View Full Version : Seminar for Relief Efforts THIS WEEKEND! (3/18-3/20/2011)

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Marc Abrams
03-15-2011, 01:07 PM
George Ledyard Sensei will be teaching a seminar this weekend (3/18- 3/20) at Aikido Arts of Shin-Budo Kai in Bedford Hills, New York.

1) Ledyard Sensei be donating a good portion of his fee to the relief efforts.

2) ALL net profits will be donated to the relief efforts.

3) Additional donations will be accepted as well.

PLEASE help make this a fun event that can help those who are in real need of any and all help!

Marc Abrams

George S. Ledyard
03-21-2011, 10:31 AM
George Ledyard Sensei will be teaching a seminar this weekend (3/18- 3/20) at Aikido Arts of Shin-Budo Kai in Bedford Hills, New York.

1) Ledyard Sensei be donating a good portion of his fee to the relief efforts.

2) ALL net profits will be donated to the relief efforts.

3) Additional donations will be accepted as well.

PLEASE help make this a fun event that can help those who are in real need of any and all help!

Marc Abrams

I was able to donate $1000 to the Red Cross earthquake and tsunami relief efforts as a result of this seminar! Would have liked to do more but have some medical and tax bills due... Thanks to everyone who supported the event.

03-21-2011, 11:31 AM
Thanks to George Ledyard and Marc Abrams, for their fine example in helping the unfortunate in Japan.

Thanks to all the other benefit efforts that are now under way, and being planned in the near future.

Thanks to everyone who surfs Aiki Web, for their interest and support!

Marc Abrams
03-21-2011, 12:48 PM
Add another $500 to that figure being donated on my dojo's end. I am happy that would could make help and sorry that it could not have been more...

Thanks to George and all of the attendees for making this typically awesome seminar all the more meaningful by working together toward a good cause.

Marc Abrams