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10-25-2011, 04:15 AM
Hi everyone,

A little something about myself. 35 years old single guy. I live in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. I work for a environmental services company in Rotterdam.

The reason i'm here on these forums is because my low energy level has become very noticeable so i decided it was time to do a sport again for the first time since i was 20yrs or so.
Past fifteen years has taken my condition to about zero. Few months ago i started to change this, i bought a bike, and taken up fishing to get me on that bicycle and to be more active and more outside. This is really helping i am starting to get more energy and its time to take it to the next level.

I tried to go to the gym for getting in shape, but i have tried a few times before and always quit because i just dont like to do that. I can't throw, hold or kick a (foot,tennis,base,basket) ball if my life depends on it. So Martial Arts seems like a great option. For several weeks i have been trying to get informed about all kinds of different forms and disciplines. Seen alot of stuff all interesting and all potential new sports. One of these was Aikido and its gracefulness its pacifism the mental aspects aswell as the way to deal with conflicts are very appealing to me. So i have read some books and watched some video's on Aikido. Tonight ill get my second lesson. On these forums i hope to find some advice and info to get the most out of my training.

Mark Freeman
10-25-2011, 06:25 AM
Hi Bob,

welcome to the wonderful world of Aikido, and long may you find benefit in it.

I'm sure you will gain much from reading and contributing to the forums.



10-25-2011, 03:04 PM
Hi Bob,

Welcome to AikiWeb and to aikido. I hope you feel welcome in joining in the discussions.

-- Jun

10-26-2011, 02:30 AM
Thanks for the warm welcome. After last night's lesson i think that Aikido is indeed for me so ill come back here now and then

10-27-2011, 09:28 AM
Hi, Bob,

Sounds like the exact same story as me. While I don't feel Aikido has given me a regular 'workout' I certainly feel it has given me more energy and vitality. Enjoy the journey :-)

11-02-2011, 09:19 AM
Thats good to hear, thats exactly why i am picking up Aikido, just seems like a great way to stay fit and healthy and has lots of others boons aswell.

they tell me its progression pain, my condition is making a lot of progression then :D

haha thats a nice signature.. i have added it under my new posts 8-)