View Full Version : Seagal makes the news again

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Mike Sigman
04-14-2010, 11:57 AM

04-14-2010, 12:13 PM


It works both ways folks and believe me... there are far more "celeb stalker sociopaths" then there are celebrities...

There's a guy right now from Scotland who's been in Malibu for months trying to meet a certain female celebrity singer...He's been stalking her for years..Next time I see him it's 911 and a 5150...

Bottom Line If you want to hook up and cash in then don't make a video telling the world you're a sociopath....

Steven is no Angel but he's not entirely stupid either.

William Hazen

04-14-2010, 12:36 PM
Don't beleive this womans claims at all.

C. David Henderson
04-14-2010, 03:02 PM

Hard to see how you win a lawsuit when the other side gets to play a video tape like that to the jury. Interesting to see whether Seagal decides to settle, or make her take her claims to trial, where his alleged past behavior towards women also would come into evidence.

Curious-er and curious-er.

Mike Sigman
04-14-2010, 03:14 PM
I don't think the woman would stand a chance in court. After all, Seagal does Aikido and does a lot of meditation and spiritual stuff. No way anyone would doubt he lives on a higher plane. 747 at a minimum.


04-14-2010, 03:42 PM
LOL You poor dear...It must be the high altitude. :)

William Hazen

Rob Watson
04-14-2010, 05:37 PM
must be the high altitude. :)

Honestly, if being rich and famous means you can't have sex slaves then what's the point?

Mike Sigman
04-14-2010, 05:45 PM
Honestly, if being rich and famous means you can't have sex slaves then what's the point?Exactly. There is no point in busting your butt in school and working hard at a job to become rich and famous if all your money is then taken and given to the guy who decided to not finish school and whose goals were simply to "get by". Sure there are some people who got into bad straits by inadvertance and they need to be helped... but notice how few people want to admit that our population of do-little parasites has grown enormous in the last 50 years? Why should we keep supporting them, other than the fact that they can also vote like they earn their place? What happened to the old "I am a tax-paying citizen" trope? Is work or "work ethic" so far out of style? Please don't tell me it's racist... I'll be disappointed to find out that everyone's efforts, no matter how gagantuan or how minimal are exactly equal.


Marc Abrams
04-14-2010, 06:44 PM
Don't beleive this womans claims at all.


It is simply irrelevant for us to believe or not believe this woman's claims. Unless you were there video taping the entire time period, enjoy your opinion, because that is all that it is.

This woman and Mr. Seagal will have an opportunity to present their positions to a judge and/or jury of their peers, unless of course their is an out-of-court settlement.

Marc Abrams

04-14-2010, 11:43 PM
Exactly. There is no point in busting your butt in school and working hard at a job to become rich and famous if all your money is then taken and given to the guy who decided to not finish school and whose goals were simply to "get by". Sure there are some people who got into bad straits by inadvertance and they need to be helped... but notice how few people want to admit that our population of do-little parasites has grown enormous in the last 50 years? Why should we keep supporting them, other than the fact that they can also vote like they earn their place? What happened to the old "I am a tax-paying citizen" trope? Is work or "work ethic" so far out of style? Please don't tell me it's racist... I'll be disappointed to find out that everyone's efforts, no matter how gagantuan or how minimal are exactly equal.


Wrong "R" word...I believe the proper "R" word is resentment...

Seems like Eric Hoffer-the self taught... migrant worker... longshoreman life long "have not" and philosopher might have have the right take on this particular form of resentment meme Which started in the 1930's with some Western States trying to Keep Poor Okies from moving there and Republicans fighting the New Deal which morphed into the Reagan "Welfare Queen" myth...

"I doubt if the oppressed ever fight for freedom. They fight for pride and for power -- power to oppress others. The oppressed want above all to imitate their oppressors; they want to retaliate" --The True Believer, Eric Hoffer


Some folks will always feel threatened and resentful of having to be their brothers keeper while others recognize it as the highest form of morality... which is what O'Sensei may have intended when he developed Aikido.

William Hazen

Personally I prefer Mudita over Schadenfreude. :)

04-15-2010, 12:46 AM
Hi all,
I think most of our dear readers would consider Mr Seagal as a somewhat third rater in terms of his acting?abilities.His Martial Arts prowess , the least said about this the better.
I may be a bit cynical but perhaps this latest allegation about his private life could well be a carefully orchestrated publicity stunt to revive his career.As the saying goes any publicity good or bad is still good.

James Davis
04-15-2010, 04:20 PM
Some folks will always feel threatened and resentful of having to be their brothers keeper while others recognize it as the highest form of morality... which is what O'Sensei may have intended when he developed Aikido.

Choosing to tithe and give to charity in an effort to help others might be moral; to use government power to forcibly take the hard earned money of some, and give it to another group of people so that they will continually vote you into power, is another thing entirely.

Keith Larman
04-15-2010, 04:46 PM
Sometimes there's thread drift, but sometimes it becomes thread wormhole transporting to another dimension... Wow.

Um, my only comment is that this is one of those times when we all need to sit back and let the system do what it's supposed to do. I can't imagine how anyone here could have a clue as to what really happened. Short of inside information there ain't much in the public record since there is nothing more than a civil filing.

