View Full Version : One day course 21 August Huddersfield UK

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07-11-2010, 06:14 AM
An old friend from Japan, Billy McAuley, the sensei at Asoh Ryu Aikido Club in Huddersfield, Yorkshire, England, has invited me to teach a one-day summer course in Huddersfield in England on Saturday 21 August 2010.

Everyone is welcome - any style.

Details: http://www.asoryuaikidoclub.net/ - click on the neon green moving link!

Looking forward to seeing some aikiweb members there.

Gorgeous George
07-17-2010, 05:21 PM
It says that the technical director of this club is Jack Poole; is that the same Jack Poole mentioned here?:


07-17-2010, 08:06 PM
Hi Graham,

I know the teacher at Asoh Ryu Aikido Club in Huddersfield, Billy McAuley, from his years studying aikido in Japan. He was in the same dojo as me and he learnt aikido from a great teacher. He is a fine aikidoka.

I believe Billy's sister is married to Jack Poole. I have never met her or him. I am not interested in arcane historical points. And I don't get involved in aikido politics in the UK (or in Japan either!).

If you want a cool day's aikido training please come to the course. If you want to talk about the history of aikido in the UK please can I ask you to do it in a different thread?!



Gorgeous George
07-18-2010, 01:59 PM
Hi Graham,

I know the teacher at Asoh Ryu Aikido Club in Huddersfield, Billy McAuley, from his years studying aikido in Japan. He was in the same dojo as me and he learnt aikido from a great teacher. He is a fine aikidoka.

I believe Billy's sister is married to Jack Poole. I have never met her or him. I am not interested in arcane historical points. And I don't get involved in aikido politics in the UK (or in Japan either!).

If you want a cool day's aikido training please come to the course. If you want to talk about the history of aikido in the UK please can I ask you to do it in a different thread?!




I asked because I was trying to determine the affiliation of this dojo - is it aikikai, etc.? - so that I would know what to expect; there is no need to take umbrage.

I respect the fact that you aren't interested in the history of aikido, but obviously some people are - particularly when they are deciding which dojos/courses etc. to go to.

I meant no offence. Good luck with the course.

07-18-2010, 06:29 PM
Hi Graham.

Thanks for that. No problem - I was just answering your question with facts. It all seems a bit removed from reality to me - I don't think I could seriously be expected to know anything about what the husband of the sister of the person who invited me to give a seminar was doing 40 or 50 years ago.

By the way I am interested in the real history of aikido and if you read Peter Goldsbury's most recent column you might have read about sakura. So we should maybe end this discussion now or people might think you are deliberately drawing attention to the seminar to drum up support!



07-18-2010, 11:24 PM
It sounds like an interesting seminar. I'm curious, will you teach techniques from both Asoh and Arikawa sensei perspectives?
I truly wish I could attend, but alas, the distance is too long.

A technical note: at least in my browser, the videos posted didn't work.

Have a wonderful time, and if possible, post some pictures or even videos of the seminar.

07-18-2010, 11:39 PM
Thanks, Ziv - those teachers were both great teachers and were powerful influences on me but it's just me now and how I have assimilated the influences so I don't differentiate at all. I'll try to put up some photos or videos later.

It's Sea Day in Japan today - a very quiet national holiday.