View Full Version : Adidas "Sensei" Gi

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Carl Simard
03-29-2010, 01:42 PM
Hi everyone,

I'm looking out for a new gi and see that Adidas is making a double weave one (so called "Sensei Gi") at a very affordable price. For information, here's the link: Adidas Sensei Gi (http://seka-sports.com/product_aikido_sensei.asp)

Is there anyone here having some experience with these Adidas gi ?

I was planning to get one from Bujin, but with the closing it seems I will have to find a plan B...

Thanks in advance for any feedback!

Linda Eskin
03-29-2010, 02:15 PM
I have no experience with them, but I found this silly little touch of marketing in the product description amusing:
"Use : Aikido Black Belt Training"

Even the "regular" gi says that, so it's not just that they are trying to market to yudansha, or higher kyu ranks. They're just trying to sound cool. ;)

Carl Simard
03-29-2010, 02:32 PM
Linda, I've also noticed this funny marketing line.

David Maidment
03-29-2010, 04:46 PM
I noticed that also. Though I just saw it as a textual representation of the usual black-belt-in-a-gi stock photo (why do these manufacturers never take pictures of beginners? :P).

I'd not seen the gi before, but I have seen the Adidas hakama previously. The retailer felt the need to state that no Adidas branding was visible upon the garment.

Without having seen any of these items, I'm going to hazard a guess that they're relatively good quality; brand-label issues aside, the well-known brands usually carry with them a degree of quality.

03-30-2010, 07:03 AM
Hi Carl,

I currently own 2 Adidas Contest gi. And I purchased several model for our members, including one Sensei model. I never had any complaints.

The distributor, kamikaze (http://www.kamikaze.com), I used for our association, Aikido Mochizuki (http://www.aikidomochizuki.com), rarely have some in stock.



03-30-2010, 07:06 AM

The distributor is Arawaza (http://www.arawaza.com/)


03-30-2010, 07:40 PM
Hi everyone,

I'm looking out for a new gi and see that Adidas is making a double weave one (so called "Sensei Gi") at a very affordable price. For information, here's the link: Adidas Sensei Gi (http://seka-sports.com/product_aikido_sensei.asp)

Is there anyone here having some experience with these Adidas gi ?

I was planning to get one from Bujin, but with the closing it seems I will have to find a plan B...

Thanks in advance for any feedback!

They make one of the best / favorite judogi in the world (outside of Mizuno etc); those are of a pretty high standard, excellent cut and fit etc.

I would imagine the same diligence with their aikido range (in fact...wouldn't the aikido gi be pretty much the single weave judogi + hakama? Hmm)


ilia rudnitskiy
03-30-2010, 10:12 PM
...but I have seen the Adidas hakama previously. The retailer felt the need to state that no Adidas branding was visible upon the garment.

Without having seen any of these items, I'm going to hazard a guess that they're relatively good quality; brand-label issues aside, the well-known brands usually carry with them a degree of quality.

Adidas makes hakama now?! Wow, this is a big surprise! I don't understand why they need to emphasize that there's no Adidas branding on it, I think a logo would be fine on the koshiita.

Anyone actually had any experience with this hakama?

raul rodrigo
03-30-2010, 11:43 PM
I had an Adidas hakama, but I gave it away. I prefer my Iwata. The material is finer, and it hangs much better. I use Mizuno and Tozando for gis, and Iwata for hakamas and obis. Haven't used an adidas gi, but I expect it would be pretty good.

Karen Wolek
03-31-2010, 09:31 AM
FYI: I have had a couple Adidas gi; they tend to run small and shrink a lot. After a bit, they were too small to wear so I passed them on. Nice looking, but I wouldn't buy them again.