View Full Version : June 22- 27 Oklahoma City Summer Aikido Intensive

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Nick Lowry
04-12-2009, 11:35 AM
:ai: :ki: :do:
June 22- 27 Windsong Dojo Summer Aikido Intensive in Oklahoma City

6 Daysof Ongoing Aikido Instruction with Nick Lowry
supplemented with several good daily doses of AIkido , Judo, and Jyodo instruction by the Windsong Dojo Budo Kai instructors throughout the week

Aikido students of all levels are invited to come and train!

During the intensive, the normal dojo schedule (morning , noon and evening classes) http://windsongdojo.com/school/school_sched.html will be supplemented by Nick Lowry teaching two special sessions each day (mid morning and mid afternoon) -- Intensive participants may do as much or as little training as they prefer -- Attendenace at all class times/and special sessions is not required (best to pace yourselves-- this is ALOT of mat hours) -- An Average of 6 budo classes per day !

Meditation and Chi Gung times will also be avalible during the week.

The Intensive will conclude with our traditional Saturday schedule followed by a
Dojo Drum beat party (potluck) on Satuday night --June 27.

Out of towners are welcome to camp out on the mat throughout the week and save a few bucks or there are lots of cheap motels as well.

Cost for Windsong Dojo members (payable only if you plan to attend the extra intensive sessions-- not applicable if only attending the regular class times which are covered in normal tuition) $90 (or $15 per day)

Cost for Kaze Uta Budo Kai members $120 (or $20 per day)

Cost for non-members $180 (or $30 per day)

For more info contact nick@windsongdojo.com