View Full Version : New Website on Araki-ryu

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Ellis Amdur
12-25-2009, 11:57 AM
I've just uploaded a new website on Araki-ryu (http://www.arakiryu.org)

It's an ongoing project as I've got a pile of historical material, as yet untranslated, some modern, some quite old. I'll be uploading more information as I find translators.

Ellis Amdur

Thomas Campbell
12-26-2009, 09:42 AM
The new site looks good, Ellis--well-organized and informative. I found the questing and synthesizing that your own teacher did among the various lines of Araki-ryu interesting. You were fortunate to be able to tap into that.

Best wishes for your school and teaching in the New Year.

Ron Tisdale
12-26-2009, 10:01 AM
I spent some time going through it, and really like it. Going back in a few to see if I just missed any videos...


Ellis Amdur
12-26-2009, 10:04 AM
No videos, Ron.
Eventually. Will be uploading photos and maybe some small videos when I understand how to do it.
The site will keep expanding as I get information and also as I get an idea how to play with it.


Ron Tisdale
12-26-2009, 10:18 AM
That's cool, and I'm eagerly awaiting any additions!
Best, and happy holidays,

Eric Joyce
12-26-2009, 11:04 AM
Very nice website Ellis. Great job :)

01-04-2010, 07:57 AM
Nice site! I find the historical lineage stuff interesting....and sometimes a little mind boggling. Thanks.

brian p
01-24-2010, 12:14 AM
Very well put-together site Ellis!