View Full Version : Jan Nevelius Sensei at Bond Street Dojo

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12-04-2009, 02:15 PM
Jan Nevelius Sensei will be teaching a seminar at Bond Street Dojo in New York City February 26th-28th, 2010.

214 W. 29th St.
3rd Floor
New York, NY


There is also a PDF attached to this post with more information.

Hope to see you there!

01-26-2010, 08:36 AM
Hi all,

(This is a shameless bump disguised in the form of an announcement to out-of-town seminar visitors that...) the dojo has recently arranged for reduced parking rates (http://www.bondstreet.org/aod/location.php) for dojo visitors at the parking lot directly across the street from the building entrance. To receive the reduced rate, please ask for the discount sticker to be put on your parking ticket prior to leaving the dojo. These rates may not be available when event rates are in effect, but we're in talks with Madison Square Garden to make sure they don't schedule anything during the dates of the seminar :) .

Safe training to all, and we hope to see you at the seminar!

01-26-2010, 08:09 PM
And, this just in - Nevelius Sensei is also going to teach at Bond Street Dojo on Thursday 02/25, from 6pm to 8pm. All are welcome!

02-24-2010, 09:03 PM
With the seminar less than two days away, just a quick reminder that the reduced pre-payment rate expires at 11:59pm tomorrow, so please take advantage of this if you're considering attending! Also please note that the building entrance door is locked on Sundays; please ring the bell (the white button), and we will come down and let you in.

If you're attending, please consider printing out the waiver (http://bondstreet.org/bondst/seminars/BSD_visitor_blood_policy_waiver.pdf) and registration (http://bondstreet.org/bondst/seminars/2010_nevelius/Seminar_visitor_registration_form.pdf) forms, filling them out and bringing them along with you to speed up the registration process.
