View Full Version : Seminar with Hans Goto Sensei, 6th Dan

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Greg Jennings
06-11-2002, 07:59 PM
Capital City Aikido, Montgomery, AL will be hosting Hans Goto Sensei, 6th Dan for a seminar Nov. 8-10, 2002.

Contact Greg Jennings at (334) 272-4059 for reservations and any other information.

Best Regards,

Dean H.
06-14-2002, 08:02 PM
Sounds great to me.
I am hoping to get to come
and to also get to visit
some more between now and then.


Greg Jennings
06-14-2002, 08:12 PM
Hi Dean,

We'd love to have you. We'll have more details out soon.

Our plan is to get a large venue like a school gym and put on a first-rate event.

Goto Sensei is a terrific teacher. He explains things extremely well. He has a very laid-back, easy going nature and is a pleasure to learn from.

Best Regards,

Greg Jennings
09-05-2002, 10:30 PM
Hi folks,

Things have firmed up.

See http://www.takemusu.org/seminar.html for details.

I look forward to seeing you there.

Best Regards,

Paul Clark
09-10-2002, 07:47 AM

I'm coming of course, McVey sensei maybe also.

Folks--it's a great bunch in Montgomery, especially if you like to train "vigorously". Highly recommended!


Greg Jennings
09-11-2002, 06:04 AM

The seminar web page was down for two days due to a glitch at Takemusu.org's registrar.

It's back up now: http://www.takemusu.org/seminar.html .

Best Regards,

Greg Jennings
09-16-2002, 07:18 AM

Couple of updates:

1. Peter Boylan, our own Budo Bum, will be at the seminar with a spread of wares from his martial arts supply business Mugendo Budogu http://www.budogu.com/ . Peter has the best hakama at the best prices I've seen.

2. You can also access the seminar information via the Events page of my newly revamped Capital City Aikido website:

http://www.takemusu.org/cca-events.html .

in addition to the normal page:

http://www.takemusu.org/seminar.html .

Greg Jennings
10-04-2002, 05:20 AM

Just a quick reminder about our seminar November 8-10 with Hans Goto Sensei, 6th an Iwama aikido.

We've had a great response so far, especially from the ASU folks that took in Goto Sensei's class(es) at the ASU Summer Camp in the Rockies.

If you're coming and need a home stay or sack-out-on-the-mat, please drop me a line so I can take care of things for you.

All the details are at: http://www.takemusu.org/cca-events.html .

I hope to see you there.

Best Regards,

Greg Jennings
10-21-2002, 07:34 AM
Hi All,

It's getting down to the wire for the seminar. Things are going great.

Our homestay space is more or less full. If you know of anyone that was planning on a homestay _or_ sack-out-on-the-mat, please have them get in touch with me at webmaster@capitalcityaikido.com or (334)272-4059.

Best Regards,

Greg Jennings
10-29-2002, 09:40 PM
Hi All,

Things are shaping up nicely for the seminar. We currently have RSVPs from AL, AR, FL, GA, LA, MI, OH, TN and VA.

We had a request to post information on camping spots close to our seminar venue:

I highly recommend Fort Toulouse in Wetumpka, AL.

http://www.preserveala.org/sites/sites-toul.html .

I've camped at Fort Toulouse. It's in a good area,

it's private and quiet and has good shower facilities.

Directions from I-65 North or South (e.g., Birmingham, Mobile)

1. Take I-65 to Hwy 14 East (the Prattville, Coosada exit).

2. Hwy 14 East to Hwy 231 South.

3. Look for the Fort Toulouse sign across from the Wal-Mart.

4. Follow the signs.

Directions from I-85 (e.g., Auburn, Atlanta)

1. I-85 to Exit 6, the Eastern Blvd, Hwy 231 exit.

2. Follow Hwy 231 North toward Wetumpka.

3. Look for the Fort Toulouse sign across from the Wal-Mart.

4. Follow the signs.

Fort Toulouse to the seminar venue:

1. Exit Fort Toulouse turning left on Hwy 231 North.

2. Left onto Hwy 14 West.

3. Hwy 14 to I-65.

4. At I-65, follow the directions on the seminar site/flyer.

http://www.takemusu.org/seminar.html .

Best Regards,

Greg Jennings
11-07-2002, 08:52 PM
The registrar's DNS management is hosed once again. Grrrrhhh!!!!

Use: .

Crap. Crap. Why now at the last minute....


Robyn Johnson
11-11-2002, 05:26 PM
Hi Greg!

I just wanted to say "thanks" again for the excellent seminar! As I told you before, this seminar was my first one. I was really nervous about it because I didn't know what to expect, but everything seemed very relaxed and friendly! I had a great time! Thanks for all the hard work you put into it!

Congrats again for passing your NiDan test!!!!! :cool:

Robyn :)

Greg Jennings
11-11-2002, 06:51 PM
Hi Greg!
Hi Robyn! It's so nice of you to post a follow-up about the seminar.
I just wanted to say "thanks" again for the excellent seminar!
You're very welcome. Thank you for the kind words.
As I told you before, this seminar was my first one. I was really nervous about it because I didn't know what to expect,
Gosh; could have fooled me. You seemed like an old pro.
but everything seemed very relaxed and friendly!
That's us (or at least what we want to be): Relaxed and friendly with good vigorous training.

