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Mary Eastland
12-19-2008, 04:32 PM
This year I will bend my knees more and sit seiza a little more.
This year I will continue to appreciate every uke for their unique gifts,
this year I will continue to practice aikido at the library by acknowledging an attack, extending ki at my partner in conflict, then responding from my center,
this year I will train every chance I can because life is short. :cool:
How about you?
See ya on the mat.

12-19-2008, 06:22 PM
This year I will work more on my posture
This year I will train harder
This year I will work more on my kokyu and zanshin

Best wishes to everyone and a great new yr :)

12-19-2008, 06:29 PM
...wonder what the heck happened to last year... :confused: ;)

12-19-2008, 07:59 PM
... finish renovating the house, fix the cars, get the dojo's files in order, figure out the mechanism of the first differentiation event in mammalian embryogenesis, try not to think of my hands so much when I atemi, try to do a little less bending over backward when taking ukemi, bake more bread, and eat more leafy greens.:drool:

12-19-2008, 09:33 PM
...eat my rice, drink my tea, wear my clothes.

Nathan Wallace
12-19-2008, 09:53 PM
...eat my rice, drink my tea, wear my clothes.

You don't usually wear your clothes?!?!?:confused: :eek:

Joe McParland
12-19-2008, 10:23 PM
... not make any resolutions.

Whoops! ;)

12-20-2008, 04:08 PM
Keep a positive decision, direction, and discipline.
IOW. keep training.

12-20-2008, 05:17 PM
You don't usually wear your clothes?!?!?:confused: :eek:

Somehow I thought people would get the reference. Guess I was wrong.

12-20-2008, 06:24 PM
This year I will bend my knees more and sit seiza a little more.
This year I will continue to appreciate every uke for their unique gifts,
this year I will continue to practice aikido at the library by acknowledging an attack, extending ki at my partner in conflict, then responding from my center,
this year I will train every chance I can because life is short. :cool:
How about you?
See ya on the mat.

Shoot! I just thought of some of these the other day...
I guess my first one will be to work on my memory
to work on being more organized
to shift my behavior from thinking to doing
to push myself more.

Ewan Wilson
12-22-2008, 08:00 AM
get a new job that I like.

stop smoking!

train more.

try not to think too much when anticipating an attack and try to relax and let it happen.

try and sit in seiza at home every day for 15 mins. just breathe.

avoid making snap judgements.

Dieter Haffner
12-22-2008, 08:20 AM
This year I will continue to appreciate every uke for their unique giftsDoes that include smelly ukes?

12-22-2008, 10:07 AM
I will learn from my past mistakes :) .

Bob Blackburn
12-22-2008, 11:53 AM
All of the above. :)

Keep training.
Attend a few seminars
Start a blog

Randy Sexton
12-22-2008, 12:21 PM
Continue my Low-Carb diet and lose another 20 pounds.
Bend my knees!
Attack with increased controlled force and fall with style.
Feel good about where I am at in my learning curve and ride
the plateaus with wisdom and patience and humility.
Learn more about how to best help the new students.

And most importantly;
I will keep my face to the sun, smell the wind, and enjoy the feeling of the grass on my tummy!
That one I learned from my beloved Miniature Schnauzers Timmy and Sugar Bear who both died in the past two years.
............I miss them.......a lot

Marko Ilic
12-22-2008, 12:27 PM
Sorry for your friends...

Enrique Antonio Reyes
12-23-2008, 07:36 AM
Wait for my Uke to tap 9 times before I let go. 9 in 2009 :grr:

C. David Henderson
12-23-2008, 10:15 AM
Somehow I thought people would get the reference. Guess I was wrong.


I'm sorry, but I didn't. What is the reference?


David H

12-23-2008, 12:09 PM

I'm sorry, but I didn't. What is the reference?


David H

There are actually a number of similar sayings by various Zen masters. The one I'm thinking of was written by Gudo, who said:

I laugh at my ten-year pilgrimage-
Wilted robe, tattered hat, knocking at Zen gates,
In reality, The Buddha’s law is simple:
Eat your rice, drink your tea, wear your clothes.

We're all different, but for myself, the more goals I set myself, the less I am able to achieve, it seems like. Or, perhaps I achieve as much or more, but it just seems like less. It's hard to say. I know that for me, making lists about what I will do (today, next week, in the new year) is...well, not always an exercise in futility, but it's something I have to be careful about. I've had my apple cart upset plenty of times in life, leaving the proverbial best-laid plans all over the ground in pieces -- and even when that doesn't happen, I find that the changes I go through as a person cause many goals to outlive their usefulness. Thus, the very phrase "this year I will" gives me a bit of a rash.

Ron Tisdale
12-23-2008, 12:21 PM
Hi Mary, I didn't get the reference either, but I like it! :D

I also get rashes from lists... :(


C. David Henderson
12-23-2008, 01:03 PM

Thank you. (It sounded Zenish, but I like the full quote and don't think I've run into it before.)

Scuz me while I scratch my resolution rash...

Mary Eastland
12-28-2013, 09:15 AM
Wow, so much has changed since then.....

this year I will...I really have no idea....maybe just train every chance I get and appreciate this body that still can....
Have a Happy New year!

tim evans
12-28-2013, 10:23 AM
Try to take my 3rd kyu test that is long overdue.

12-28-2013, 11:05 AM
Relax and leave aikido at the dojo ( in reference to one of my posts )
Stop stuffing my face with the yummy holiday food (as of January 3rd, can't let yummy leftovers go to waste)
Come out of hybrenation and get back on active track.c

But then again this is not a resolution this is just something that is done every year :-)

Dave Gallagher
12-28-2013, 11:37 AM
Try to stop thinking about techniques and just react in a natural way. I also will try to forget about my many aches and pains.

12-28-2013, 02:42 PM
There are actually a number of similar sayings by various Zen masters. The one I'm thinking of was written by Gudo, who said:

I laugh at my ten-year pilgrimage-
Wilted robe, tattered hat, knocking at Zen gates,
In reality, The Buddha's law is simple:
Eat your rice, drink your tea, wear your clothes.

We're all different, but for myself, the more goals I set myself, the less I am able to achieve, it seems like. Or, perhaps I achieve as much or more, but it just seems like less. It's hard to say. I know that for me, making lists about what I will do (today, next week, in the new year) is...well, not always an exercise in futility, but it's something I have to be careful about. I've had my apple cart upset plenty of times in life, leaving the proverbial best-laid plans all over the ground in pieces -- and even when that doesn't happen, I find that the changes I go through as a person cause many goals to outlive their usefulness. Thus, the very phrase "this year I will" gives me a bit of a rash.

I can so very much relate. Any time I make bold assertions, life has a funny way of reminding me who is in charge. This is why, contrary to my lessons from Yoda, I say "try." That being said, this year I will work on making my best efforts better.

Lorien Lowe
12-30-2013, 05:46 AM
This year I will start training at a new dojo in a new town, and I will be appropriately humble, listen to my new sensei and sempai, and hopefully progress in my aikido.