View Full Version : Aikido and Kali?

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St Matt
02-24-2011, 05:26 AM
Hi, this is my first post so sorry if it is in the wrong place.

I was wondering if anyone trained in both Aikido and Kali / Eskrima? I have been doing Aikido for the best part of a year and I am really enjoying it, however, a friend of mine was thinking about starting to train in Kali/Eskrima particularly empty hand techniques. He asked me to go with him. Having no idea about Filipino fighting I did a quick youtube search and some of the techniques look very similar to what we do, although with more strikes.

So can any of you tell me if Aikido and Kali/Eskrima are fairly compatible or are the two techniques worlds apart as I dont want to get into a situation where I will just end up confusing myself and upset my Aikido techniques.


Hebrew Hammer
02-24-2011, 09:26 AM
Insert Lynn Seiser...the floor is yours. Chat with Lynn on here, I'm willing to bet he thinks they're very compatible.

02-24-2011, 10:26 AM
I just finished 1.5 hours of Aikido followed by 1 hour of escrima/kali.

IMHO, they are very compatible and complementary but different in intent and intensity. Aikido is non-violent and escrima/kali is not.

When cross-training, do Aikido when doing Aikido and do escrima/kali when doing escrima/kali. Don't try to integrate them. Let that happen as you progress.

One way to find out. Burn some rattan.

If I can be of any assistance, please let me know.

St Matt
02-24-2011, 11:03 AM
Hi thanks for the replies!

I am glad someone else does this combination of MA's and you think they are very complimentary to each other. As I said you can see many 'similar' techniques in the two styles so I was quite intrigued to accompany my friend and give it a go. I just dont want to confuse my Aikido and slow my progress in training.

Once again thanks for the advice :)

Hebrew Hammer
02-24-2011, 12:46 PM
Matt, there are lots of other threads on here about cross training with other arts, if you want to poke around...but others think that Brazilian Ju Jitsu (BJJ), Systema, Judo, Tai Chi and even Tae Kwon Do are good additions to Aikido training.

George S. Ledyard
02-24-2011, 02:22 PM
Hi, this is my first post so sorry if it is in the wrong place.

I was wondering if anyone trained in both Aikido and Kali / Eskrima? I have been doing Aikido for the best part of a year and I am really enjoying it, however, a friend of mine was thinking about starting to train in Kali/Eskrima particularly empty hand techniques. He asked me to go with him. Having no idea about Filipino fighting I did a quick youtube search and some of the techniques look very similar to what we do, although with more strikes.

So can any of you tell me if Aikido and Kali/Eskrima are fairly compatible or are the two techniques worlds apart as I dont want to get into a situation where I will just end up confusing myself and upset my Aikido techniques.


I am of the belief that all training with a quality teacher is good. Kali / Escrima is excellent work. It helps you move fluidly, teaches a quite heightened sensitivity, develops great speed, lets you understand how people actually use weapons, unlike the way we tend to in Aikido. Most importantly, it will teach you to use your hands in a far more natural and effective way than most Aikido will do.

Check out Doces Pares Escrima. It's Founder, Grandmaster Canete, actually calls it Escrido because he combined the traditional Philippine stick fighting with Aikido. At striking distance they are pretty much the same as ordinary escrima but once they get close in, they have a locking and throwing repertoire that is scary. I trained just a bit for a couple years with Canete's senior American student Chris Petrilli. You can find him on the web and his videos are worth having.

02-24-2011, 05:35 PM
Arnis / Eskrima / Kali was actually the first martial art I studied. Not surprising since I am a Filipino. There are many similarities with Aikido, not just the locks and throws, but the footwork as well. I still have a pair of rattan sticks I like to twirl every so often.
Ledyard Sensei is quite correct regarding Eskrido. GGM Cacoy Canete incorporated the Judo and Aikido he learned into his famous family style of Doce Pares Eskrima. You can watch a video of Eskrido in action here:

St Matt
02-28-2011, 03:50 AM
Thanks for the replies guys.

Ok we are going to give it a bash this Wednesday so I will let you know how it goes. Hopefully I will find that it compliments my Aikido like you have suggested.

Thanks again!

Jaon Deatherage
03-29-2011, 01:22 PM
I also train both Aikido and Serrada Escrima (as well as a family kungfu style). I find that all are excellent ways to express and explore underlying martial principles. Different styles will cross-inform one another very nicely as long as you don't get tempted to 'mix' them in the early stages.

People will tell you that the man who chases 2 rabbits catches none, but I see it as chasing one rabbit in two different ways....