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09-10-2010, 09:20 PM
They meet at last
upon other shores,
where pain and hurt are but shadows of a prior life,
dwindling, fading,
drowned in the light of a new day.

She passed in quiet solitude,
in the light of a waning summer’s afternoon,
giving up at last,
the body she knew
as herself for ninety years.

There upon the other side he awaited her arrival,
having made the journey fifteen years earlier.
And who is to say
what lies before them?

Goodbye Mom and Dad,
may you sail to lands
where the grass is always green,
the air fresh with the seasons’ aromas,
where your love for each other
will be eternally renewed.

I love you both and wish you well.

(Original blog post may be found here (http://ron-aikidothoughts.blogspot.com/2010/09/interlude.html).)