View Full Version : Toby Threadgill at Aikido of Berkeley, March 2012

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Toby Threadgill
01-17-2012, 03:19 PM
TSYR Seminar with Toby Threadgill at Aikido of Berkeley

When: March 24 & 25, 2012

Where: Aikido of Berkeley
1514 University Ave.
Berkeley, California

Contact: Eric Winters: aikieric@gmail.com
or : info@aikidoofberkeley.com

Janet Rosen
01-17-2012, 04:41 PM
I'm so sorry to miss your nearby visit but it's the same wkend George Ledyard is also in the state and I've already committed to that....but I AM sending a few friends over :-) ... and for anybody in the area...I totally recommend this seminar. Yes there are underlying principles, clearly taught, that will apply to your aikido. Yes you will have fun too.

01-17-2012, 11:21 PM
I agree with everything Janet said and plan to be there!

Eric Winters
01-19-2012, 11:30 AM
Hello Everybody,

Toby Threadgills seminar at Aikido of Berkeley, 1514 University Ave., Berkeley

Friday 3/23 6:30 - 8:30 pm
Saturday 3/24 10:30 am - 12:30 & 2:30 - 4:30 pm
Sunday 3/25 10:30 - 12:30 am

$40 per class
$125 for all classes

Seminar does not cost more if you pay on the day of the seminar.

I hope to see you all there,

Eric Winters

Rob Watson
01-19-2012, 11:41 AM
Hello Everybody,

Toby Threadgills seminar at Aikido of Berkeley, 1514 University Ave., Berkeley

Friday 3/23 6:30 - 8:30 pm
Saturday 3/24 10:30 am - 12:30 & 2:30 - 4:30 pm
Sunday 3/25 10:30 - 12:30 am

$40 per class
$125 for all classes

Seminar does not cost more if you pay on the day of the seminar.

I hope to see you all there,

Eric Winters

10:30 - 12:30 am ... yabba! Must mean 10:30am-12:30pm or I'm really not cut out for this stuff.

Eric Winters
01-19-2012, 11:53 AM

Sorry everyone. Rob is correct 10:30am - 12:30 pm although that would be AWESOME!


Toby Threadgill
02-13-2012, 08:22 AM
Hello Eric,

Looking forward to teaching in the new dojo. I'm sure Kayla is happy to be back in Berkeley proper.

Please give everyone there my regards,


Eric Winters
03-20-2012, 07:59 AM
Hello Everyone,

Just reminding people of Toby's seminar this weekend at the new Aikido of Berkeley.



Eric Winters
03-26-2012, 07:57 AM
Hello Everyone,

Just wanted to say it was an OUTSTANDING seminar this weekend. I would like to thank Threadgill Sensei for all the great information he imparted to us. I am looking forward to having him again at Aikido of Berkeley next year.


Eric Winters

03-26-2012, 09:37 AM
Great seminar, and great people to train with! I want to thank both Threadgill Sensie and Aikido of Berkeley! If anyone is in the area the next time Sensie comes to town, I highly recommend you go. You will learn a lot and have a good time doing it!


Fred Little
03-26-2012, 12:38 PM
Hello Everyone,

Just wanted to say it was an OUTSTANDING seminar this weekend. I would like to thank Threadgill Sensei for all the great information he imparted to us. I am looking forward to having him again at Aikido of Berkeley next year.


Eric Winters

Toby is stacking the frequent-flyer miles....and we're looking forward to having him in Newark, NJ in just a couple of weeks. As of today, there are five unpaid registrations, which means that there are five openings for new registrants. Interested parties should send an e-mail to little (at) njit.edu, public sessions are scheduled for the evening of Friday, April 13 and the morning and afternoon of Saturday, April 14.

Hope to see you on the mat soon!



Toby Threadgill
03-28-2012, 06:26 PM

I just wanted to thank Kayla Feder and Aikido of Berkeley for hosting such a great event. The turnout was fantastic with a lot of familiar faces and quite a few new ones. It's always a pleasure to teach at an event where everyone is open minded and on a quest for learning and camaraderie. Just as impressive is the fact that we had quite a broad spectrum of budoka, with people from aikido, Wado ryu karate and jujutsu.

Given there are two TSYR study groups operating in the SF Bay area, this event is shaping up to become an annual one. Kayla and I have tentatively agreed that I will return again to Berkeley on the 3rd weekend in March, 2013. We will however have to limit attendance at around 40 or 50.

I'm looking forward to it.

Toby Threadgill / TSYR

Rob Watson
03-28-2012, 06:33 PM

I just wanted to thank Kayla Feder and Aikido of Berkeley for hosting such a great event. The turnout was fantastic with a lot of familiar faces and quite a few new ones. It's always a pleasure to teach at an event where everyone is open minded and on a quest for learning and camaraderie. Just as impressive is the fact that we had quite a broad spectrum of budoka, with people from aikido, Wado ryu karate and jujutsu.

Given there are two TSYR study groups operating in the SF Bay area, this event is shaping up to become an annual one. Kayla and I have tentatively agreed that I will return again to Berkeley on the 3rd weekend in March, 2013. We will however have to limit attendance at around 40 or 50.

I'm looking forward to it.

Toby Threadgill / TSYR

Indeed, excellent event ... I can hardly wait for next year to come. However you neglected to include the ninjas ... sometimes they do move as though invisible we know they were there as all the good cheese has gone missing. Little known fact that ninjas are especially partial to cheese.