And, of course, everyone that has met Goto Sensei knows what a great person he is. He has that wonderful ability to draw out the best in people, to get them to be very price...and enjoy doing it.
I had a great time! Thanks for all the hard work you put into it!
Wonderful. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself.
Congrats again for passing your NiDan test!!!!! :cool:
Thank you so much. It was very interesting. I prepped a whole year for my shodan and had essentially no time to prep for this one. It was more or fly by the seat of the pants. That's very difficult when so many things are called "Kokyu nage". ;) .

I hope to see you guys again soon. I'm planning to attend Ikeda Sensei's seminar in Pensacola the first weekend of December.

Best Regards,

Paul Clark
11-12-2002, 07:49 AM

I'll add my thanks for a fantastic seminar. Huge mats, great facility, the always-friendly Capital City Aikido clan, super social activities, and top notch instruction from Goto Sensei made it a great event.

Count on me again next year, along with all those others (I'll bet) that travelled from as far away as Michigan, Virginia, Arkansas, New Orleans, and Florida.

Really super, thanks again!


11-12-2002, 09:02 AM
Hey Greg, congratulations on passing your nidan test. It sounds like the seminar went off well and that people really enjoyed it.

11-12-2002, 09:17 PM
Congratulations on your grading. I am sure it was well deserved.

All the best for training :)

Greg Jennings
11-13-2002, 05:08 AM

I'll add my thanks for a fantastic seminar. Huge mats, great facility, the always-friendly Capital City Aikido clan, super social activities, and top notch instruction from Goto Sensei made it a great event.

Count on me again next year, along with all those others (I'll bet) that travelled from as far away as Michigan, Virginia, Arkansas, New Orleans, and Florida.

Really super, thanks again!
Thank you for the positive feedback, Paul. I appreciate it very much.

We're already working on our "Lessons Learned" to have an even better seminar next year.

PS: Goto Sensei has a great reputation as a teacher...was it me, or didn't he blow even that away.

Best Regards,

Paul Clark
11-13-2002, 07:11 AM
PS: Goto Sensei has a great reputation as a teacher...was it me, or didn't he blow even that away.


Before the seminar, all I knew about Goto Sensei was what was in the seminar's advanced billing on the TAA website. Having met him, I can now say he's a real prince of a guy, with priceless experience, great stories about the early days in Iwama, great sense of humor, and of course, great aikido. Also one of the best teachers (of anything)I've ever seen.

Looking forward to next time.


Greg Jennings
11-13-2002, 03:12 PM
Thank you Kat and Mayland. I appreciate the well wishes.

It's nice that folks here know what nidan means in the aikido context.

OTOH, it's a shame that the dojo/dojang that I can almost see from my office hands them out to 9 year old kids w/ 22 months of training.

Best Regards,

11-13-2002, 06:20 PM
...OTOH, it's a shame that the dojo/dojang that I can almost see from my office hands them out to 9 year old kids w/ 22 months of training.
:eek: Wow! I wonder what sort of message that sends to people. That would seem to be an extreme example of what IMHO is one of the problems with the ranking/belt system.

All the best for training :)

Greg Jennings
11-14-2002, 07:45 AM

Before the seminar, all I knew about Goto Sensei was what was in the seminar's advanced billing on the TAA website. Having met him, I can now say he's a real prince of a guy, with priceless experience, great stories about the early days in Iwama, great sense of humor, and of course, great aikido. Also one of the best teachers (of anything)I've ever seen.

Looking forward to next time.
Excellent. We've had very positive feedback from Goto Sensei and he's penciled us in for about the same time next year.

In the meantime, we here are working through our lessons learned in order to have an even better event next year.

Best Regards,

Greg Jennings
11-14-2002, 06:41 PM
I'll be posting a web gallery later, but here is a group shot:

http://www.takemusu.org/images/group-3-med.jpg .

Best Regards,

Robyn Johnson
11-14-2002, 08:22 PM
Awesome picture, Greg!!!

Hey Paul! I just realized that you were the one sitting next to me in Applebee's! Neat!


Paul Clark
11-15-2002, 05:05 PM
That is a great picture, good group.

Robyn--yup that was me, nice to meet you, too. Look forward to next time.


Greg Jennings
11-15-2002, 07:53 PM
Here's another:


Lynn Childers and Robyn Johnson are in the foreground doing one of the kumitachi exercises.

Myers and Sheldon Senseis are in the left background. Bryan Webb of Aikido of Birmingham and George Reynolds Sensei of Auburn Aikido Club are in the right background.

Best Regards,

11-15-2002, 07:57 PM
Great pictures, Greg! It really sounds like the seminar went well. I hope I can make it down there some day...

-- Jun

Greg Jennings
11-15-2002, 08:39 PM
Thank you for the feedback. I'm slowly processing the pictures. Peter Boylan is sending me over 100 more on CD. When I get them and process them, I'll put up a web gallery.

