View Full Version : "Hidden in Plain Sight" - Chapter 3 Kuki family

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Ernesto Lemke
09-07-2009, 09:51 AM
Hi Ellis,

This may mean nothing and I’m not even sure if this is relevant to anyone in any way. I’m merely pointing something out which I noticed.

On page 147 you stated (as taken from the Kuki website) that Ueshiba together with Kuki Takaharu established, “to be exact, Amenomurakumo Samuhara Aikido.”

What I noticed missing in this phrase was the word/name “Kuki.” FI an excerpt as taken from the Takemusu Aiki lectures (from Aikido Journal #116, 1999) http://www.aikidojournal.com/article?articleID=636
“Aikido is the work of Ame no Murakumo Kuki Samuhara Ryuou.11
Kuki is a double-edged sword which cuts through and unites the appearances of the Great Spirit of the Earth and Heaven. That is, it is a two-edged sword of Heaven and Earth.
As I said, merely pointing this out. I’ll let others do the speculating or draw conclusions. I have none to offer at this point. All I can share was that when I was still part of John Stevens’ organization we chanted “Namu Ame no Murakumo Kuki Samuhara Ryu-o” as part of Kotodama practice.

Ernesto Lemke

Ellis Amdur
09-07-2009, 10:47 AM
Ernesto - I have no idea.
One thing about the Kuki family that I find fascinating is that I've heard they are one of a number of clans that have maintained an alternate history of Japan - they have old texts based on oral tradition that are both variant forms of Shinto, and have myths that are different from the standards in the Kojiki. Evidently, the Kojiki and Nihon Shoki were compiled from the myths of the most politically dominant clans. Certainly these texts are not released in English. I do not know if they have been released publicly in Japanese either.


09-07-2009, 06:08 PM
One thing about the Kuki family that I find fascinating is that I've heard they are one of a number of clans that have maintained an alternate history of Japan...Is it any wonder there are so many "alternate histories" of Aikido? As a gaijin, I'll probably never figure this out... :o

Ernesto Lemke
09-08-2009, 02:09 AM
From the Essence of Aikido by John Stevens:

page 33
"Morihei related that on December 14, 1940, the messenger Saruta-hiko [ ] appeared to him and announced that Ame-no-murakumo-kuki-samuhara Ryuo would thereafter take possession of his soul."

"Kuki, "Nine Fierce Spirits"(and the name of an ancient system of esoteric Shinto that Morihei studied deeply)"