View Full Version : Birankai Weapons Curriculum

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Brad Darr
03-31-2011, 02:46 AM
I was wondering if anyone out there has a list of the Birankai(Chiba sensei) 36 jo basics and/or the movements for sansho #1-3, written in kanji. I have searched online and found many lists in romaji but was hoping that someone had a list written in kanji. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks.

03-31-2011, 09:41 AM
I will keep an eye out for you. Is there a particular reason why you need them in that format?

Brad Darr
04-02-2011, 09:03 PM
Hello Ashley,
I have been training with some Birankai folks for several years now and learning Chiba sensei's weapons work. I also study Japanese language and find that if I can connect the meaning of the kanji with the actual movements the kanji describe I can better understand and remember each movement. Most movements are pretty straight forward translations i.e. makiotoshi which is sort of a rolling(maki), dropping(otoshi) movement with the jyo. Or they can be more historical i.e. kesauchi which takes some historical background to understand(a kesa is the bag that zen monks used to wear on their fronts, kesagiri is literally a diagonal cut across the person as if to sever the bag, so kesauchi is a diagonal strike). However this is all conjecture because without the actual kanji there are too many homophones in Japanese to be sure with just the romaji. I have been surprised in the past with kanji that differed that what most people translate it as. Sansho is the perfect example, I have had some people tell me it means "three victories", others have said other things, but without the actual kanji there is no way of knowing unless I ask Chiba sensei directly(which is probably never going to happen). Another problem is the romaji. Just looking on the internet I have found at least three different ways of writing almost all the movements which makes translating very hard. Not to mention that the original list I use was written down by two 6th dan students of Chiba sensei from what they thought he said, it was very interesting.
Anyway I hope someone somewhere can help me out. Say hello to Bluhm sensei from Brad in Kohala(if he even remembers me). Thanks

04-03-2011, 03:40 AM
On the 36 Jo video tape, which might be on DVD now, each technique is written in kanji on a chalkboard and shown before the technique is demonstrated. You could try and purchase that tape, if it is still for sale.

Janet Rosen
04-03-2011, 10:26 AM

04-06-2011, 06:15 PM
Hello Ashley,
I have been training with some Birankai folks for several years now and learning Chiba sensei's weapons work. I also study Japanese language and find that if I can connect the meaning of the kanji with the actual movements the kanji describe I can better understand and remember each movement. Most movements are pretty straight forward translations i.e. makiotoshi which is sort of a rolling(maki), dropping(otoshi) movement with the jyo. Or they can be more historical i.e. kesauchi which takes some historical background to understand(a kesa is the bag that zen monks used to wear on their fronts, kesagiri is literally a diagonal cut across the person as if to sever the bag, so kesauchi is a diagonal strike). However this is all conjecture because without the actual kanji there are too many homophones in Japanese to be sure with just the romaji. I have been surprised in the past with kanji that differed that what most people translate it as. Sansho is the perfect example, I have had some people tell me it means "three victories", others have said other things, but without the actual kanji there is no way of knowing unless I ask Chiba sensei directly(which is probably never going to happen). Another problem is the romaji. Just looking on the internet I have found at least three different ways of writing almost all the movements which makes translating very hard. Not to mention that the original list I use was written down by two 6th dan students of Chiba sensei from what they thought he said, it was very interesting.
Anyway I hope someone somewhere can help me out. Say hello to Bluhm sensei from Brad in Kohala(if he even remembers me). Thanks
Sansho is three victories. It is also the name of a Newsletter published some time ago by Western Region U.S.A. F.
As far as the 36 Jyo Waza movements are concerned there are two versions. One was done In the old San Diego aikikai in University Avenue,The newer version may well be an updated version of this tape with better titles etc.Are you an ex student of Kristina Varjan Sensei?
Cheers, Joe.
Ps I visited Hawaii last year. Hilo , Lahainna, Honolulu etc.