Here is a nice picture of Goto Sensei making a point to us during jo keiko.

http://www.takemusu.org/images/goto-explain.jpg .

Please do come down, Jun. I think you'd have a great time.

Best Regards,

Robyn Johnson
11-16-2002, 09:33 AM
Hey wow it's me! I'm so terrible at bokkens! Lynn was a tremendous help and a awesome teacher!:) Awesome picture of Goto Sensei!!!


Greg Jennings
11-17-2002, 09:17 AM
Hi Robyn,

You did fine. The secret to doing the kumitachi well is doing lots of suburi. The suburi are where we develope solid basic form.

Here are some more pictures:

Leslie in a nice kamae:


and again doing kumitachi with Dean from Birmingham:


Here is a good shot of Tim Sheldon Sensei, of Aikido of Richmond, listening to Goto Sensei explain a find point (note his good posture):


And a fine shot of Goto Sensei doing something or the other ushiro tsuki:

http://www.takemusu.org/images/goto-ushirotsuki.jpg .

Best Regards,

Robyn Johnson
11-18-2002, 09:33 PM
Hi Greg!

Thanks for the encouragement!:)

By the way, I can't seem to find my watch. It's a small Batman watch with a black wristband. I'm only mentioned it because it might have fallen out of my bag at the seminar. Have you seen it?

Robyn :)

Bryan Webb
11-19-2002, 07:54 AM

Hope you are well!

IS there going to be a video of the seminar ?


Bryan Webb

Dean H.
11-19-2002, 09:09 PM

I'd like to add my congratulations to you on your nidan. It is obvious from knowing you and seeing your technique and instruction that you have been very dedicated to training and in promoting aikido. Also, like everyone else at the seminar, I was very impressed by not only the outstanding instruction, but by all the hard work before, during and after the weekend of training and fellowship. Sincere thanks to Goto Sensei, Myers Sensei, you, Lynn, Paul and, I'm sure, others, for making the seminar such a great success.

Greg Jennings
12-02-2002, 06:24 AM
Hi Greg!

Thanks for the encouragement!:)
You're very welcome.
By the way, I can't seem to find my watch. It's a small Batman watch with a black wristband. I'm only mentioned it because it might have fallen out of my bag at the seminar. Have you seen it?
Unfortunately, I haven't. I'll keep my eyes open, though.

Best Regards,

Greg Jennings
12-02-2002, 12:49 PM

Hope you are well!

IS there going to be a video of the seminar ?
Hi Bryan,

Things are very, very busy. Hence the tardiness of my reply.

To all that have asked, I'll speak with Goto Sensei about a video.

I hesitate to, however, because while the equipment used to film the seminar was professional quality, the camera crew was unfamiliar with aikido didn't have a good idea of what to film, angles to film, etc.

I.e., I'd hate to put something out that wasn't professional quality across the board.

Best Regards,

Robyn Johnson
12-03-2002, 09:00 AM
Forget what I said about my watch--I just found it the other day! I was SO happy!!:)

Greg, are you planning to go to the Pensacola seminar this weekend? My mom and I haven't forgotten about Lynn and we'd like to give you some pictures of the seminar to give to her---if you'll be at this next seminar, that is.


Greg Jennings
12-03-2002, 11:44 AM
Forget what I said about my watch--I just found it the other day! I was SO happy!!:)
Good deal. I noticed it when we were at lunch Sunday and was bummed at the thought of you losing such an interesting watch.
Greg, are you planning to go to the Pensacola seminar this weekend? My mom and I haven't forgotten about Lynn and we'd like to give you some pictures of the seminar to give to her---if you'll be at this next seminar, that is.
I'm going to try to be there Sunday. It remains to be seen if I can get a "kitchen pass".

Best Regards,

Robyn Johnson
12-03-2002, 01:01 PM
I got my watch really cheap at the Warner Bros. Store before they closed down. I was worried that it was lost for good and I wouldn't be able to replace it!

I'm sorry I won't be seeing you there for the whole seminar! I hope you can make it Sunday. I'm afraid that I have no idea what "kitchen pass" means.

Have a good day, Greg!

Robyn :)

Greg Jennings
12-03-2002, 01:43 PM
I hope you can make it Sunday. I'm afraid that I have no idea what "kitchen pass" means.

Have a good day, Greg!
I'm afraid you'll learn all too well what a kitchen pass is one of these days. It's a marital (not martial) thing.

I hope to see you there. I know that Leslie wanted to go over the kumitachi Goto Sensei covered at our seminar.

Best Regards,

Robyn Johnson
12-05-2002, 09:30 AM
Hi Greg,

It turned out that just yesterday, something came up for all 4 of us who were going to go. Clearly it worked out that we just aren't meant to go to this seminar but all of us are REALLY disappointed.:( I was so looking forward to it! We'll have to mail Kestra's pictures to her now. Hopefully we'll find another seminar close enough for us to go to in the next few months. We were really looking forward to seeing some of the people that we met at your seminar again at this one.:( If you still make it there on Sunday, please let us know whenever you have the time, how it was.
