View Full Version : Gotta Move Aikido Library for Sale
06-01-2011, 11:32 AM
Aikido Books
for sale 1/2 of retail!
Aikido Kisshomaru Ueshiba
A Beginner’s Guide to Aikido L. Reynosa
The Spirit of Aikido Kisshomaru Ueshiba
Aikido for Life Gaku Homma
It’s a Lot Like Dancing… An Aikido Journey Terry Dobson
The Book of Five Rings Miyamoto Musashi
Aikido Complete Yoshimitsu Yamada
A Road That Anyone Can Walk Ki William Reed
The Essence of Aikido Bill Sosa
Life’s Little Instruction Book
Aikido In Everyday Life Terry Dobson
Aikido and the New Warrior Richard Heckler
In Search of the Warrior Spirit Richard Heckler
The Anatomy of Change Richard Heckler
Tao Teh Ching Lao Tzu
The Way of Chuang Tzu Thomas Merton
Zen In the Martial Arts Joe Hyams
The Zen Way to the Martial Arts Taisen Deshimaru
Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind Shunryu Suzuki
The Gentle Art of Verbal Self Defense Suzette Haden Elgin
06-13-2011, 05:19 PM
No interest in these books? Any feedback on why? Price too high?
Because I'm new to the board? Titles are old?
Dave de Vos
06-13-2011, 06:18 PM
No interest in these books? Any feedback on why? Price too high?
Because I'm new to the board? Titles are old?
Do you sell them together or separately?
I may be interested but I'd have to check out the titles to know which ones.
I wouldn't know to how much 1/2 retail price would add up. Which retail price are you referring to? Amazon?
In which country do you live? (so how much would it cost to ship them)
06-13-2011, 08:36 PM
Honestly i think that you are being a little ambitious in looking for half retail. Alot of these titles one can pick up for a couple of dollars on ebay, or at your local used book store if you bide your time. I believe if you dropped them to a quater retail you would have a much better chance of selling them.
Also if you sell them seperatly you would have a good chance. I would have to say that most people who frequent this site have most of the Aikido books on your list, so they may only be lookijng for one or two of them. IMHO
Carsten Möllering
06-14-2011, 03:38 AM
... I would have to say that most people who frequent this site have most of the Aikido books on your list, ... Yes, I think think that's the reason.
06-14-2011, 03:55 AM
Yes, I think think that's the reason.
It's even worse than that... Brian's assessment is pretty accurate. These are just a couple of randomly-selected examples:
Example 1: "Aikido for Life" is stickered at $12.95. Half retail would be $6.48. Amazon marketplace has new copies for as low as $0.01 (!!!), and Ebay has new copies on Buy-It-Now for as little as a dollar.
Example 2: "The Spirit of Aikido" stickers for $10.00. Half retail is $5.00. Amazon marketplace has new copies for $3.94. Ebay is as low as $3.95 for new.
Used copies are even cheaper in most cases. The sad reality is that mainstream titles usually have very little cash value until a piece achieves some semblance of collector status or simply becomes difficult to find. It's all about supply and demand.
Diana Frese
06-14-2011, 07:04 AM
Can't speak for others, but in my case the reason I'm not buying is because of pressing financial obligations.... I have some of the books in family storage, at the back of the locker and no means of getting them out at present (been there about ten years, sigh).
I'll just comment on Terry Dobson's books for the benefit of those not familiar with them. He was an amazing teacher, and if I remember correctly It's a Lot Like Dancing are beautiful personal recollections, while Aikido in Everyday Life is probably the new title of a book he wrote with Victor Miller originally titled Giving In to Get Your Way, which uses the concept of Triangle, Circle Square in dealing with everyday situations. I think the publisher thought up the title for marketing purposes, and I can see why Terry was dissatisfied: I think it was because of the six types of responses to situations he enumerates. These , if I am not mistaken, are in part derived from the situation of Robin Hood on the bridge .... In one class, we were encouraged to act out the possibilities in getting over the narrow bridge blocked by another person: how to work it out. Oh well, read the book!
If I can't buy these myself, at least I hope someone else will, and enjoy them. I gave my copy of It's a Lot Like Dancing, to one of my students who had met and taken class with Terry, and wasn't able to buy another copy for myself, but I will one day, it's that valuable to read....
I'm not sure if Aikido Complete is currently available, if it is Yamada Sensei's original book, written before "The New Aikido Complete" which I think has been renamed. I'll have to check it out. But you might want to specify whether this is Yamada Sensei's original book, which I think was written in the late sixties.
One of my former students wants a copy of this " the book with the red cover" he calls it, and if he gets it, I'll read it again! There are pictures of some of the old timers from New York Aikikai as ukes...
I'm sort of rambling here, but I wanted to recommend a few of these titles, aside from whatever discussions people might be having about cost....
There are several books in the lot that I'd be interested in, but half off retail isn't enough of a discount when you consider shipping costs..ugh. Maybe there is a local dojo that you could work a deal with?
06-14-2011, 10:16 AM
I'm not sure if Aikido Complete is currently available, if it is Yamada Sensei's original book, written before "The New Aikido Complete" which I think has been renamed. I'll have to check it out. But you might want to specify whether this is Yamada Sensei's original book, which I think was written in the late sixties.
Hi Diana... Actually, there are several iterations of this book. The original "Aikido Complete" was published with both blue ( and red ( covers. Then, "The New Aikido Complete" was published, with a pictorial ( cover. It is a much larger format, but the material is the same. Finally, "Ultimate Aikido" came out, in a wine ( colored cover. A reversion to the smaller format, the material is again essentially the same.
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