View Full Version : 15th Anniversary of Tenshin Aikido in St. Louis, Missouri

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10-20-2009, 12:00 PM
November 13, 14 & 15, 2009

Classes by two senior students of Master Steven Seagal: Elliot Freeman 6th Dan (St. Louis, MO) and Jorge Angulo 6th Dan (Miami, FL).

Fri - 6pm-8pm
Sat - 10am-12pm & 2:30pm-4:30pm
Sat Banquet - 7pm (RSVP)
Sun training & black belt testing - 10am-12pm

$75 pre-registration/$100 at the door
To request a registration form please email: threeriversaikido@gmail.com.

Three Rivers Aikido - A Honbu Dojo Affiliate
7403 Manchester Rd.
St. Louis, MO 63143

11-05-2009, 01:10 PM
Dear Friends,

This started out as a little get-together for Jorge and I, to tell old war stories, and has quickly grown into a wonderful 15th anniversary celebration. We are planning on covering many of our Tenshin techniques as well as laying a foundation for randori practice. We will also be filming all of the techniques of Seagal Sensei’s Tenshin School’s system that we can cover during the seminar. Videos will be available for seminar participants.

If you haven’t been to St. Louis in a while, now is a great time. Three Rivers Aikido has received a discount on hotel stay from Red Roof Inn. The price is $58.49 per night for a standard, non-smoking room. To receive the discount, use block code: B1353RIVER

Red Roof Inn

5823 Wilson Ave

St Louis, MO 63110

(314) 645-0101‎

The dojo will also be available for free. Please bring your own sleeping bags, toiletries, and bath towel, etc. Please RSVP if you would like to stay in the dojo.

Please remember to send in your registration forms asap! You may scan and email them to threeriversaikido@gmail.com, or you can mail them to the address below.

Please also feel free to share this email with anyone whom you think may be interested. I look forward to seeing everyone in a week and half!

Best wishes,

Elliot Freeman

Dojo Cho

Three Rivers Aikido

7403 Manchester Road

St. Louis, MO 63143


314.646.8019 (home)
