View Full Version : Tadayuki Satoh Shihan Seminar on Aug 14th

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07-12-2010, 10:26 PM
Satoh Shihan (info about this instructor can be found here (http://www.etaf.org.uk/sato_shihan.htm)) will visit the "Just This Aikido" (http://www.justthisaikido.com) dojo in Columbus, Ohio, the week following the National Tournament in Campbell, CA.

If you couldn't make it to see him in CA, this will be a great opportunity. Satoh Shihan will teach a seminar at Just This Aikido's on Saturday, August, 14.

The cost for attending this seminar will be $30.00. The fees will go to pay for the travel costs for Satoh Shihan and his wife; as well as, giving him a honorarium for his teaching. There will be a casual work out on Friday evening.

- Aug 13th Friday -- Casual Workout

- Aug14th Saturday -- Seminar With Satoh

9:00 -- 11:00 - Part one Satoh Seminar

11:00 -- 12:30 - Brunch

12:30 -- 6:00 -- Part two of Satoh Seminar

7:00 - ? -- Dinner

Visit www.justthisaikido.com for directions or for more info and updates. We're super excited he can come and anyone who can make the trip should.

If you need lodging info PM me and I'll help you find lodging.

About Satoh Shihan taken from the European Tomiki Aikido Federation website or here's the link (http://www.etaf.org.uk/sato_shihan_2010.htm):
Satoh Shihan was taught by Tomiki Kenji in the living room of his house every Sunday before tea and so has an in depth knowledge of Tomiki Kenji's system, besides this he is also an accomplished Judoka. Satoh Tadayuki Shihan 6th Dan Aikido 5th Dan Judo was granted Shihan of Waseda University Aikido club in 2007. This position has been vacant since Professor Tomiki's death in 1979. He is an expert in his field and in particular the link between Judo and Aikido. We will be giving updates on our ETAF website for those who are interested.

Hope everyone who wants to come can make it! Really Excited!

07-13-2010, 05:47 AM
I just found out that attendance fee is $30 if you're a TAA member (Tomiki Aikido of the Americas). Non-member attendance fee is $50 - which still isn't bad for an all day event!

07-13-2010, 06:10 AM
YouTube clip of Satoh shihan teaching.


At a quick glance, I think he's going over aiki age but the sound is muffled.

07-13-2010, 06:47 AM
Yeah the video was kind of lacking. That's why I posted all the links to the other stuff about him. It's a real honor to have him coming to Columbus.

07-13-2010, 06:49 AM
Yeah the video was kind of lacking. That's why I posted all the links to the other stuff about him. It's a real honor to have him coming to Columbus.

Will he be there for the Friday evening session? Is he visiting other Ohio dojos?


L. Camejo
07-13-2010, 09:14 PM
I've heard great things about Satoh Sensei. He comes very highly recommended. I have his 2 dvds as well - very good stuff regarding total body power basics and applications.

We were lucky to be shown some of his concepts by Shishida Shihan last year. I'll be seeing him at the Nationals in August.

I recommend that anyone who is interested in how coordinated total body power works in Aikido should check out his seminars.


07-14-2010, 10:53 AM
Will he be there for the Friday evening session? Is he visiting other Ohio dojos?


Mark - Satoh Sensei will be at the informal Friday night workout. I'm still trying to find out what the schedule is for the rest of the week and where Satoh Sensei will be visiting. Will let you know as I find it out.

Larry - Your comments made me just that much more excited for the visit!

07-15-2010, 10:46 AM
YouTube clip of Satoh shihan teaching.


At a quick glance, I think he's going over aiki age but the sound is muffled.

interesting.. (http://www.aikiweb.com/forums/showpost.php?p=200841&postcount=15)

07-16-2010, 08:31 AM
Both videos have been pulled from Youtube.

07-16-2010, 08:55 AM
Both videos have been pulled from Youtube.

That's weird. I just checked and both were there. It would be a shame to pull them. There were some interesting parts in them.

For example, in the second vid, I liked (near the end) where he was showing a Daito ryu technique that looked like what Takeda was famous for (getting in and lifting someone on his shoulders) and how it was changed to the aikido version (kokyu nage technique for some schools).



07-16-2010, 10:00 AM
Since i can't see the video's I'm having trouble following what you're saying.

L. Camejo
08-10-2010, 09:33 PM
Just got back from the U.S. National Tomiki Aikido Tournament in Campbell. Sato-sensei covered various types of kaeshiwaza over the 3 days as well as some new forms of tai sabaki that maximizes the use of hips and spine in a whip-like action.

His focus on executing subtle kuzushi in the midst of a technique using I Do Ryoku (movement power) and tegatana were very very interesting.

He also shared some Budo history showing the similarities and differences between Aikido and Judo and the importance of ma ai.

He did not specifically go through aiki age and aiki sage in detail, but they were critical aspects to almost every principle and technique taught.

Any Aikidoka will do well to catch him before he leaves the U.S. this weekend. His assistant, Konaka sensei is also quite adept. Sato's teaching is focused on martial application of aiki principles so I think its appeal crosses any stylistic boundaries.

Just my 2 cents after training with him this weekend.


08-13-2010, 09:17 PM
I had the privilge of attending the seminar Tadayuki Satoh Shihan taught on Tuesday night at the Wapakoneta Jukido Kai Dojo. Absolutely amazing. Even had the honor of Uke-ing for him.

It's one thing to "see it" it's another to feel it.

If you get the chance to see him - please do. If you are coming to the seminar. I'll see you there.
