View Full Version : doshu heading to wales

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03-23-2009, 07:18 AM

looking forward to this big time :D

04-29-2009, 04:20 AM
I'll be there on the Saturday, tickets already purchased :):)

05-02-2009, 10:51 AM
I've been informed that I owe my instructor money so I assume this means I'm going. :D

07-14-2009, 01:39 PM
Is he coming because of some anniversary or some other special occasion or is it "just" a seminar?


07-14-2009, 07:01 PM
That's great that the Doshu is traveling all the way to Western Europe, even though I don't think GB truly considers itself part of Europe. It's amazing that O'Sensei's son, and now even his grandson, have accepted the difficult position of Doshu. Often I think that a son should do something different from his father, because despite some shared genetics, he is a different person. But when it comes to the Founder's lineage, I honor the sort of "Le roi est mort, vive le roi" mentality through genealogy. As far as I know, nobody forced the position of extreme responsibility onto Kisshomaru or Moriteru. I say, "as far as I know" only because I haven't heard differently. If anyone has, please let me know. It would change my knowledge of history, but not my level of respect. Clearly, they both took their fathers' position seriously and are excellent teachers and promoters of Aikido. Maybe I'll meet them someday if I can get myself out of Florida!


07-14-2009, 07:04 PM
I mean, meet Moriteru Doshu in this live, and who knows, maybe so many other great souls in an afterlife!


Peter Goldsbury
07-14-2009, 08:30 PM
As far as I know, nobody forced the position of extreme responsibility onto Kisshomaru or Moriteru. I say, "as far as I know" only because I haven't heard differently. If anyone has, please let me know. It would change my knowledge of history, but not my level of respect. Clearly, they both took their fathers' position seriously and are excellent teachers and promoters of Aikido. Maybe I'll meet them someday if I can get myself out of Florida!


Hello Drew,
Well, there is force and force. I am sure no one physically compelled Kisshomaru or Moriteru to become Doshu, but the moral pressure was/is there all the time. Now Mitsuteru has begun learning to become the fourth Doshu. When Kisshomaru died, I remember thinking, "Moriteru's awfully young and inexperienced", but he was elected Doshu by the Board of Directors of the Aikikai, who also formally elected Kisshomaru in 1969. I would think there were no dissenting votes.

Actually, Moriteru has grown into the position. I have known him for a long time before he became Doshu and he has matured, learning how to be a 'benevolent Emperor', who speaks only at the right moment. However, there are some who feel he is merely 'minding the shop', but I believe his maturing process has also enabled him to see all the issues concerning modern aikido and also to see which of these he is capable of dealing with and which he is not.

Best wishes,


07-14-2009, 10:14 PM
I can imagine the social pressure. We'd have to come pretty close to insanity to be able to feel Col. Kurtz's "freedoms" in Apocalypse Now. To Captain Willard: "Have you ever experienced any real freedoms? Freedom from the opinions of others...even from the opinions of yourself?"


Alex Megann
07-15-2009, 05:14 AM
Is he coming because of some anniversary or some other special occasion or is it "just" a seminar?


I believe that the history is as follows.

The British Aikido Federation (and, I suspect, the UK Aikikai too) have been trying to arrange a visit by Doshu to the UK for a little while, as he has not been here for something like fifteen years now. The BAF particularly wanted him to come, as Kanetsuka Shihan will be 70 at the end of this year and wanted to mark the occasion. I have heard that the Aikikai (probably including Doshu himself) have become impatient and frustrated with the lack of harmony between various of the five Aikikai-recognised organisations in the UK, and at their suggestion a meeting was arranged last year at which all five groups signed a formal invitation for Doshu to visit and give a jointly-organised course here. The weekend in Cardiff next year is the result.

I have registered for the weekend - it should be a great course.


07-16-2009, 10:18 AM
I believe that the history is as follows.

The British Aikido Federation (and, I suspect, the UK Aikikai too) have been trying to arrange a visit by Doshu to the UK for a little while, as he has not been here for something like fifteen years now. The BAF particularly wanted him to come, as Kanetsuka Shihan will be 70 at the end of this year and wanted to mark the occasion. I have heard that the Aikikai (probably including Doshu himself) have become impatient and frustrated with the lack of harmony between various of the five Aikikai-recognised organisations in the UK, and at their suggestion a meeting was arranged last year at which all five groups signed a formal invitation for Doshu to visit and give a jointly-organised course here. The weekend in Cardiff next year is the result.

I have registered for the weekend - it should be a great course.


Hi Alex

did you get tickets or just an acknowledgement? I've paid but not had tickets - I'm assuming my name is on the list and I am getting in..



David Maidment
07-16-2009, 12:02 PM
Daren: you should get an e-mail confirmation (it'll appear as a 'dispatch notification') after you've paid and sent off the form. No actual tickets are being distributed.

I booked my place a couple of months ago, and I know that a few other people from our club are going. I'm really looking forward to it.

07-16-2009, 01:58 PM
I believe that the history is as follows.

The British Aikido Federation (and, I suspect, the UK Aikikai too) have been trying to arrange a visit by Doshu to the UK for a little while, as he has not been here for something like fifteen years now. The BAF particularly wanted him to come, as Kanetsuka Shihan will be 70 at the end of this year and wanted to mark the occasion. I have heard that the Aikikai (probably including Doshu himself) have become impatient and frustrated with the lack of harmony between various of the five Aikikai-recognised organisations in the UK, and at their suggestion a meeting was arranged last year at which all five groups signed a formal invitation for Doshu to visit and give a jointly-organised course here. The weekend in Cardiff next year is the result.

I have registered for the weekend - it should be a great course.


Dear Alex,

Thanks for the explanation. Last year, I remember some rumors that Doshu would be coming to the BAF 40-year anniversary in Chester, but that did obviously not happen. Anyway, I hope this will lead to more harmony in the UK and I wish you the best of luck. Hopefully, I will be there too, but I have to postpone the final decision until I am sure my calendar is open that weekend. (unfortunately, direct flights from Oslo to Bristol has ceased so Cardiff might be tricky to get to as well, meaning I might need a couple of extra days for traveling back and forth). But I'll surly try to make it, and perhaps we'll get the chance to meet next year.


07-17-2009, 05:45 AM
Daren: you should get an e-mail confirmation (it'll appear as a 'dispatch notification') after you've paid and sent off the form. No actual tickets are being distributed.

I booked my place a couple of months ago, and I know that a few other people from our club are going. I'm really looking forward to it.

This is the response I got from the organisers ...

"The tickets will not be sent out by post they will be there for collection at the seminar itself. Entry to the dojo will be by a ticket which will be available for all those who have paid on the day. If you are coming for the whole weekend they will be ready for collection on the Friday, or if you have just booked for certain days they can be collected on that day. Tickets for entry to the buffet, if booked, will also be given at the seminar.

Hope this assists."

I have paid for all the days and buffet, looking forward to it :D

Patrick Hutchinson
07-17-2009, 07:26 AM
(For those who remember Python's Big Red Book)

I think it more likely that Doshu is going to test for his 2nd Dai, leek-coloured belt in Llap-Goch

05-10-2010, 09:57 AM
I have a friend who has a ticket to the buffet for sale. PM me and I will put you in touch ...


05-20-2010, 04:22 PM
I'll be going with a rental car from Heathrow on Thursday evening and returning on Sunday. There seem to be one or two empty seats, so anyone who needs a ride can get in contact.