So back to whatever it was we were discussing here...

04-15-2010, 05:20 PM
Sometimes there's thread drift, but sometimes it becomes thread wormhole transporting to another dimension... Wow.

Are you saying we've transcended the topic?:D

Mike Sigman
04-15-2010, 05:35 PM
Sometimes there's thread drift, but sometimes it becomes thread wormhole transporting to another dimension... Wow. Yeah, but.... a lot of times I like to watch the way things morph along. In a useless thread like this one, it doesn't matter. But sometimes, on a thread that had a solid start, things go out of whack but if you sort of ride them out (on a forum where a mod keeps the personality crap throttled down), it's often surprising what kind of interesting information gradually works it way to the surface. Many times in years past I've seen something finally come to light and I've thought about what I might've missed if various wormholes hadn't formed and vanished during the thread. :cool:



Keith Larman
04-15-2010, 11:21 PM
No worries from me. Lord knows I'm probably more responsible for thread drift than many. It was just a bit, um, abrupt I suppose. Jarring. Regardless, carry on, nothing for me to add...

04-16-2010, 06:30 AM
Are you saying we've transcended the topic?:D

More like flushed it down the toilet. Frankly, I'm about ready to give up on aikiweb altogether -- the high-pitched whine of the grinding axes which get instantaneously fired up in any thread, on any topic, is giving me too much of a headache.

04-16-2010, 01:12 PM
More like flushed it down the toilet. Frankly, I'm about ready to give up on aikiweb altogether -- the high-pitched whine of the grinding axes which get instantaneously fired up in any thread, on any topic, is giving me too much of a headache.
I hear ya. I think a lot of the problem with online conversations is that lack of body-language and tone to soften the messages. I know being direct often gets translated as being curt, for example. At any rate I hope you don't go away altogether! I really enjoy your posts and have come to enjoy them more and more over time, for whatever that's worth.

C. David Henderson
04-16-2010, 01:20 PM

04-16-2010, 01:21 PM
Mary, I feel the same way as you. Also: I echo Matt's sentiments.

Mike Sigman
04-16-2010, 01:26 PM
the high-pitched whine of the grinding axes My hat's off to you, Mary. Few people could have mixed a metaphor as well as that!


Keith Larman
04-16-2010, 01:32 PM
Just fwiw, it is an open discussion forum. I also tend to avoid some folk and that ignore users feature is great.

Rob Watson
04-16-2010, 05:58 PM
the high-pitched whine of the grinding axes

Sometimes there's thread drift, but sometimes it becomes thread wormhole transporting to another dimension... Wow.

Double down! These two nuggets are worth the trouble! Maybe thread drift watching and car crash rubber necking have a lot in common.

04-16-2010, 07:39 PM
My answer to passive aggressive attacks against Aikido is thread drift...Which was the sole purpose of the thread to begin with...

Sadly those folks who get upset at words on a web site I just consider collateral damage...Their upset is a reflection on no one but themselves...

The author of this thread chose to go the route the thread has taken and personally I enjoy a little Dharma Combat now and then...

My suggestion is what we call rule 62#

"Don't take yourself too damn seriously."

I have yet to see one of these silly little threads evolve into a death threat...Over on Bulshido where they attack Aikido with regularity... I've had several folks including one of the main moderators express a keen desire to commit physical harm to me over my stout defense of Aikido.

Jun and Aikiweb do a great job of making sure that NEVER happens here.

William Hazen

Mike Sigman
04-16-2010, 07:45 PM
My, my. Let's hope no one gets upset by an "Open Discussion".


04-19-2010, 09:29 AM
Back to the Topic....

Witness for the Prosecution...


It does not look good for Seagal.

William Hazen

Mike Sigman
04-23-2010, 05:38 PM
Back to the Topic....

Witness for the Prosecution...


It does not look good for Seagal.
Jeez.... look at this line

"For two decades, Steven Seagal has exhibited a pattern of boorish behavior followed by an effective strategy of blaming the accuser".

Does that sound like certain AikiWeb denizens or what? Try this article:


Compare your last response with your first response. I.e., remember what my geometry teacher in junior high told me: "When you're well off, stay well off and keep your mouth shut".

The other saying to remember in public forums is from an ancient Emily Post comment:
"Never say anything in writing that you wouldn't want to have read out loud in court". This is one of the main things I think of when I post; it's one of the main things I think of when people write posts that are archived in a forum and can be copied to someone's files. Even my comments to Lardass (you know who you are).

On a real-world basis, I understand people well enough to know that when you have all the dough and status, most people change their ethics. I.e., if you can get away with things, you'll start doing things and getting away with them. Or, to quote the old saying, "absolute power corrupts absolutely".

In the case of Aikido (or many other martial arts) where you can get away with things as a "Sensei", many "Sensei's" will wind up abusing normal ethics. Seagal, in my opinion, did, or does, only what he's been trained (by experience) to get away with, to the maximum. I'm not particularly surprised. I applaud the woman (women) that simply told him to shove it. That's the way it should be. No "Namaste" about it.

Mike Sigman

David Orange
04-30-2010, 03:50 PM
This guy is just too funny to pass up:
