View Full Version : Sagawa, Aiki and Tanren
For those who have not seen these already, the following links are from a French translation of an article in Hiden Budo Magazine via google translation into english.
The five links can be found at;
and clicking on the link, Tanren,锻錬 Introduction Part 1.
The author of the article is a student of Sagawa, Masaru Takahash.
Chris Li
07-25-2011, 05:26 PM
For those who have not seen these already, the following links are from a French translation of an article in Hiden Budo Magazine via google translation into english.
The five links can be found at;
and clicking on the link, Tanren,锻˜B Introduction Part 1.
The author of the article is a student of Sagawa, Masaru Takahash.
Bernard, who wrote the blog, is actually in Honolulu right now - we fooled around with Mike Sigman all weekend.
The author of the article is (was) a student of Sagawa, Masaru Takahash.
And in the past...of Liu ChengDe. Have you read them all. If so, no comment on his discussing the things we have discussed here, and your countering us at every turn? Or of some things that have NEVER been discussed here but are alluded to and curiously no one has picked up on?
And in the past...of Liu ChengDe. Have you read them all. If so, no comment on his discussing the things we have discussed here, and your countering us at every turn? Or of some things that have NEVER been discussed here but are alluded to and curiously no one has picked up on?
07-27-2011, 11:52 PM
Bernard, who wrote the blog, is actually in Honolulu right now - we fooled around with Mike Sigman all weekend.
Just to be clear - "fooled around" is strictly in a martial way....
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