View Full Version : 9 forms of kokyu sore

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09-15-2009, 03:55 AM
last june kubota shihan held a seminar in jakarta and bandung..

in his seminar he mention about 9 forms of kokyu sore, a 9 forms of breathing exercise..

this is new to me.. i tried to look for reference in aikido literature and found none..

can anybody that know what is that mind sharing it with me please?


09-16-2009, 07:06 AM
Have not heard of this yet but it sounds painful. Perhaps it is related to shomen-ouchi?

Hopefuloly someone who does know will come along soon.

09-16-2009, 11:52 AM
9 forms of kokyu sore sounds like what you feel after a really good class. :)

09-16-2009, 12:31 PM
9 sores:
1. sore head
2. sore neck
3. sore arms
4. sore wrists
5. sore shoulders
6. sore body
7. sore butt
8. sore knees
9. sore ankles

9 form of breathing:
1. "oh god i am going to die!" breathing
2. "i am still air borne and the edge of the mat disappears!" breathing
3. "double nikkyo!" breathing
4. "kata garuma" breathing
5. "My name is Enigo Montoya. you killed my father. Prepare to die!" breathing
6. "Stop saying that!" breathing
7. "me no understand japanglish!" breathing
8. "say, your hakama is untied!" misdirection breathing
9. "i am too sexy for my gi. too sexy that it hurts!" breathing


* i know i have issues which i am in therapy involving a big ugly stick with a nail in it *

09-16-2009, 01:01 PM
oops Edwin I'm really sorry... I think Jun is gonna need to move the thread. If there is a serious answer I hope someone provides it for you.

Gregg can I take it then that that would be your experience this morning? :D


Thank you you just totally made my day.

Rob Watson
09-16-2009, 01:42 PM
I never heard of kokyu sore either ...

This is pretty nifty http://www.arfalpha.com/ScienceOfBreath/ScienceBreath.htm

09-16-2009, 03:36 PM
Sorry I can't contribute as I have never heard of this... but I love Phi's explanation!

Mark Freeman
09-16-2009, 04:17 PM
I have only learnt 1 form of breathing in aikido, which is Ki Breathing as taught by Tohei Sensei.

I would be interested to see any answers from those that know about 9 forms of breathing. Is there a separate benefit from each different form?

I watch with baited breath;)


p.s. loved Phi's explanation:D

09-16-2009, 04:42 PM
Phi... Darth Vader breathing?

Garth Jones
09-16-2009, 05:01 PM
Cherie, Greg, really... What will people think? The thought makes me almost, well, sore...

Edwin - I'm sorry, I'm afraid that I haven't heard of all of these breathing exercises either. If I learn anything, I will happily post...


raul rodrigo
09-16-2009, 07:12 PM
In a 2004 lecture, Hiroshi Tada 9th dan, Kubota's teacher listed the forms of kokyu soren (not sore) thus:

A. Kokyu soren

1. Kokyu in the morning
2. Kokyu that activates the nerve system throughout the body
3. Kokyu that vibrates life and raises the level of life power
4. Kokyu that stimulate the costal and respiratory muscles and increase breath power
5. Kokyu that increases breath power while expanding the chest
6. Kokyu that promote blood circulation
7. Kokyu for purification
8. Kiai, or a shout delivered with strong Ki for the purpose of focusing all of one's energy

09-17-2009, 06:02 AM
In a 2004 lecture, Hiroshi Tada 9th dan, Kubota's teacher listed the forms of kokyu soren (not sore) thus:

A. Kokyu soren

1. Kokyu in the morning
2. Kokyu that activates the nerve system throughout the body
3. Kokyu that vibrates life and raises the level of life power
4. Kokyu that stimulate the costal and respiratory muscles and increase breath power
5. Kokyu that increases breath power while expanding the chest
6. Kokyu that promote blood circulation
7. Kokyu for purification
8. Kiai, or a shout delivered with strong Ki for the purpose of focusing all of one's energy

:) thank you for correcting me.. i think it was kokyu soren that i looking for..
i googling it and found some interesting artikel about it by Hiroshi Shihan


