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11-09-2009, 11:52 AM
O Sensei, as quoted by John Stevens in The Art of Peace:

“The techniques of the Art of Peace are neither fast nor slow, nor are the inside or outside. They transcend space and time.”

Despite the fact that it’s practiced in a group setting, that there’s a strong sense of community associated with a healthy successful dojo, that everyone seems to be more or less on the same road; the journey of Aikido is, at its core, a solitary undertaking. Aikido is a process that has awakened something inside of me and the more I practice and learn the stronger this thing becomes.

The thing, I believe, is an intimate awareness of my connection with the universe. Not a ‘string tied to the wrist’ type of connection; more like a visceral awareness that the connection renders the boundary between me and the rest of It transparent. There is nowhere that I end and the rest of existence takes over. My practice extinguishes dualities and strengthens my union with the Ki of the universe (Aiki) by enabling me to experience the power of the singularity of existence first hand, up close and personal.

(Original blog post may be found here (http://ron-aikidothoughts.blogspot.com/2009/10/one-hundred-and-forty-five.html).)