View Full Version : 049) The Triangle- The Human Body: Week of 8/16/2009

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Marc Abrams
08-17-2009, 08:20 AM
Last week we explored the concept of circular movement in relationship to the category of techniques that we refer to as Shiho-Nage.  This week, I would like to explore the concept of the triangle from the perspective of our bodies.
In many respects, we can separate our body into two inter-related triangles.  The first triangle is created when we “draw” the lines from our feet to our spine.  I have both spoken and written about our posture on more than several occasions.  You can look back at my previous blogs on this subject area, so that I we do not have to repeat that much information.  One of the salient points that I emphasise is that our bodies (spine) should ideally be centered between our two feet.  This creates an equilateral triangle.  This in an ideal position in which our bodies can receive and channel forces without having to compensate by moving our bodies.   However, we sometimes look to create other types of triangles for specific purposes.  The basic body movement in funakogi undo and ikkyo undo teaches us to shift our bodies forwards and backwards while learning how to equalize force as though our bodies are in an equilateral triangle position.  These movements also allow us to focalize our energy in a particular vector for a particular purpose.  That being said, it is always best to allow our bodies to create a structure that is best suited for receiving, channeling and ultimately releasing energy.
The second triangle can be created when we “draw” the lines from our hands to our spine.  The nature of the triangle that this relationship creates is utilized in changing how we receive, channel and release energy.  Students should think back to the number of times that I ask them to focus on the type of triangle that is created when we are using our hands to “receive” the attack, “neutralize” the attack and execute a particular technique.  As an interesting note, I have pointed out that when two people shake hands, they each create an equilateral triangle with themselves.  This is a good point of query in which people can begin to ask some important questions about the body shapes that we create; in particular for this week, the triangles that we make.
I will spend this week exploring the independent, yet inter-related triangles that are created by our postures, footwork and upper-body movement as we work our way through a variety of categories of techniques.  I may add onto this blog as we progress in the exploration of this topic this week, but for right now, I would like to allow people to create their own discoveries in this area.
Marc Abrams Sensei

(Original blog post may be found here (http://aasbk.com/blog/?p=99).)

Russell Davis
08-17-2009, 03:36 PM
Please Forgive my intrusion, just read your item and my first thoughts were just how similar boxers use triangles. Looking forward to reading more of your articles.

Marc Abrams
08-17-2009, 03:45 PM
Please Forgive my intrusion, just read your item and my first thoughts were just how similar boxers use triangles. Looking forward to reading more of your articles.


I do not consider you comment an intrusion at all. As a matter of fact, I welcome all comments. The blog is a way of my thinking my way through what I am learning and teaching. People's comments only help me out (negative, positive and neutral).

It is not surprising that boxers utilize the geometry of a triangle. Changing the type of triangle can greatly alter what the body can do as far as receiving, neutralizing and giving force. A perfect example (which I illustrated in my noontime class today) was how a right angle triangle is an excellent way to send a lot of force through a strong connection line. The other side of that, is that the line connecting the two right angles, is where the weak place is when force is delivered to you. That is typically why the boxer is suppose to move after throwing a punch so as to not be in a place where a strike to a weak spot can occur. Think of how many times a boxer is knocked out when a counter-punch is delivered to the boxer throwing a punch along a strong line of power.


Marc Abrams