View Full Version : Aikido Institute 40th Anniversary

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01-28-2010, 01:13 PM
Posted 2010-01-25 23:39:43 by Aikido Institute
News URL: http://www.aikidoinstitute.org/40th_anniversary.htm

Join with us in a special seminar and party as we celebrate our 40th anniversary. Guest instructors will be teachers who have trained or taught at the Aikido Institute over its 40-year history, including:

Bill Witt Shihan, 7th Dan, President, Takemusu Aikido Association
Hans Goto Sensei, 7th Dan, Bay Marin Aikido, San Rafael
Bernice Tom Sensei, 6th Dan, Sunset Cliffs Aikido, San Diego
Kayla Feder Sensei, 6th Dan, Aikido of Berkeley
Hoa Newens Sensei, 6th Dan, Aikido Institute of Davis
Pat Hendricks Sensei, 6th Dan, Aikido of San Leandro
and many more.

Due to space limitations, enrollment was set at 50 students. This maximum has been met.

For more information on getting your name on a waiting list for the training or for joining us for our catered lunch or ordering the 40th anniversary t-shirt, visit our Web site.

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01-28-2010, 02:07 PM
Congratulations to the Aikido Institute, its teachers, and to all the loyal students and supporters over the years that made this institution so special for so long!

May you and your members enjoy yet another 40 years of growth and success!

francis y takahashi
aikido academy alhambra
aikikai associates west coast

01-28-2010, 04:18 PM
if only we had more room so more people could fit!
im excited to see all the all-stars that come from this place.

ps. Takahashi Sensei: thanks for your words. as a recent uchi deshi i put myself to the task of scaning our dojo's collection of photos. in the process ive learned a lot about the history, and little by little i am putting names to the faces that ive seen in there.
i recently put it together that one of the people popping up here and there (mostly in the 80's) is you!

02-03-2010, 08:27 AM
Omedeto gozaimasu!

Sorry, I can't make it and that I have redirected one of the Aikido Institute Alumni, Wolfgang Baumgartner Sensei, to teach at a seminar in Santa Fe.

Wolfgang Sensei will be here at our dojo the following weekend, March 13-14.