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07-07-2011, 12:40 AM
hi guys how are use all just thought i would pop in and say hello from sunny scotland :) :) am new to akidio been practising for just over a month and i must say i truly love it am all so wondring if some one could point me to some good books and some reading on the site if use dont mind so i can take some more info and study up on it.thanks again :) :) look forward to chatting to use all :D :D

Tim Ruijs
07-07-2011, 03:29 AM

Two books that might be of interest:
Budo, The Teachings of Morihei Ueshiba, the Founder of Aikido (Morihei Ueshiba) and/or
The essence of Aikido (Stevens, Morihei Ueshiba)

As for reading on the site: that really depends on your own interests. Some of aikiblogs/articles might be worthwhile. ;)

07-07-2011, 07:13 AM
Hello and welcome. I love to read too and have picked up quite a few great books.

Personal favorites for me are

Aikido and the Harmony of Nature-Mitsugi Saotome
Aikido for life-Gyaku Homa
Aikido Sketch Diary-Gyaku Homma
It's a lot like Dancing, and aikido Journey-Terry Dobson
Aikido, The peaceful Martial art-Stephen Stenudd
The way of Aikido-George Leonard
In search of the warrior spirit-Richard Strozzi Heckler
The Spirit of Aikido-Kisshomaru Ueshiba

Not aikido specific-budo related
Zen in the martial arts-Joe Hayams
Living the martial way-Forrest E Morgan
Moving Zen-C.W.Nicol
Mastery-George Leonard

And looking forward to this one with great anticipation. :D
Nature in Horsemanship: Discovering Harmony Through Principles of Aikido-Mark Rashid

Happy reading. :)

kyu mg
07-07-2011, 09:05 AM
Welcome Jason....
Like you I have only been learning for about a month.
So what is a summer day in Scotland like....
Here in California today it's going to be around 100

07-07-2011, 09:29 AM
Hi Jason,

Welcome to AikiWeb and to aikido.

-- Jun

07-07-2011, 10:31 AM
Welcome Jason....
Like you I have only been learning for about a month.
So what is a summer day in Scotland like....
Here in California today it's going to be around 100
hello mate weather is no bad here the day like had rain and sun witch is not bad going for us its mostly rain lol the temp is 15c here witch is bout 59f there you lucky guy :) :)