View Full Version : Howard Popkin Seminar Review - Mesa, AZ

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Eric Joyce
08-08-2011, 09:48 AM
First and foremost, a BIG thanks to Howard Popkin for making the trek to Arizona. I hope you enjoyed your visit in the dry heat :)
Howard is a great teacher and a genuine, down to earth guy. Even though this is the first time I have met Howard, I felt like we knew each other already.

Before the 2 day Daito Ryu seminar, my friends and I really didn't know what to expect. We had some ideas on what may be discussed and practiced. We even had some some ideas/theories on some of the terms and concepts we have heard over the years on Aikiweb i.e. internal power, aiki, etc. The seminar went way beyond anything we could have imagined. We went in with open minds ready to learn…and Howard delivered.

Howard explaining Daito Ryu, aiki, etc., reminded of those book you see at Barnes and Noble (Daito Ryu for Dummies or Daito Ryu demystified). Howard's approach was no nonsense, pragmatic and to the point. No mysticism, no BS, just telling it like it is. That's why we loved Howard. A real good egg. I certainly learned a lot from Howard this weekend. There was so much information that was being shared my mind felt fried by the end of the 2nd day. It was well worth it. I will definitely incorporate what I have learned in those 2 days. It is my hope that when we see Howard again, we will have made considerable progress in our structure and being more relaxed…especially me. I think I need to take valium or something to really relax my body sometimes :) Like the movie What About Bob…baby steps.

On another note, over the years on Aikiweb, I have read and participated sometimes in the conversations about aiki and was always skeptical about the line "It has to be felt" or IHTBF. I figured if you couldn't explain it, you didn't understand it well enough. Although conversations on that topic are good to have to create dialogue and discussions, nothing is quite as impressive as getting hands on someone that can do those cool things. After getting my hands on Howard and feeling his technique, listening to him explain the how's, why's and so what's…it opened doors for me that really blew my mind. Dan Harden and others on here are correct…get out there and touch hands with others, feel them out, learn what you can.

In conclusion, not that my opinion matters or means anything, but I whole heartedly recommend people see Hoard Popkin at one of his seminars. He is extremely talented, approachable, patient and humble. Howard, I wish I could have hung out with you more after the classes this past weekend and shared some beers. Perhaps next time. Thanks again Howard.


Eric Joyce

08-08-2011, 12:35 PM
Hello Eric
I'm glad you got to sift through all the noise and rhetoric here and meet people who can actually do what they talk about.
As you now know, Howard is a talented and well balanced guy and a very good teacher to boot. I'm glad it was a good experience.
All the best

Howard Popkin
08-08-2011, 01:24 PM

Thanks for the kind words. You guys were great to work with !!! I'm sure next time will be sooner than later and I'm really looking forward to that.....in WINTER :)



I was asked about you. I told them you suck, have no balance or stability, your center is weak and can't punch to save your life.

Oh, and I volunteered Eric as an uke to prove my point :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

See you soon,


08-08-2011, 02:38 PM
Thanks for the kind words. You guys were great to work with !!! I'm sure next time will be sooner than later and I'm really looking forward to that.....in WINTER :)
I was asked about you. I told them you suck, have no balance or stability, your center is weak and can't punch to save your life.
Oh, and I volunteered Eric as an uke to prove my point :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
See you soon,
I'll eat my wheaties and go back to the gym and lift weights...I'm told that's the secret to my strength!!!! :rolleyes:
Don't wan't to dissapoint Eric.... Argh!!!!

Howard Popkin
08-08-2011, 02:51 PM
I thought it was gimlets :)

When are we going fishing ?

Eric Joyce
08-08-2011, 03:05 PM
I'll eat my wheaties and go back to the gym and lift weights...I'm told that's the secret to my strength!!!! :rolleyes:
Don't wan't to dissapoint Eric.... Argh!!!!

Thanks Howard, let me get my last will and testament in order first :)

Being a former power lifter myself, I can see where weightlifting would hamper and not help with this stuff.

Janet Rosen
08-08-2011, 04:00 PM
But...but...where is the fishing in Mesa?

Howard Popkin
08-08-2011, 04:49 PM
good question :)

There is a 140,000 square foot BASS PRO SHOP !!!


08-08-2011, 09:55 PM
But...but...where is the fishing in Mesa?

my thought exactly. unless he's fishing for cactus. there is a big BAS PRO shop less than 5 miles from my house, and you don't see him show up here regularly. :)

Jon O'Neall
09-08-2011, 08:08 AM
I have been a lurker at Aikiweb for years but had never bothered to actually register before now. In fact, I actually registered right after Howard's Mesa, AZ seminar so that I could login and post my praises of him, but it took Jun until just yesterday to activate my account (not complaining, I know Jun's busy... just explaining why this seminar review is now over a month past due).

Anyway, I am not an Aikidoka, but I have always been interested in the subject of "aiki" from Daitoryu's perspective (as opposed to the various ways Aikido has attempted to define it over the years) and attended Howard's Mesa, AZ seminar at the Budo Shingikan with high hopes of finally seeing and feeling legitimate Daitoryu aiki... and Howard did not disappoint!!! Not only did he demo/perform/teach us all some Daitoryu aiki, but he also put up with my (and others) many questions regarding all sorts of topics related to Daitoryu and aiki. Plus, for me personally, to finally be able to learn definitionally the differences between Daitoryu's jujutsu vs aikijujutsu vs aikinojutsu was worth the price of admission alone... that was a ghost I had been chasing for years (just the definitions) and Howard gave concrete, no BS examples of each. It's amazing how just a little bit of straight-forward talk combined with actual knowledge and skill can dissipate the fog of mystery surrounding that subject!

