View Full Version : Any one know of a Daito ryu group in Fresno??

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05-12-2009, 06:04 PM
So I'm at a party on Saturday night, and I see an old friend. We start talking about stuff, and he asks me how Aikido is going. Then he says his neighbor studies some "art" with a "funny name", that is "the father of Aikido".

I said, oh, he studies Jujutsu. No says my friend, "it's got a funny name". I said not Daito ryu. Oh yeah that's it. I was surprised, and asked him lots of questions, but he didn't know much more then it was in Fresno.

He has yet to see his neighbor since we talked to ask the questions I wanted answers too. Anyways do any of you know of a website I can check for Daito ryu schools, or know if there is a Daito ryu school in Fresno California? I'm curious.

07-23-2009, 01:55 PM
So I'm at a party on Saturday night, and I see an old friend. We start talking about stuff, and he asks me how Aikido is going. Then he says his neighbor studies some "art" with a "funny name", that is "the father of Aikido".

I said, oh, he studies Jujutsu. No says my friend, "it's got a funny name". I said not Daito ryu. Oh yeah that's it. I was surprised, and asked him lots of questions, but he didn't know much more then it was in Fresno.

He has yet to see his neighbor since we talked to ask the questions I wanted answers too. Anyways do any of you know of a website I can check for Daito ryu schools, or know if there is a Daito ryu school in Fresno California? I'm curious.

Hey, were you ever able to locate the Diato ryu dojo? I have been scouring the internet for information but from what I've been able to gather, there are very few Diato ryu dojo's outside of Japan.

07-23-2009, 05:40 PM
Nope, and it's unfortunate, I would really like to train in Daito Ryu.

08-17-2009, 11:27 AM
I'd be VERY surprised if there were a Daito-Ryu school in Fresno. But there's a school teaching Hakko-Ryu Jujitsu, on Fulton between Olive and Belmont. I study there. Maybe that's what your friend was thinking of. Hakko-Ryu was founded by a master named Okuyama (1901 - 1987), who was a himself a Daito-Ryu master, having studied under Takeda. Disillusioned by the violence and aftermath of WWII, Okuyama took his Jujitsu in a nonviolent direction, emphasizing pain control and pressure points over breaks and strikes.

Don't rule out the Korean arts of Hapkido and it's derivatives (Hwa Rang Do and Kuk Sool Won). Master Choi Young-Sul, the founder of Hapkido, lived in the household of Master Takeda for thirty years and mastered the Daito-Ryu system. In fact he claimed to be the only one to have learned the entire Daito-Ryu curriculum. Whether that's true or not, there's no doubt that Hapkido has a vast curriculum (3000+ techniques).

There is no Hapkido school in Fresno, unfortunately.

My background is in Hapkido, and though I am only a colored belt I have a good foundation. If you wanted to take me on as an Aikido student Chris, I'd be happy to share my Hapkido.

08-17-2009, 12:05 PM
You are welcome to come do Aikido with us in the fall if you like, just give me a call ( www.centralvalleyaikido.com ).

I Know the Olson's, I have thought about going by, but I'm interested in Daito ryu specifically right now.

I have located the Fresno Daito ryu group, thanks to a certain email (thanks again). It is through the Daito-Ryu Aiki Jujutsu Kodokai North American Hombu. With regular seminars held by Hayawo Kiyama Shihan. I am currently waiting to see if I'll be accepted to try a class with the group.

08-17-2009, 01:24 PM
Could also be that they just don't advertise via website or yellow pages. My old dojo was that way.

David Orange
08-17-2009, 01:54 PM
I have located the Fresno Daito ryu group, thanks to a certain email (thanks again). It is through the Daito-Ryu Aiki Jujutsu Kodokai North American Hombu. With regular seminars held by Hayawo Kiyama Shihan. I am currently waiting to see if I'll be accepted to try a class with the group.

Good luck, Chris. With Kiyama Sensei, you can get the goods!


Mark Jakabcsin
08-18-2009, 03:53 PM
Could he have meant Fremont instead of Fresno? If so look at the Roppokai home page.


12-24-2009, 07:37 AM
Although I haven't participated myself, the Asian Martial Arts Center in Fresno has a Daito Ryu study group on Saturdays. Although primarily a Shotokan/Kobudo/Kickboxing school, they periodically host Daito Ryu seminars and then practice on Saturdays.

Although my background is in Aikido, I trained at the Asian Martial Arts Center for Shotokan for a couple of years while traveling for business. I thought the sensei (Cho Sensei) was fantastic and really approached the teaching from a fundamental understanding perspective. I gained a lot of insights from him that helped me with my Aikido. Unfortunately, I no longer travel to Fresno, but I loved that dojo.



Michael Varin
12-25-2009, 02:54 AM
I will take the liberty of speeking for Chris on this one.

He found the Daito Ryu group and trained with them. It was at Will Cho's school.

Will is a fantastic teacher. Many years ago I had a great experince learning kick boxing from him. I always meant to learn the sai, but I never got around to it. Some day maybe. . .