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09-24-2010, 04:14 AM
My name is Alex. Im 35 and have been practicing Tai Chi Chuan for about 12 years. Although not an Aikido student I have been interested in this site for some time. This is the only forum I have ever joined mainly due to the mature attitude of those posting as well as the quality of topics discussed. So congratulations to those that run/maintain the site. I hope to continue to learn lots.

09-24-2010, 09:52 AM
Welcome! What style of Tai Chi do you practice?

09-24-2010, 10:27 AM
Thanks for the welcome Ashley. I train in Practical Tai Chi or Wudang as its also known. My teacher is Dan Docherty.

09-24-2010, 03:22 PM
Hhmm... I don't know too much about that style (at least not by the name alone... I must do some research!) I have been doing Yang style for several years though. Nice to see another Tai Chi-er on the board. :)

09-25-2010, 04:49 AM
This is my teachers website if your interested. Lots of interesting articles/information.
Its closely resembles Wu from Wu Jian Chuan but with some differences. Developed in Hong Kong by Cheng Tin-Hung who learned from his uncles (an indoor student Wu Jian Chuan and from Qi Min-xuan. Qi was originally taught by his father Qi Ke-san, but his main teacher was a Buddhist monk named Ching Yat (another Buddhist name, which means Pure One).
Ching Yat had befriended the renegade soldier, Wang Lan-ting, who had (after killing some Manchus) been forced to flee to the temple where Ching Yat resided. Wang had learned from Chen Keng-yun, the son of Chen Chang-xing, and later from later from Yang Lu-chan). This info comes from the above link, basically it all goes back to Yang Lu Chan and the Chen village in one way or another.