View Full Version : Howard Popkin-San Diego-August 4,5

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Howard Popkin
02-03-2012, 05:00 PM
Howard Popkin will teach a seminar at Jiai Aikido in Sand Diego on Saturday, August 4 and Sunday, August 5.

Seminar will cover jujitsu, aikijujitsu, and aiki principles.

10:00 am until approximately 4 both days ----or longer ;)

Cost $120 for the seminar or 65 per day.

Discount offered for pre-registration.

For more information, please contact:
Jiai Aikido 619-276-2454
www. JiaiAikido.com

Hope to see some old friends and make some new ones !


02-03-2012, 05:55 PM
Howard Popkin will teach a seminar at Jiai Aikido in Sand Diego on Saturday, August 4 and Sunday, August 5.

Seminar will cover jujitsu, aikijujitsu, and aiki principles.

10:00 am until approximately 4 both days ----or longer ;)

Cost $120 for the seminar or 65 per day.

Discount offered for pre-registration.

For more information, please contact:
Jiai Aikido 619-276-2454
www. JiaiAikido.com

Hope to see some old friends and make some new ones !


Yes, there is a lot of Sand in San Diego - at least that is how I remember it from hanging out around Mission Beach during some of my Navy days :D

Have fun out there - nice place!


Howard Popkin
02-03-2012, 06:11 PM
and fish :)

Byron Foster
02-03-2012, 06:14 PM
Count me in! I will bring some of the L.A. crew as well.
Looking forward to picking your brain.

02-03-2012, 06:14 PM
and fish :)

Yeah - big fish in SD - and Sashimi :)

Howard Popkin
02-03-2012, 06:57 PM

Looking forward to meeting you !

Facebook page for the event


Howard Popkin
03-08-2012, 02:30 PM
Seminar flyer attached -

Pre registration link on the flyer !

Thanks !


Keith Larman
05-03-2012, 04:50 PM
Howard, you are killing me here. The *one* thing I do every year that I simply can't miss is the San Francisco Token Kai (big, honking Japanese sword show). This year, yes, August 2-5 in, well, 600 miles north of where you'll be teaching... Damnit!

Howard Popkin
05-03-2012, 08:01 PM
looks like everyone is busy that weekend, might have to cancel

Howard Popkin
05-05-2012, 05:18 AM
Sorry, this seminar is canceled. Sorry, Howard