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David Orange
12-08-2011, 10:31 AM

12-08-2011, 11:34 AM

Yes, what goes around, comes around - mostly it takes longer than expected; but it happens - the older you get, the more you realize that :)


Mark Freeman
12-08-2011, 11:42 AM

What a good story. Hopefully this wise man's actions will have a permanent and positive effect on the young man's life.:cool:

graham christian
12-08-2011, 12:34 PM
Great story. A similar thing happened to a student of mine. He turned up for training looking like he had something on his mind. I asked and he told us how the previous day waliking through hyde park four guys(I won't say from where) approached him and suddenly surrounded him demanding his money.

He said he gave them his wallet and his mobile phone and then suddenly realized he would have to walk home. So as they were leaving he called them back and asked them if he could have his oyster card so that he could get home. They laughed and duly obliged and even apologised and said how they needed what they had took more than him and off they went.

The usual started as some in the dojo started saying what they would have done while others wondered what they would have done. He on the other hand wasn't sure what he had done.

Taking into account his level of ability I told him he did excellent, he harmonized and thus did Aikido.

Turned out he only had £20-00 in the wallet and the phone was old and insured so he reported it stolen the next day.


12-08-2011, 04:27 PM
Lucky the guy didn't stab him for being funny with him.

12-09-2011, 05:42 AM
A guy at my dojo did something just like that! This guy broke into his house, or started to anyway. Apparently he looked upset so they ended up chatting and he offered him a lift to the train station.

12-09-2011, 08:29 AM
There was also that Muslim store clerk who took the robber's weapon away, then made the man get on his knees and convert to Islam, then gave him a loaf of bread and sent him on his way.

What I like about the story in this thread is that the victim basically "critiqued" the robber's criminal technique. This is an interesting concept within the framework of conflict resolution. You can not only make the person second guess themselves, but they may even alter their behavior to accommodate you. The reason this works is because the enemy does not expect to face such an unconventional tactic, they become caught off guard, and they are forced to make a quick decision in response.

Realistically, the only response the enemy in that situation would expect is resistance, in which case he would've been prepared to start stabbing.

02-27-2012, 08:25 PM
Damn!!! After doing 21 years working in all those kind of neighborhoods in NYC.....all I had to do was offer my money and coat.

"Lucky the guy didn't stab him for being funny with him." Bingo we have a winner!

Quentin Cooke
06-29-2012, 05:14 AM
Fantastic story. I am helping to put together a book of aikido stories about how students have used what they learn on the mat to get a positive outcome, when perhaps they least expected it and so affirmed the value of what they have learnt through aikido. I am sure that you will have had students over the years tell you such tales and may well have experienced a few yourself. I want to put together a collection, as I am absolutely sure that it will prove very inspirational and motivational for any aikido student. It’s the sort of thing that any club might like to own and would make a great gift. Because it is such an attractive proposition, it will be a great fund raiser for Aiki Extensions, which really needs to find ways of funding its work.

Any chance of using this one?

02-01-2013, 09:24 AM
very good story, enjoyed it and heart warming. Dont think it would work in all situations like that though, depends on the mugger in question.

02-01-2013, 11:34 AM
How the story unfolded depended on both sides; also like Aikido. The mugger could at any point have chosen not to continue the connection; he didn't. The protagonist's actions developed out of the interaction.

Tim Gerrard
04-10-2013, 04:25 AM
IMHO he was very lucky to get the resolution he did, and I'm glad everyone walked away a winner.

However the majority of people who commit robbery have a house, food, tv, and are funding a lifestyle choice which involves criminality of varying degrees of severity and a drug problem.

04-10-2013, 07:04 AM
Fantastic story. I am helping to put together a book of aikido stories about how students have used what they learn on the mat to get a positive outcome, when perhaps they least expected it and so affirmed the value of what they have learnt through aikido. I am sure that you will have had students over the years tell you such tales and may well have experienced a few yourself. I want to put together a collection, as I am absolutely sure that it will prove very inspirational and motivational for any aikido student. It’s the sort of thing that any club might like to own and would make a great gift. Because it is such an attractive proposition, it will be a great fund raiser for Aiki Extensions, which really needs to find ways of funding its work.

Any chance of using this one?

Reading the article, there's no indication that the man who was robbed has any experience at all in aikido. This story is being used as an example, in OP's opinion, of how aikido techniques should play out off the mat; however, it is not a case of an aikido student who was robbed and acted based on his aikido training. As such, I don't think it would be appropriate for your collection. This man learned how to connect with others somewhere, but it wasn't in an aikido dojo.

Erick Mead
04-10-2013, 09:19 AM
Not sure about Aikido -- but that's called living the Gospel:

... and from anyone who takes away your coat do not withhold even your shirt. Give to everyone who begs from you; and if anyone takes away your goods, do not ask for them again.

Luke 6:28-30(NRSV)

St Matt
04-11-2013, 04:06 AM
I reckon Shioda would've done it differently.

'give me your walle......... what the??? what just happened??? why am I 20 feet away and hurting???'

Tim Gerrard
04-11-2013, 10:39 AM
I reckon Shioda would've done it differently.

'give me your walle......... what the??? what just happened??? why am I 20 feet away and hurting???'

I would argue O'Sensei would've given them a shoeing in his younger days too!

03-14-2016, 05:10 AM
Thanks David, if more people were like this our world would be a better place.


03-14-2016, 07:26 AM
Thanks David, if more people were like this our world would be a better place.


Very TRUE... Now it's time to ask our own selves,,, "Are We One Of Those Real Aikido Man?". Only you can answer that.

03-14-2016, 08:09 PM
Very TRUE... Now it's time to ask our own selves,,, "Are We One Of Those Real Aikido Man?". Only you can answer that.

I agree Rod, I would guess that a lot of people would find it very hard to truely answer that questions :)

