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Håkan Hagström
12-18-2008, 01:25 AM
I'm relatively new to aikido. I started in August and I currently train twice a week. I'd like to train every day but family life prevents it. :)

Currently I don't have so many other hobbies or interests. In the mornings I try to do a bit of zazen and in the evenings I read books, mostly about aikido, ki and zen buddhism. Um.. Well, that's enough about me anyway...

12-18-2008, 03:56 AM

Håkan Hagström
12-18-2008, 04:29 AM
Thank you! Do you have any Finnish background by the way? Just wondering since your username, Voitokas means "victorious" in Finnish.

Randy Sexton
12-18-2008, 08:16 AM
Twice a week works well with my family and work schedule. Of course our classes usually last 2 hours. I do spend time between classes reading on Aikido to help supplement my training and I spend time at home practicing with the Bokken and Jo.
Enjoy your training but do not neglect other responsibilites. Aikido is all about balance, not just on the mat but in life.
If you are there for your family they will support you in your study and see the benefits in your health, both physical health and mental health.


Larry Cuvin
12-18-2008, 08:55 AM
+ 1 on Randy's comment. Welcome to Aikiweb Kakan.


12-18-2008, 09:27 AM
Hi Håkan,

Welcome to AikiWeb.

-- Jun

12-18-2008, 12:09 PM
Thank you! Do you have any Finnish background by the way? Just wondering since your username, Voitokas means "victorious" in Finnish.A little bit, though mostly Norwegian. I am trying to learn both languages for some visiting (new languages get harder as I get older! :rolleyes: ), though I have to say the Finnish has been the more difficult! What is Ekenäs like?

Larry Cuvin
12-18-2008, 12:38 PM
Apologies for the misspelled name Hakan.

Håkan Hagström
12-18-2008, 11:14 PM
Thanks, all!

Twice a week works well with my family and work schedule. Of course our classes usually last 2 hours. I do spend time between classes reading on Aikido to help supplement my training and I spend time at home practicing with the Bokken and Jo.
Enjoy your training but do not neglect other responsibilites. Aikido is all about balance, not just on the mat but in life.
If you are there for your family they will support you in your study and see the benefits in your health, both physical health and mental health.

We only have one hour classes, but I guess I can settle for two times a week now. Maybe I can increase it as the kids get older. Sensei says that twice a week is OK for now, but if we want to make progress later on, we'll have to step it up.

A little bit, though mostly Norwegian. I am trying to learn both languages for some visiting (new languages get harder as I get older! :rolleyes: ), though I have to say the Finnish has been the more difficult! What is Ekenäs like?
Yeah, Finnish is difficult! It's not my mother tongue so I had to learn it in school. Unfortunately it didn't stick very well so after 12 years of studies I can still only barely make myself understood in Finnish. At some point I think I actually spoke better Japanese than Finnish. I read somewhere, though, that Norwegian should be one of the easiest languages to learn for English speakers.

Ekenäs is a small town at the southwest coast. Not much to do here in the winter, but the summers are great. We get pretty much tourists here then. I guess they mostly come for the nature and the archipelago.

Apologies for the misspelled name Hakan.
No worries, Larry!

Jacqueline von Arb
12-21-2008, 02:49 PM
A little bit, though mostly Norwegian. I am trying to learn both languages for some visiting (new languages get harder as I get older! :rolleyes: ), though I have to say the Finnish has been the more difficult! What is Ekenäs like?

Hi Jeremy, if you make it over the big pond to Norway, let me know, I'm Swiss, got family in CA but now based in Stavanger, Norway.

12-21-2008, 03:06 PM
Hi Jeremy, if you make it over the big pond to Norway, let me know, I'm Swiss, got family in CA but now based in Stavanger, Norway.Thanks! We will, one of these days... When we have time to travel, my wife and I usually visit her family in Japan or mine in Toronto. But we both really do want to visit Norway and Finland! I understand from my father that when his grandmother's father lost the family farm gambling, the government bought it and it eventually became part of an open-air farm museum, so I'd like to see if it's still there, and Finland, and we have some friends in Sweden and Denmark and Hungary... <sigh>... One at a time, I guess! I'll look you up when we go to Norway!