The same with that feeling. If at the times when you get it you try to maintain that state for as long as possible, you actually become a lot more "aware" of your surroundings than you may realise, because you are more tuned in. You are then able to move within that state, while being fully functional in the physical.

By keeping the state and understanding it, the desire to keep achieving it slowly gives way to a knowingness that it is always there, just not felt as strongly (kinda like white noise), but you know it's there.

Remember, Aikido is moving Zen. Zen is mediatation used to achieve enlightenment. Staying in that feeling of oneness will actually help you to be more effective at releasing the ego, by reminding you that you are part of the whole. So I think that "coming out of yourself" would become a natural thing at this point.

"Holding the Vision" is a method used in a variety of deep meditation systems to go deeper into the higher self and achieve oneness with all things. So I say, next time it happens, relish in it :).

If you haven't, check out "The Tenth Insight" by James Redfield, it has some interesting perspectives on a concept similar to this.

I apologise if I rambled a bit.
Hope this has added to the thread.

06-27-2002, 09:10 AM
"This magic moment" was an old Jay and the Americans song.

I tend to help people be aware. When you are happy and into what you are doing, how busy are you inside your head? Not much, if at all. Now, when you are angry, stressed, depressed, etc., etc., etc., how busy are you inside your head? Totally. We don't have to do anything to be happy, we have to do soemthing to be miserable. And what we do is in our heads.

Often when training, we get so externally absorbed in what we are doing that we lose that internal orientation. This is the best way to find the "flow", "zone", "mushin", or whatever label you want to put on it. SO, get an external focus of awareness, soft fouc the eyes by just looking through without trying to focus on any one thing, relax, breath, and enjoy yourself.

Weird? Yes, thank goodness.

Until again,


Paula Lydon
06-27-2002, 10:40 AM
Thanks all! And yes, Lynn, I chose the subject title from that song; find myself singing it at class sometimes! :ai: :ki:

Lyle Bogin
06-27-2002, 11:54 AM
It is a frightening and fascinating thing, as we become both less than and more than human.

05-17-2006, 11:47 PM
An incredible experience, when everything for a moment makes sense and is whole, all is complete and can be seen in a falling leaf, an impending storm, an ant walking on a blade of grass. Only had it happen once during training though.

05-18-2006, 12:05 AM
Yep, ecstacy can do that to you.... :hypno:

Oh... :confused: :sorry: :D

05-18-2006, 09:01 AM
I'm yet to even attend my first class (going to observe this weeked), but my inter-faith work means that I've talked to a lot of people about this kind of thing.

The interesting fact is that all religions have their own versions of this, but it is bigger than religion. It is, for want of a better word, a spirituality thing. It's that point of complete awareness and lack of self-consciousness, the sense of being lost to something bigger than oneself and simultanesously being found. It's like swimming in a sea of Life.

The anabaptist perception/response in the discussions I've had is that these moments of enlightenment are not an end in themselves. They are equipping and enriching for a greater purpose.

Anyway, I'll get off the pulpit now! :)

Lyle, William, they are great ways to describe it.

Mark Uttech
05-18-2006, 02:07 PM
When I saw that thread title, I only thought of that moment when you feel like you can doing anything, which, in my experience, is that moment that tends to happen just before you get injured.

Ron Tisdale
05-18-2006, 02:17 PM
I got this feeling Tuesday night from yoga. I had to work really hard that night, but somehow, that just seemed to add to the reward at the end. About 45 minutes of pure, non-thinking bliss. No Mind.

Last night's aikido didn't go as well...I was sore from the yoga, I had a bunch of stuff on my mind. But I kept pushing, and the instructor started off the 2nd class with some very interesting breathing exercises. By the forth one I finally caught on to what he was doing. My technique changed dramatically between the two classes because of it. Did some of my best shihonage throws in a while. Jo solo kata after class was a kick!

Ron (I think I live for these moments....fortunately Mark, I don't ever remember getting injured during or after one)

Kevin Leavitt
05-18-2006, 03:04 PM
Cool Ron. Had similar experiences in the last couple of weeks. My training tonight did not go so well! I hate it when that happens. I have no idea why it happens I don't seem to feel any different, but somehow somedays I am good to go, others not.

When I am in the "zone", it feels wonderful.

Funny though, I never really experience what Paula describes in MA training. I have experienced it in the normal course of my day though.

05-22-2006, 01:34 PM
I have felt it. Bicycling, fishing, once I felt a high break fall take forever - perfect peace!

I think it is both our minds working the right way, and the beginnings of mystical experience. I don't think it's any reason to sell all your possessions and sit on a mountaintop. I do think it means you should do what my first Sensei said when I told her my perception was shifting - "I see. (subtle, wry smile) Please continue training." God I miss her.


05-30-2006, 09:43 AM
Hello All, I think the magic moment is when there is only you and your uke. The Way of the Harmonious Energy! We feel it in anything we enjoy. When we put our heart and soul into what we believe in. Loyalty is to believe in a cause or idea. Honor is to hold your integrity in the highest regard.

The simplicity of a lotus blossom, and the complex task to find the perfect one. When we do we find it we cannot live without it, but Spring only last so long, and so does life. We all find that "Magic Moment too we can't live without, but like Spring doesn't last forever, and we move forward. Training is somewhat like a religion, you go to the dojo 2 or 3 x a week. The spiritual aspect comes from the Ki, and the body reacts like Winter coming on. In order to stay with that you must use your hara, and zanshin must remain. Centered in your shukaku, hold your head up and welcome the storm. Where it takes you is up to you.

Most of all have fun, enjoy, and live in your dogi, as much as you can. It is the only place I find peace, and one of the places I find friendship, and happiness. Some people do not understand that happiness, they just think we are all nuts. Well are we!!! :D If loving Aikido makes me nuts then I am very crazy! :D

Regards J

Mike Hamer
06-16-2006, 09:38 PM
I have only been training for a short time, I am nowhere near this level of harmony. I need more training. My Aiki courses are only once a week, so im kind of on my own for one week intervals. I need to get my good friend to start going so that way I can always have someone to train with.