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Susan Ridley
07-29-2011, 05:36 PM
I signed in to this because of a recent Aikido Journal article that used the word "haragei" in a way that surprised me. I have been studying aikido for sixteen years and I used to teach college English. I thought I knew the basic aikido vocabulary and a reasonable amount of background. I do not spend much time on the Internet, but I succumbed to curiosity and googled the author. I propose to use Aikiweb to find out a bit more about him.

Janet Rosen
07-30-2011, 12:13 AM
Welcome! Hope you enjoy your time spent here.

07-31-2011, 04:05 PM
Hi Susan,

Welcome to AikiWeb.

-- Jun

Linda Eskin
07-31-2011, 06:28 PM
Hi Susan, and welcome! :-)

That's exactly the kind of mystery that sends me into fits of Internet research, too. LOL

Looking forward to chatting now and then.
