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Jeffrey Tanaka
09-09-2009, 06:25 PM
Grew up listening to Aikido stories all my life. My Father being Japanese American post world war 2 growing up was physically threatened on a daily basis. Learned real quick how Street fight well. Joined a gang and became their Enforcer. Was drafted and sent to Korea to serve on the front lines. In Korea saw an old man in a bar being picked on by several american GI's. When we went to joint the fray, the old man had already dismantled them without breaking a sweat. Sought the man out and began to learn what was called Aikido.

Came back to California in the late 1950's and tried to find an instuctor to teach him more. No instructor to be had.

use to learn ukemi in our living room. Taught me how to use a knife and a belt with a heave buckle after dinner. Thought this was all normal until I was telling a friend about it who looked horrified at the thought.

Took aikido freshman year in college in 1979. Failed it when I stopped going because my pre-med studies got in the way.

Graduated med school, did resisdency in Compton Watts during the height of the gang wars. Saw automatic weapon and Molotov cocktail deaths, so understand the results of extreme violence.

dabbled in martial arts off and on but didn't start training seriously until my son started taking TKD in my late thirties. Studied with him for five years.

Son went on to high school and stopped TKD. So I decided to go back to my roots, and began a study of Aikido about Four years ago.

Seibukan dojo, Hiroshi Tajiri sensei. Formerly of American Aikido association under Fumio Toyoda

Hope that fills people in

(my real name)

Janet Rosen
09-09-2009, 07:13 PM
Welcome, and thank you for sharing your story.

09-09-2009, 08:04 PM

09-09-2009, 09:31 PM
In Korea saw an old man in a bar being picked on by several american GI's. When we went to joint the fray, the old man had already dismantled them without breaking a sweat. Sought the man out and began to learn what was called Aikido.
How dare you suggest that aikido is effective?:D

09-09-2009, 10:50 PM
Welcome. I enjoyed learning about your background.

09-10-2009, 08:28 AM
Hi Jeffrey,

Thank you for your lovely introduction and welcome to AikiWeb.

-- Jun

Larry Cuvin
09-10-2009, 11:12 AM
Nice intro doc. Welcome to Aikiweb.
