View Full Version : Suggestions for links to video of Chiba sensei performing his basic bukiwaza?

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Chris Farnham
05-19-2010, 11:46 PM
Can anyone suggest some good links online of Chiba sensei(or one of his students) demonstrating his weapons basics, such as 36 jo basics and his basic bokken waza? When I look on you tube I can’t find any clips of basic technique.
I practiced Chiba style weapons for five years in the US but here in Japan, very few people are familiar with his bukiwaza. I practice on my own but ven't I had a model for almost two years, I feel like I am losing something.

05-20-2010, 03:00 PM
Hey Chris,

If you can get into Nagoya Sawada Shihan in there. His dojo is Aikido Kimori Dojo. Here is a link to his website: http://www5e.biglobe.ne.jp/~kimori/

He is quite farmilar with Chiba Shihan but has a slightly different feel.

Good luck,


Chris Farnham
06-03-2010, 12:41 AM
Hi Max,
I think we have met before. Were you staying at Kimori dojo for a few months last year? I get out to train with Sawada sensei about once a month. I plan to go to a weapons seminar at Kimori on Sunday.

06-03-2010, 05:33 PM
Can anyone suggest some good links online of Chiba sensei(or one of his students) demonstrating his weapons basics, such as 36 jo basics and his basic bokken waza? When I look on you tube I can’t find any clips of basic technique.
I practiced Chiba style weapons for five years in the US but here in Japan, very few people are familiar with his bukiwaza. I practice on my own but ven't I had a model for almost two years, I feel like I am losing something.

Connect via the Web to British Birankai .You will see my contact number .Also contact Simon Weedon of OitaShi.He is an ex student of mine.Can be found on Web
Cheers, Joe Curran,
British Birankai.

Rob Watson
06-03-2010, 09:47 PM

Just buy to materials from the source.


36 jo basics is there along with a bunch of other good stuff.

06-04-2010, 03:48 AM

Just buy to materials from the source.


36 jo basics is there along with a bunch of other good stuff.

I also supply source material [Batto Ho /Weapons /Body Art by Chiba Sensei /Miyamoto Sensei and other Shihan. Go to British Birankai web page.