View Full Version : Need light, compact gi

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09-17-2009, 06:15 PM

It seems the only way I can train during the week is to carry my gi, along with my work stuff, and lunch, with me all day. This includes an extra set of shoes, so I can swap out my bike shoes for my work shoes. There is neither room at work to store anything, nor time to go home and get anything before training. This is a lot of stuff to be carrying on my back while walking, biking, and bussing. My judo gi gets heavy and takes up a lot of room--I have to take a hiking pack to carry it all. Any suggestions to lighten my load? Either karate gi that have long enough jackets that they won't pull out, or judo gi that are extra-light, would be good.

I have seen some karate gi that are cotton/poly blend. I assume these would be lighter and easier to wash/dry. Any experience with these? I'm used to buying cotton and shrinking it to size--would I need a smaller size with the blend?



09-17-2009, 07:00 PM
I have a (cheap) tiger claw karate-style dogi. They don't customize sizes, so I bought it one size larger to buy some room for shrinking and to keep enough below the belt-line and had the sleeves and pantlegs hemmed.

I tend to use this dogi as my "backup" (I hate putting a wet dogi back on during a second session of a seminar). This dogi doesn't take up much room in the bag...

Hope this helps.


Nick P.
09-18-2009, 06:40 AM
Like you, I used to have shoes for cycling and shoes for work.
I resolved the issue by replacing my clipless pedals and putting nice large platform pedals (no traps) and using my work shoes. Much simpler. If it rains, get some of those motorcycle overbooties, they work very well and can be stowed away. This assumes you arent using that ride time as training time, more as simply commuting with some lite exercise benefit.

As for a thinner gi, consider getting regular cotton pants from whomever, but for the jacket this seems promising...

Note I was going to suggest the Bujin 8oz. jacket, but that no longer appears on their site, and frankly for the price, I was never that impressed with the wicking material.

09-18-2009, 09:40 AM
Nice suggestion from Nick.
I have been using the following all summer: http://www.tozandoshop.com/Tozando_Seersucker_Aikido_Gi_Jacket_p/005-ag250.htm
It is superlight, strong and I really love it.

DW Ederer
09-18-2009, 12:00 PM
I have both the Tozando waffle weave summer gi and the Bujin Design 8.5 ounce and love them both. I have a couple of cheap 50/50 karate gi that I don't like because of the feel of them and the fact they just don't last with all the grabbing done.

The Bujin Design probably folds to a smaller size than the Tozando and definitely lasts longer. It's also a bit warmer than the Tozando and that may be a benefit for you. I tend to prefer the Tozando for the hot Florida summers and the Bujin for the rest of the time and when I travel.

Both are great choices for your situation.

09-19-2009, 12:29 AM
I have a (cheap) tiger claw karate-style dogi...


Do you mean this 8 oz. one? http://www.tigerclaw.com/medium-weight-100-cotton-traditional-uniform-c-305-p-1-pr-5652.html

Neal Earhart
09-20-2009, 03:40 PM
I've been using...


They are single-weave and fairly lightweight. The jacket folds up into a pretty compact package.

I also have the Tozando "seersucker" gi...but, I don't like those since they easily get saturated with sweat and stop their wicking action. But, they do fold into a very small package.

Nick P.
09-21-2009, 06:52 AM
I would echo Neal's comments about saturation in general; my 8oz Bujin, the thinner one compared to the 12oz, starts off well enough, but by 1/2 way into practice it is most uncomfortable.

09-22-2009, 07:43 PM
I've been using...


They are single-weave and fairly lightweight. The jacket folds up into a pretty compact package.

I have the Tiger Claw Hayashi single weave...and I just bought this from Budovideos.com:http://www.budovideos.com/shop/customer/product.php?productid=27733&cat=369&page=1

I find both to be too heavy and bulky for travel...remember I carry it on my back while cycling, with some other stuff. Do you think the Tozando one is much lighter than these?

I will probably try an 8 oz. karate style...I am fortunate to be a light perspirer. If the Tozando is light as well, I may try adding it to my collection.