I know nobody on here knows me from Adam, so my opinion means squat, but folks, if you ever get a chance to attend a Howard Popkin seminar, do so! Not only will you get a chance to see/feel Daitoryu "aiki" for real, and get a chance to meet and train with a budoka of the first order (ie, Howard), but you'll also get a chance to meet just one heckuva great guy! It's not often you meet someone with such martial skill, and it's not often you meet someone that is so cool... but to have the two combined in one guy is a rare treat! So don't miss out if you get the chance!

Howard, I know I've said this to you privately, but I wanted to thank you for everything publicly as well!

Now back to lurker mode for another decade or so....

Eric Joyce
09-08-2011, 09:03 AM
I have been a lurker at Aikiweb for years but had never bothered to actually register before now. In fact, I actually registered right after Howard's Mesa, AZ seminar so that I could login and post my praises of him, but it took Jun until just yesterday to activate my account (not complaining, I know Jun's busy... just explaining why this seminar review is now over a month past due).

Anyway, I am not an Aikidoka, but I have always been interested in the subject of "aiki" from Daitoryu's perspective (as opposed to the various ways Aikido has attempted to define it over the years) and attended Howard's Mesa, AZ seminar at the Budo Shingikan with high hopes of finally seeing and feeling legitimate Daitoryu aiki... and Howard did not disappoint!!! Not only did he demo/perform/teach us all some Daitoryu aiki, but he also put up with my (and others) many questions regarding all sorts of topics related to Daitoryu and aiki. Plus, for me personally, to finally be able to learn definitionally the differences between Daitoryu's jujutsu vs aikijujutsu vs aikinojutsu was worth the price of admission alone... that was a ghost I had been chasing for years (just the definitions) and Howard gave concrete, no BS examples of each. It's amazing how just a little bit of straight-forward talk combined with actual knowledge and skill can dissipate the fog of mystery surrounding that subject!

I know nobody on here knows me from Adam, so my opinion means squat, but folks, if you ever get a chance to attend a Howard Popkin seminar, do so! Not only will you get a chance to see/feel Daitoryu "aiki" for real, and get a chance to meet and train with a budoka of the first order (ie, Howard), but you'll also get a chance to meet just one heckuva great guy! It's not often you meet someone with such martial skill, and it's not often you meet someone that is so cool... but to have the two combined in one guy is a rare treat! So don't miss out if you get the chance!

Howard, I know I've said this to you privately, but I wanted to thank you for everything publicly as well!

Now back to lurker mode for another decade or so....

Amen brother :)

09-08-2011, 01:02 PM
I have been a lurker at Aikiweb for years but had never bothered to actually register before now. In fact, I actually registered right after Howard's Mesa, AZ seminar so that I could login and post my praises of him, but it took Jun until just yesterday to activate my account (not complaining, I know Jun's busy... just explaining why this seminar review is now over a month past due).

Anyway, I am not an Aikidoka, but I have always been interested in the subject of "aiki" from Daitoryu's perspective (as opposed to the various ways Aikido has attempted to define it over the years) and attended Howard's Mesa, AZ seminar at the Budo Shingikan with high hopes of finally seeing and feeling legitimate Daitoryu aiki... and Howard did not disappoint!!! Not only did he demo/perform/teach us all some Daitoryu aiki, but he also put up with my (and others) many questions regarding all sorts of topics related to Daitoryu and aiki. Plus, for me personally, to finally be able to learn definitionally the differences between Daitoryu's jujutsu vs aikijujutsu vs aikinojutsu was worth the price of admission alone... that was a ghost I had been chasing for years (just the definitions) and Howard gave concrete, no BS examples of each. It's amazing how just a little bit of straight-forward talk combined with actual knowledge and skill can dissipate the fog of mystery surrounding that subject!

I know nobody on here knows me from Adam, so my opinion means squat, but folks, if you ever get a chance to attend a Howard Popkin seminar, do so! Not only will you get a chance to see/feel Daitoryu "aiki" for real, and get a chance to meet and train with a budoka of the first order (ie, Howard), but you'll also get a chance to meet just one heckuva great guy! It's not often you meet someone with such martial skill, and it's not often you meet someone that is so cool... but to have the two combined in one guy is a rare treat! So don't miss out if you get the chance!

Howard, I know I've said this to you privately, but I wanted to thank you for everything publicly as well!

Now back to lurker mode for another decade or so....


As great as Howard's skills are, his character is even better. Great guy, exemplary teacher, humble, very dedicated, really cares about whether a student is "getting it", and well worth knowing. I'm certainly glad that I reached out and got in contact with him years ago. Don't sit by and wait for Howard to come near your area, find out where he'll be and go meet him. You won't regret it, especially for those in aikido.


Howard Popkin
09-08-2011, 01:35 PM
don't worry guys, I have checks in the mail to all three of you :)

Thomas Campbell
09-08-2011, 02:35 PM
It's amazing how just a little bit of straight-forward talk combined with actual knowledge and skill can dissipate the fog of mystery surrounding that subject!


Howard, your last check to me bounced. What's up with that?!

Howard Popkin
09-08-2011, 02:55 PM
it didn't bounce, it was dated March 12, 2051

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

09-08-2011, 03:04 PM
OK, guys, enough is enough - you keep this up and Howie won't be able to get his hat back on - yeah, he is good, but so far he is not walking on water, but I hear he is working on it :D


Thomas Campbell
09-08-2011, 03:29 PM
it didn't bounce, it was dated March 12, 2051

Yeesh, by then it will be about as good as a check from Social Security.

Janet Rosen
09-08-2011, 03:53 PM
so far he is not walking on water, but I hear he is working on it :D


That was sake, not water.... :)

09-08-2011, 09:59 PM
That was sake, not water.... :)

Well in that case, Howard does not walk on Sake - he swims in it :D