The most important thing in practicing the Japanese traditional training method is to clearly understand the relationship of self, mind and body. Without understanding, the act of practice itself will not work out. In oriental philosophy, the "mind and body are equipments necessary to lead to the stage of upaya to enable the life of Crue self to survive the world of phenomena" and they must be skillfully controlled to promote complete exertion of their capability. Regarding the relationship between the mind and body, the founder of Aikido, Ueshiba Morihei Sensei had explained to us to "understand the mind as a person under training and body as the dojo." When explaining to the general public, I would tell them to train themselves while considering the mind as a musician and body as an instrument. It is important for us to improve our skill as a musician while also working out our body (instrument) into a more accurate and sophisticated instrument. The level of our keenness will probably improve infinitely according to the needs of time. It is well known Chat today's latest science and technology is supported by the manual labor of the skilled labors. For example, at a famous precision optical factory which one of my student (K of Aikido Kirenkai, Tokyo University) visited for his practical training, when manufacturing a new precision lens, the vert' first one is madeby the hand of the skilled lens grinder based on the new blueprint. Ile told me how impressed ho, was to watch them complote their micro-level job only with therr bands. The equipment that the skilled labors are using is the saure equipment chat, was used a hundred years ago. The standard error of the lens described in the instruction manual provided by the company is only 0.05 micron. Kan no Kenkyu written by Ryo Kuroda. published from Iwanami Shoten, used to be an essential book for those practicing budo. The sequel to this book includes a section writing about the character, , pronounced "ki." The meaning of the character j i leads to the meaning of the character ` , which is also pronounced "ki." expresses the situation of a hall which is trying to bounce off from the floor at the moment it reaches the floor. F'' expresses the moment of the arrow leaving the bow. Each character expresses extremely subtle motion taking place instantly. To capture these moments, we must be prepared to respond to them. For example, the following report on microscopie writing research shows the capability of human being acquiring a mind and body that can respond to subtle movements by experiencing specific job and training. The result of the experiment, conducted by the Department of Science. University of Kyoto, was announced in "Seirigaku Kenkyu," vol. 10 in 1935 by Sosen Miyake. In the experiment, at first, Miyake wrote 1,000 kanji characters inside the square centimeter frame using Japanese ink and brush within 2 or 3 hours. Then, lie wrote oui, 100 poems of Hyakunin Isshu, an anthology of 100 poems by 100 différent poets, and drew the portrait of each poet in color within a square, 15 mm a side. As a result, lie was able to complete his tasks in 5 hours. In the report, Miyake says that lie makes the tip of the brush naturally write out the characters by gazing at the tip of the brush, holding it still and drawing an image of character between the paper and the eyes. Although there are différences between individuals, the report shows us that the more we train ourselves, the more we become capable of exhibiting amazing ability. "Synchronization of Mind, Technique and Body," an Ideal Situation for Human Being Aikido is a budo that was developed and studied in the Showa era. Originally, Aïkido was a practical martial art for effectively beating opponents in the battlefield. However, today, Aikido overcomes the killing, destruction, confrontation and competition that it had experienced in the frontlines of the big wars. Aikido is "a budo for the modern period" having the objective to make a positive contribution (progress and improvement of the universe) through mutual training of ki, mind and body based on the Japanese traditional concept, "Banyusoai" (the love completes the whole univers(,), and t.he spirit of Yamato (the country name of ancient, Japan which means to have harmony among all people). Today, many people from many countries are in sync with the spirit of Aiki.

* Practice : Basic posture.
* Controlling by breathing exercise.
* Kokyu soren.
* Kokyu in the morning.
* Kokyu that activates the verve system throughout the body.
* Kokyu that vibrates life and raises the level of life power.
* Kokyu that stimulate the costal and respiratory muscles and increase breath power.
* Kokyu that increases breath power while expanding the chest 6. Kokyu that promote blood circulation.
* Kokyu for purification.
* Kiai, or a shout delivered with sarong Ki for the purpose of focusing all of one's energy.
* Breathing exercise in 6 sounds (a, i, u, e, o, un).
* Having a free and pure mind

Voiced Voiced - Unvoiced Unvoiced C. Breathing exercise for training "tanden" (the focal point of the body's energy) Upper tanden Middle tanded Lower tanden. D. Breathing exercise that spreads "Ki" throughout the body. E. Breathing in unison

By Hiroshi Tada, 9th dan

and referring to this article probably i'll start finding out bout kokyu soren in ki society literature :confused:

9 sores:
1. sore head
2. sore neck
3. sore arms
4. sore wrists
5. sore shoulders
6. sore body
7. sore butt
8. sore knees
9. sore ankles

9 form of breathing:
1. "oh god i am going to die!" breathing
2. "i am still air borne and the edge of the mat disappears!" breathing
3. "double nikkyo!" breathing
4. "kata garuma" breathing
5. "My name is Enigo Montoya. you killed my father. Prepare to die!" breathing
6. "Stop saying that!" breathing
7. "me no understand japanglish!" breathing
8. "say, your hakama is untied!" misdirection breathing
9. "i am too sexy for my gi. too sexy that it hurts!" breathing


* i know i have issues which i am in therapy involving a big ugly stick with a nail in it *

on this one.. LOL :D thanks phi.. thank you for the appetizer.. ;) :D

09-17-2009, 08:02 AM
Phi... Darth Vader breathing?

no no. that's the dark side of aiki. it's not safe to do that sort of breathing. only skilled internal masters can do that safely, most of the time, and only during Halloween or star wars convention (which nobody saw me in an ewok costume!). :)

09-17-2009, 08:32 AM
Article here by Hiroshi Tada.

PDF document that goes into a little more detail on "kokyu soren".

09-18-2009, 02:46 AM
Article here by Hiroshi Tada.

PDF document that goes into a little more detail on "kokyu soren".

thanks mark.. it was helpfull.. thanks again.. :)